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Life with you is an Adventure

A month later....

Kara slipped on her Red pumps, for the first time in a month. She was actually making herself look presentable as she couldn't done much due to her leg but she was feeling pretty confident with herself.

So much has happened in a month. This mission was not only a success but she was promoted to Captain. Nobody wasn't surprise that the Redhead was promoted but proud.

Kara looked at herself in the mirror as her mother walked into the room. Kara stayed with her mother this past month as she healed. Everyone came to visit but mostly Javy.

"Your father... would be so proud." Her mother said with a smile. Kara looked back at her mother, "I'm still trying to take it in.... Captain Kara "Red" Denvers... I am still in shock." Kara said. "In the future it will be... Captain Kara "Red" Machado... or Commander... Admiral." Her mother said with a grin.

Kara smiled a bit. "I believe you love and adore my boyfriend a little to much momma." Kara said as her mother then rolled her eyes playfully. "You have yourself a keeper, sweetheart. That's all I ever wanted for you... not only to do the thing to make you happy, but finding someone to make you happy... I believe that's what your father would've wanted as well." Her mother said as she then pulled Kara into a hug.

"Now what are you doing in heels Sweetheart?" Her mother asked as she pulled away and looked at her feet. Kara blushed a bit. "I have a date with Javy, the date that was postponed because I got injured." Kara said as she looked down the ground. Her mother smiled. "Well you have fun tonight... be safe." She replied as she pulled Kara into another hug.

Kara smiled.


Kara and Javy walked out the restaurant, he held onto her hand tightly. "Now I told you nothing expensive Javy." Kara scolded him. "I know, I know. I had to treat you tonight." Javy said which caused Kara to stop in her place. "Javy, I am happy with whatever, besides anywhere with you is an adventure." Kara said with a smile

"I say the same about you." Javy said which caused Kara smile grow even more. "So did you bring a comfortable pair of shoes?" Javy questioned. "I did, let me guess, we are going to Hard Deck." Kara said. "Indeed besides everybody wants to see you, they haven't seen much of you since after the mission." Javy said. "Well duh, I went into hibernation mode to recover." Kara said. "Not much longer." Javy said. "I know! I can't wait to fly again."  Kara said. "Captain Red." Javy said and Kara's cheeks redden. "You have no idea, How proud you I am when I heard you were promoted to Captain." Javy said.

Kara held onto him tightly as he kissed the top of her head. "Let's go see everyone." Javy said. "Yeah because I am ready to kick my boyfriend's ass in pool." Kara said with a grin as Javy rolled his eyes at his girlfriend.


Javy and Kara walked into the Hard Deck. "KARA!" She looked to see Natasha yelling for her which brought an instant smile to her face. "NATASHA!" Kara exclaimed as she made her way to Natasha, they hugged. "I would love it if you would stop stealing my girl every chance you get." Javy said sternly. 

Kara giggled and Natasha stared at Javy. "She was mine first." Natasha said which caused Javy to scoffed. "Alright you two." Kara said with a giggle. "Say let's kick his and bagman's asses at Pool." Natasha said which cause Kara to smirk. "Let's do it." Kara said. Javy looked at both of them. "Alright... you two are on... Jake!" 


"That looks like we just kicked your asses." Kara said with a brow rose. Javy rolled his eyes, she chuckled and walked over to him. "Why are you rolling your eyes for, I thought you were winning no matter what because you have me?" Kara questioned him. He smiled at him. "That's right." He said as he started to leave kisses on her cheeks and she giggled. 

"That's enough you two." Jake said. "Awh, Bagman's jealous... you will find somebody... just lose that cocky attitude and you'll be golden but who knows someone will love that cocky attitude of yours." Kara said with a slight smile. "Thanks for the enlightenment." Jake said. Kara looked over and saw Bradley. "You have fun so more, I am going to talk to Bradshaw." Kara said as she patted her boyfriend's shoulder and he nodded.

Kara right beside of Bradley. "Hey Bradshaw." Kara said. "Hey Red blossom." Bradley said which caused her to smile. "So you and Maverick.." Kara said and he nodded. "I am glad.... he visited me while I was recovering."  Kara said. "I know..."  Bradley said. "I was spending a month down there with him was?" Kara asked.

"It was good, how are you and Javy?" Bradley said as he looked over at his best friend. "It been something, obviously an adventure with him."  Kara said. Bradley smiled. "I am just glad we made up with Maverick." Kara said. "Same here, congratulations on being promoted to Captain, you are very worthy of it." Bradley said which brought a smile to her face. "Thanks, I also heard you decided to teach at Top Gun, don't worry, you won't be alone." Kara said with a smile.

"Just like old times." Bradley said. "We'll make such a great team." Kara said. "For sure." Bradley said. Kara looked up and saw Maverick at the bar talking to Penny. Kara smiled. Bradley looked over and saw him. 

Kara decided to get up and walk over. "What brings you by?" Kara questioned. "Glad to see you out and about, yeah just stopping by." Maverick replied. "Yeah, I got tired of staying in... cooped up in the house, besides Javy took me out." Kara said, Maverick smiled. "Looks like you got yourself a keeper." Maverick said. "She does." Penny added. Kara smiled.

"Congrats on being promoted to Captain." Maverick said. "Thanks Captain Mitchell." Kara said. "What are you going to do now?" Maverick asked.

"Well... even my life is an adventure.... Rooster and Red are going to be teaching at Top Gun."


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