Sero's match went pretty much how I expected, though Todoroki went a little more over the top than I thought he would. The third match was over quickly as well. Aoyama started off strong, but Shiozaki from Class B claimed victory in the end. The fourth match between Iida and Hatsume was dragging on pretty long though. I only caught the first bit before leaving to hang out in the waiting room before my own match, but I saw enough to see she was using Iida as a living breathing advertisement.
Poor guy. I felt kinda bad for him, I'm sure he's going to be embarrassed after that match. I was grateful it was dragging out so long though. It gave me time to calm my nerves. I wasn't really worried about losing to Kaminari or anything, but I wasn't excited to be the center of attention while we fought either.
I tapped my fingers on the table and sighed loudly to myself before dropping my head on the table in front of me.
"Hey. You doing ok?"
"Hm?" I looked up to see Uraraka standing above me. Her face was twisted into a grim expression that was pretty off putting, "Eh?! You're asking me if I'm doing OK, but what's with that look?"
She sat down next to me and rubbed the back of her head, "Oh well I don't know. I guess I'm just kinda nervous."
I sat up and nodded, "Yeah I hear you. Me too."
She sighed, "I know I can trust you to be honest with me... If there's anything to be said about you, you're good for that at least." She started before gazing down at her hands that were folded neatly on the table, "D-do you think... t-that I stand a chance at beating Bakugo?"
My eyes grew wide as I stared at her, she didn't dare look over at me. I didn't think it was hopeless or anything, but I was pretty sure that she wasn't going to be able to win this. I really didn't want to tell her that though, but I also didn't want to lie. I was still mulling over what I was going to say and started to open my mouth to reply when in walked Iida.
I quickly hopped up, "Oh well I guess that means it's time for my round! Good luck Uraraka!" I shouted as I bolted from the room. As soon as the door shut behind me I facepalmed, "Damn it... real smooth Eiko. You may as well have told her 'Oh no there is no way in hell YOU could POSSIBLY beat Bakugo...'" I mumbled to myself as I started heading for the arena.
"We're gonna charge right on along to the fifth match. It's time to introduce our competitors!"
The crowd cheered as Kaminari and I made our way to the arena and Present Mic gave our introductions.
"She got in on recommendations and it's not hard to see why. It's our force field loving hero in training. From Class 1A, Eiko Yagi!"
"Versus the boy with the electric personality, another hero in the making, Denki Kaminari!"
The crowd cheered as we stepped into the ring and stared each other down. "I wanna see a super flashy battle this time!" Present Mic yelled out, "So anyway, let's get this show on the road! Begin!"
Kaminari got into a fighting stance and then gave me a smirk, "What do ya say to making a wager with me?"
I looked at him quizzically, "Um what? This isn't really the t-"
He cut me off, "If I beat you then you have to agree to let me take you out on a date," He said with a wink, "Well?"
I cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked, "Oh yeah? You think this will be that easy?"
He smiled big and sparks started flying all around him, "I know it will! This is gonna be over in two seconds, honey." He put his hand up and the sparks flying around him started going crazy, "Indiscriminate Shock. One point three million volts!" He threw his hands down and a powerful surge of electricity rushed towards me.
I didn't attempt to block, I just held out my hand and let the electricity hit me. I absorbed as much as I could and dropped one of the copper pipes Power Loader gave me on the ground and used my quirk to channel the rest over to it.
Kaminari just stood there with that dopey look of his, "Huh?" He asked and started looking all around like he was lost or something.
I nervously rubbed the back of my head and shrugged at him. "Sorry bud tough luck, your quirks no good against me." I walked over to him and held my arm out, "Why don't you let me help you out there?"
He held two thumbs up and gave me a weird derpy laugh as I hooked my arm in his and walked him right to the edge of the arena and made him step out of bounds.
"Huh?! Well. I guess that's all folks. Man! Another bori- I mean... It was over in an instant!" Present Mic announced. Miss Midnight pointed her whip over to me, "The fifth match is over, Kaminari is out of bounds. The winner is Yagi! She advances on!"
I groaned at her, "Ugh please don't call me that. Eiko is fine..." I doubt she heard me though as the crowd began cheering.
I watched as a couple of robots lifted Kaminari off on a gurney. He wasn't really injured but he was still pretty out of it. He was still giving two thumbs up and laughing goofily the whole time. The crowd was yelling out, "Nice Try!" to him like they had Sero. "Maybe I should have let him fight a little longer. I'm sure he's going to be super embarrassed after that..."
I made my way back up to Class 1A's viewing area and plopped down next to Bakugo before giving him a smirk, "Guess you were right. I won my first match, getting nervous yet?"
He scoffed, "Obviously I was right, I'm always right, and why the hell would I be nervous?"
"Um, cause you might have to fight me?" I said and then poked his arm.
"Again, why the hell would I be nervous?"
I frowned at him and his unwillingness to play along, then I turned forward to watch Momo and Tokoyami's fight. It was over in a matter of seconds, and I suddenly found myself second guessing if I even stood a chance against him.
I wished Kirishima luck as he headed down and Bakugo got up to leave as well. I assumed he was heading down to the waiting room to prepare for his match with Uraraka. I frowned to myself as I remembered how nervous she was, and thought about what I should have said to her. I wondered if she was going to be ok, and I was still lost in thought when Sero suddenly tapped my shoulder.
"Hey, that was a great match. You and Todoroki both made Kaminari and me look like a joke though." He said with a pout and dropped his head.
I gave him an apologetic smile, "Yeah Todoroki did go a little overboard with you. Are you doing ok?"
"Yeah yeah, physically I'm fine but I don't think my pride will ever recover."
I couldn't help but laugh a little at his statement, before he pointed at me, "I wanted to ask if you were ok though. I was thinking maybe that shock fried your hair or something? From up here I could have sworn I saw it turn black."
"Hm? Really?" I asked before taking my hair down from its ponytail and running my fingers through it. It felt fine, but sure enough there was a large section of it that had turned solid black. "What the hell? That's never happened before..." I stared at the black streak and Sero gave it a look of concern.
"You think maybe it had to do with Kaminari's attack? I mean that's when I saw it anyway... Maybe you should go see Recovery Girl just to be sure." Sero said with a worried tone.
I nodded, "Yeah you're probably right... Besides, I think Kirishima is going to be fighting for a while. I think I have time." I said before standing up and heading towards Recovery Girl's office. I gave one last look down at Kirishima who was still fighting neck and neck with Class B's Tetsutetsu before leaving.