The story is Suga hit his car at Hoseok father and died.
But Suga father decided to marry Suga and Hoseok together so his son will not go to the prison.
Suga not happy the wedding and get mad more when he knew the boy he's getting married is fat...
I was sitting on the bed I get up and go to shower. When I finish showering I wrapped towel around my body and I get out the bathroom and I surprise when I see yoongi standing middle of the room looking at me.
"Yoongi agh look away I want to change my clothes"
"Why I'm your husband I can look at you *coming close* and touch you that's my right"
Yoongi pull me by my waist and he look at me in love eyes yoongi looking at me love eyes is surprised me.
"I want you come with and close your eyes and hold my hand"
"Do you trust me if yes did what I say and if no you're free I don't force you what you don't want"
I close my eyes and hold his hand I'm Curious what yoongi want to show me and what he's planning to do tonight.
"Open your eyes"
I did he give me dress and tell me to wear that when I released I'm still in my towel I take clothes quickly and hide behind the Curtain.
No one pov
He come out at that white dress he look so beautiful that make yoongi drool.
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"You look pretty hoseok"
"What you want to tell me yoongi"
"I want to tell you that I fall in love with you deeply and I want to say I love you Min Hoseok"
Hoseok was feeling many feelings he don't know what to say back but something come on his mind. Yoongi love him when he loses weight wait what if yoongi playing at him many negative thoughts come on his mind.
"Wait Hoseok I don't playing at you I really love you and do you know I fall in love with you when I first see you but I was denied that time your love I see I was just laying myself saying I don't love and I hate you but the truth is that I loved you the way you're if you're fat or thin or you're in other conditions I'll love you always Hoseok you're so beautiful and precious to me you're amazing person and pretty don't low yourself Hoseok you're my baby girl and my wife and you'll be the mother our children"
"Did you really do yoongi"
Yoongi nod in smiling his gummy smile.
"My cat (=^ェ^=) I love you so much I think you'll not love me even after I lose weight but you surprised me your words"
"Who's you call cat"
"Is that all you hear"
"No I hear you very well but don't call me cat it make me... "
He stop he didn't want to say that word.
"It make you blush"
"HAHAHA you're so cute my little cat"
"I'm not cat I'm Min Yoongi"
"I see"
Hoseok say in teasing way and run Yoongi run after to catch him they're where so happy laughing and running around playing. But they don't know that someone is boiling in angry want to destroy there happiness.
"I'll destroy and step there happiness and dream in near future"