**Another 2 weeks later**
>Avery POV<
“I’m going to miss living here,” Rian said picking up his bags and heading to the door. I trailed behind him with Jack on my heals.
“It will be weird not having you here,” Jack said I nodded in agreement. “But you practically lived here before you moved in so I’m sure it will stay that way.”
“You bet! I’ll see you later,” Rian said as he excited the building me and Jack stood there in silence. He stared at me for a long time but I didn’t say anything until I got to feed up with him.
“What?” I demanded.
“Are you happy?” I stared at him shocked why would he ask me this, but then again why was I thinking about it so hard. I stared at him and shook my head no as I fell into his arms.
“I should be I’m in a relationship with a great guy,” Jack rubbed my back as I fell to pieces in his arms.
“It’s okay Av, it’s okay!” Jack said trying to calm me down.
“I’m a horrible person…” I bellowed as my phone started to ring in my pocket I quickly composed myself and answered it. Jack exited the room so I could take it.
“Hi!” I said cheerily.
“I’ve missed you, sorry I haven’t called,” Jack said letting out a small chuckle.
“I have missed you to, not a problem how has the tour been going?” I asked feeling shaky.
“It’s going great,” he trailed off. “All the guys say hello.”
“Tell them I say hi to!” I said laughing as Jack walked back in and sat down beside me.
“You should come join us for a while? All the guys girlfriends are coming for the end would you like to join me?” I could hear the excitement of his voice when he asked me. It made me feel warm inside making me realize I really wanted this.
“I would love to!” I said excitedly I could here him telling the guys in the background.
“Great!!! Everyone’s coming on the 4th until the 12th would you be able to get that time off work?” he sounded like a kid on his birthday getting the toy he really wanted.
“The bar is closed from the 3rd until the 15th for renovations so it’s not a problem,” I told him happily.
“I’m so happy to get to see you in a few weeks I will call you again soon,” Jack said.
“I’m happy to.” I replied.
“Yeah Jack?” I asked confused.
“I love you.” my heart stopped.
“I love you to,” I replied trying to keep my cool but as soon as he hung up the phone dropped out of my hand.
I know this part was really short but it was more of a filler to help write the next part
what are you all thinking of it so far?