Chapter 4 wave final

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After they finished eating they went outside.

"Ok we start Training before that... Do you know what chakra is

''Chakra is the energy a shinobi needs when performing a Jutsu. That energy has two parts.... The body energy that is in each of the billions of our cells. And the spiritual energy gained thourgh training and other experiences. These two parts are combined. So by bringing out and releasing Chakra, we can use a jutsu. This is done thourght the process of perfoming a seal with the hands.." Sakura

"Good it's seems you know it" Kakashi

"But Kakashi sensei.... what do you want about chakra? We can already use Jutsu..." Sakura asked

You guys are not using Chakra properly" Kakashi said

"What do you mean ?" Sasuke asked

Well listen... As Sakura said early , to release Chakra means to bring out physical and spritual energy and mix them together within your body...And based on what jutsu you use, the chakra unless you control it properly the jutsu will be weakened or not work at all, and by wasting energy, you won't be able to fight as long. These kind s of weakness will appear" Kakashi answer

Well you do have a point Sensei. Sk what should we do?" Sakura ask

You will learn how to control it.... Through very tough training" Kakashi said

"What are we going to do..?" Sasuke

"hmm.... Tree climbing!!" Kakashi answer with a smile

"What do you mean?" Sakura

" You will how to climb trees without the use of your hands. Let me demonstrate" Kakashi said as he gather Chakra in his feet and begun to walk up until he reached a ast and look down/up to them

You understand now? Gather your Chakra in the bottom of you feet and clib up a tree, this is something you can do once you can use Chakra well" Kakashi said with a smile

"Wait a minute!! How is learing how to climb a tree going to make us stronger?" Sakura ask

"Here's the main part.... Listen closely.... The purpose of this training is...First to teach you how to control Chakra.... To bring out the proper amount to the proper area. As I said earlier, this is the important aspect when using jutsu...This can be difficult for even a skilled Ninja... The amount of Chakra needed to climb a tree is small, but it must be exact, and it is said that the bottom of the foot is the most difficult area to gather Chakra... So basically...If you can learn this control, you should be to master any jutsu... The second things is for you to develop the stamia needed to control Chakra properly... Depending on the jutsu, controlling your Chakra properly... can be very difficult and a ninja will usually be gathering his Chakra during battle while constantly moving... Those types of situations make controlling Chakra even mor difficult...That's why, from this tree climbing, you must gain the stamina needed for this proper control...." Kakashi explained

"Well...Me talking all day isn't going to acomplish anything...." Kakashi said as he took three kunai from his pocket "This is something you'll have to learn with your bodies" Kakashi said as he threw the three kunai to his pupil

"Use those kunais to mark how high you make it up the tree...Then use that mark as your goal and try to surpass it...."

I should finish this training fast....' Sasuke thought+

'I hope Sasuke-kun will compliment me if I can do it fast' Sakura thought

Naruto threw the kunai back to Kakashi. And decides to leave.

"Naruto where are you going. This training exercise will be beneficial to you." Kakashi

" Leave the dobe sensei. Something like this is probably to hard for him" Sasuke smirks

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