sonic walk home in shame and open his front door to his one-bedroom home but saw that there was a letter on the floor he picks it up and saw the last thing that he wanted.
the letter had the royal symbol on it with blue ribbons hanging at the bottom of it with his address and his full name 'Ogilvie Maurice hedgehog' sonic face then turn to frustration as he went to the living room and threw it in the trash not even bothering to read it as he knew what the request was.
sonic: screw you I am never going there not in a million years
sonic then went on the rest of his day and took a shower and went to bed with the maids uniform hanging on the door ready for the morning.
the next day:
shadow was in his living room waiting and heard a knock on the door he then went straight up to the door and open it to see that sonic was in front of him with a not so amused face expression but there was one thing that shadow had to ask him before he entered.
shadow: why are you not wearing the uniform that rouge gave you?
shadow was annoyed that he wasn't wearing it but then saw that sonic had it over his arm and after a few seconds of silents sonic then took a deep breath and said in a frustrated tone
sonic: forgive me master but I didn't want to wear it in public may I get dress when I come in
shadow then smirk as he let sonic into his house, he then shut the door as sonic look around and saw the place was in a mess as if a bomb just hit it with the only clear space there was the couch.
shadow sat on the couch with both hedgehog looking at each other with sonic then asking if he could get changed in the bathroom but shadow had other plans
shadow: nope I want you to get dress here right in front of me
sonic: WHAT WHY? master
shadow: because I know you would try and not wear the thong, so I want to make sure you do now hurry up you have a lot of work to do
sonic: do I have to master
shadow: do it now or I will get you dress myself and trust me my hands can wounder in places it shouldn't
sonic was blushing but regrettably done what he was told and started with taking his shoes off and then pull up the thong between his legs and then the dress and apron and the rest of the accessories all while not looking at shadow amused smug face with sonic cursing him in the back of his mind.
shadow was indeed amused and loved the maid costume that rouge recommended as it suited sonic perfectly, but shadow stop sonic putting on the bonnets.
shadow: hold on you need to do something with your spikes before you put that on
sonic was then handed a bag by shadow and gave him a questionable look but the opened it to see that there was make up and a hairbrush with sonic now catching on with what it was for
sonic: do I look like a cross dresser to you I don't want to look like a girl!
shadow: alright if you're fine going shopping looking like that then it's fine with me
sonic: wha....oh you got to be kidding with me!
shadow: no I'm not and at the moment you look like the Mobius hero dress up as a maid but if you use that I'm sure everyone would think that you are a different person that just looks like you
sonic: .... fine but I need a mirror, so I need to go in the bathroom......master
shadow: good it's upstairs on the left and while you're doing that, I'll make you a list of what I need
sonic then stormed upstairs and slam the bathroom door with shadow hearing it and chuckle to himself as he was enjoying every second of sonic being his maid as he wrote down what he needed.
meanwhile sonic brush his spikes and got them to hang down rather than up and applied the eyeliner and mascara to make him look more of a female and then finished by putting the bonnet on and look at himself as he had to admit that he did look good if he was a girl but shook his head as he went back to being pissed off about the situation.
sonic: that ultimate pervert how can he get a kick out of my own misery.... next time we race I'm going to make sure I win and this time he going to be my maid and I'll make sure I get him back ten times over for this
sonic said to himself as walk downstairs and went back Infront of shadow but sonic soon went shy and started blushing again as shadow look back at him making comments that he thought he would never hear in his life.
shadow: wow damn faker you would look pretty hot if you were a girl....hell you look even better than any of your female friends you have
sonic started blushing like mad as he looks down on the ground and shyly said
sonic: umm.... thank you.... master......can I have the list now
shadow handed him the list and sonic then awkwardly walk out of the door and shut it behind him giving shadow the chance to finally burst out in laughter
shadow: HAHHHHHHAAHHAHHAH.....HAAAH this is even more fun than I thought it would be and I so can't wait till he comes back to clean this place up......I can't stand seeing my place in a mess, but I wanted to give faker something to do so I made as much mess as possible last night....i can't wait to make you do more to you faker
the front door of sonic house was broken into by a couple of royal guards with all of them storming in and look in all the rooms but found nothing with then a green hedgehog walking into the once clean home and saw the living room was filled with photos hanging on the wall of sonic and all his friends but he pull off the one that was only sonic and shadow with sonic smiling holding onto shadow shoulder with shadow looking like he was about to kill him.
guard: I'm afraid he's not here what should we do now?
?: fix the door and wait for him to come home then bring him to me even if you have to use force then do it
guard: but what if someone knows he is missing after we take him
?: then leave this note here on the table it should make everyone think that he gone for a breck from playing hero
the green hedgehog took the photo and left the house to return to his limo leaving the guards in the house.
guard: (sigh).....welp looks like we might be here for a while boy's who knows when he's coming back

welcome home master
Fanfictionsonic the hero of mobius has made a big name for himself so much so that it caught on the attention of an unknown source while he so happens to have lost a race with shadow at the time. as shadow won the race, he forced sonic to dress up to be his m...