Warning: Smut, again my smut writing sucks
The whole car ride back home we jammed to Taylor Swift, we talked about her daughter as much as she was comfortable talking about, we talked about my friends and she told me about some of hers. We agreed on what she would be winning if she won our little bet, which she won't might I add, and we played some stupid car games, and of course, listened to more Taylor Swift because she is a goddess.
She dropped me off at my apartment and then I assume went home after, I finally unpacked all of my stuff, washed three loads of laundry, and cleaned the place, I went down to the store to get groceries which was of course a nightmare this close to Christmas and I almost had to fight a woman over a 4kg bag of rice. I got back home and put my groceries in their place and then cleaned the whole place, and by then it was around 11 am.
I have some last classes left to attend today and then I'm done for the year, so I pack my bag and drive down to campus and see a very familiar group of people, standing in front of what seems like a very mad Alex. Sophia is crying and Casper is comforting her, Ellie is all up in his face and Elliot almost has to pull her back when Scarlett to my surprise walks over and escorts Alex to the principal's office.
I get out of my car and walk over to the group who all seem very happy to see me, they all hug me and ask me how I've been. We walk as far as we can to class before separating, "See you at that big meeting thing later," Ellie yells after me and Elliot through the halls.
"What meeting thing?" I ask him, confused, before walking into my class.
"I don't know," He shrugs his shoulders, "But hey Y/n," He stops me.
"I'm happy you're okay," He says and gives me his best smile before letting me walk into class.
I walk into class and Scarlett is already there, "Sorry I'm late," I say and take my seat.
"Class now that everybody is here, as you all know tomorrow is the last day, today won't be a normal day with classes. It will be for decorating and planning the winter fest tomorrow night. So you will all need to join different teams and help out," She says and people start to talk with their friends about what team they're going to join. My phone buzzes and I can see it's from the group chat.
Ellie: What team are yall picking?
Casper: She hasn't told us our options yet, so give it a minute and we'll get back to you.
"Guys, phones on the table and eyes down here," She says and people put their phones down, she takes a piece of chalk and begins writing on the board. 'food' 'Decorations' 'Musik' 'Photos' 'Bar' None of these seem interesting, and people still begin to pick what they want to do. "When you have picked, you are free to go to your designated team in different parts of the school," Scarlett says which makes people pick a lot faster, and I? I still can't decide.
By the end everyone except me has a thing to do, I'm stuck in my seat and my mind is empty, I can't think of a single thing I want to do.
"You know what you wanna do?" She asks me, I look at her and shake my head. "Okay, I'll put you on decorations with me, is that okay?" I nod and get out of my seat. I walk down towards her, her eyes following my every step, our eye contact isn't broken till I'm in her arms, listening to her heartbeat, synching my breathing to hers.
"Just friends," I mumble against her chest, making her chuckle and hug me tighter.
"Sure, just friends," She repeats.
Our hug is broken when Ellie, Sophia, and Elliot barge through the door, "Y/n, come on, let's go," Sophia says.
"You better have picked food like the rest of us," Ellie follows up, I lick my lip and look at her, she half rolls her eyes at me, "Right Y/n, you picked food?" She asks me, I shake my head.
"She wanted to, but I told her way too many picked it so she got put on decorations, sorry guys, but it's almost next to each other, so you're always welcome to drop in," Scarlett jumps in defending me, I blink twice and look at her, surprised at what she had just said.
"I'll see you later guys, sorry," I apologize before pushing through them and walking with Scarlett toward where we are supposed to go, "Thank you,"
"You don't need to thank me, you've been through enough this week, you didn't need that on your shoulders too," She smiles at me and push the door to the auditorium open, which is filled with other students that are already making snowflakes, icicles, fake snow block, blue fairy lights, an entryway and painting different big pieces of wood and cardboard.
"Miss, we are missing some fabric from down in the storage cabinet in the basement, would you mind getting it?" A student asks her, said student is sitting on top of a giant icicle gluing stuff on it, so it kind of makes sense that they wouldn't be able to get it themselves.
"Sure Drew, give me 30 minutes and I should be back! Y/n, would you mind helping me?" The student thank her and I agree to help her, so we walk down the stairs that students aren't allowed on with the locked door that students also aren't allowed to touch, but today I am, which is kind of cool if you ask me. Anyways, she unlocks the door and we walk down the first flight of stairs and she unlocks another door, and we walk down another flight of stairs.
We walk into a very small storage closet with a lot of boxes with different writing on them indicating what is in each and every box standing on shelves from floor to ceiling, the dust in here makes me cough twice and of course, the only source of light is a very small lamp hanging in the middle of the room, which isn't of much help. "Which boxes are we looking for?" I ask her and start looking for something labeled with fabric on it.
"I don't know what's written on the box, but it should be filled with fabrics of different shades of blue," She tells me and pulls individual boxes out of the shelves and looks inside them. I try to do the same and the fifth box I pull on I use too much force on and it falls to the floor, I groan and roll my eyes at my own stupidity.
I kneel down to fix my own mess and she kneels down to help me, our faces are inches apart and I can feel her breathing against my face.
"Just friends," I say, waiting for her approval.
"Just. Friends." She repeats
Our lips connect and her tongue glides into my mouth making a moan escape my lips. I am enjoying this way too much. She stands me up and pulls my pants down, she lifts my thigh up on her shoulder, and pulls my panties to the side, she put two of her fingers into her mouth and then glides them inside of me, the feeling of her cold fingers make me squirm, but her hand on my hip holds me steady, her fingers thrust at a steady pace inside of me and my hips move accordingly.
Her lips trace kisses up and down my thighs, she pulls her fingers out and her tongue moves up my thigh and onto my clit, her constant licks and good pressure make me moan enough for her to tell me to shut up, but I can't, she's just that good, I can't shut up. So she stands up and puts her fingers back inside and puts her hand over my mouth, "Darling, you're gonna have to keep quiet," She says and gets her focus back on what she's doing.
Scarlett POV
"You look hot when you're under my control," I smirk at her and increase the pace.
"Shu- shut up," She stutters. Her moans turn to cries and her breathing increases, her body becomes sloppy as her legs begin to shake.
"Please," She pleads, I chuckle at her pitiness after being so insistent on us just being friends and now simply melting under my control.
I keep going till she physically can't stand up anymore, she's leaning against a shelf with her head tilted back and sweat running down her forehead, "I hate you," She says still panting.
"Sure you do," I say and help her get her clothes back on. I grab the box we need and we walk back toward the auditorium.
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom for a second, you go help the others," Y/n tells me and walks towards the bathroom.
"Call me tomorrow will you? Oh, and this won't happen again," I remind her.
"Yeah, yeah I will. And I know, friends," She smiles and closes the door.
This was short and I'm sorry about that. Anyways, when I finish this story do you guys want the one I have planned with Lizzie, Natasha, or some of the other fanfics I have planned?
- Love me