chapter 10

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Another week passed as quickly as the ones previously and just before they knew it, Halloween was approaching

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Another week passed as quickly as the ones previously and just before they knew it, Halloween was approaching. Apparently, according to Seamus, so was the arrival of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

"I heard Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore talk about opening up the Hogwarts barrier for something, yesterday. I think the schools are coming", he'd told the Gryffindors at lunch.

Meanwhile, Hermione had started to make S.P.E.W badges and Emelie, Ron, and Harry had all taken one as to keep her quiet. The Hogwarts grounds were now emitting a light chill with which people responded by putting on a light sweater or wrapping their cloak tightly around themselves.

Today Emelie had a charms class in the afternoon and Professor Flitwick had a notice to give out which Emelie highly thought was going to be about the tournament.

When she arrived in his class, Professor Flitwick snapped the door shut with a flick of his wand and greeted them.

"Good Afternoon everyone, today Professor McGonagall has assigned me to bring out the news that this Friday the 30th of October the two rival schools, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will arrive at 6 o'clock and therefore all your classes will end half an hour early. With that being said, does anyone have any questions?". A Ravenclaw boy raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Belby?"

"Professor, can you give us more information about the Triwizard Cup?". Emelie suddenly was reminded of the fact that no one had given them the appropriate information about the cup or the significance it holds.

"Well, I wasn't supposed to give out any information yet, but I guess a little knowledge can't hurt"

"Originally the Triwizard Cup was named the Goblet of Fire- well, it still has that name- anyway, it was named such because of the simple fact that whenever a champions name was plucked out, a fire would erupt inside the cup".

Fred now raised his hand asking, "Does a fire erupt inside the cup also when individuals put their name in to be selected?"

"Why yes. Unless you are underage, you will be knocked back by an age line. No aging Potions will work here".

Another Ravenclaw was about to raise their hand but Flitwick says, "I think we've had enough questions; Dumbledore will further explain this when the time comes. Now time to get on with the lesson!".

After Charms was over (they'd practiced the Summoning and Banishing charm which had failed for most people yet somehow worked for Emelie), she went over to Gryffindor common room to celebrate the day being over.

She was immediately greeted with Hermione trying to recruit people to be part of S.P.E.W. So far it seemed she was having no luck.

"Emelie, did you hear the schools are coming this Friday?", Harry tells her. He is sitting at one of the tables, parchment spread out in front of him. Ron is sitting next to him looking mournfully at his homework.

"Yeah, Flitwick told us". Emelie sits down at the table Harry and Ron are working at and begins to take out her own work. Today all she had was another essay from Snape and a plant name to memorize for Herbology.

"Ron, what's wrong?", Emelie asked. Ron had looked quite off since she set foot in the common room.

"I don't know Emelie, but I'm sure you'd be in the same mood as me if you had to remember a potion and write it down in an essay". Emelie nodded understandably. Potions was no joke, especially this time around. Hermione then joined them, looking quite spiteful.

"Can you believe them! No one wants to join S.P.E.W because of the tournament".

"I don't think that's the only reason", Ron mumbles, making Hermione angrier than she already is.

"At least we're in the organization, Hermione", Emelie states in hopes of cheering Hermione up.

Hermione, though, remains unbothered and uffs while taking out her homework. Emelie tries to conjure up something to distract the trio's minds.

"You know, now that the schools are coming, I'm
wondering, where are they going to stay? The students, I mean". This stirs up a conversation, Neville joining them as he had been listening.

"Well, if they stay in the common rooms, I doubt there'd be room for them", Neville says, his face turning red.

"I don't think they'll stay in the common rooms, Neville", Harry says, "I heard Beauxbatons has a carriage that expands into a sleeping wagon; don't know if it's true".

"What about Durmstrang?", Seamus asks, joining the conversation.

"Same thing as Harry said but maybe with a boat. I've kept myself informed with a book from the library", Hermione boasts. Ron rolls his eyes, looking back down at his homework.

The Gryffindors then converse for a couple more minutes about Halloween, the arrival of the schools, and the triwizard cup. After they finish their homework, Emelie, Ron, Hermione, and Harry all head downstairs to the Great Hall in a much better mood than before.

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