Prologue: Gold Means Victory

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A long time ago during the age of Valyria. A noble family called Dragonborn, as well as their army approached the rushing waters. The sails carrying the symbol of the house, a golden dragon and its soul leaving its body. Their leader standing up front and center was a fierce-looking woman, her hair braided in blood, dragon blood.

No one knew where they came from just that they sailed from the far west. They had come for the dragons and their eggs. In their words "To steal their souls." From there a gruesome war happened then eventually a treaty. The Targaryen's agreed to give the other side dragon eggs in exchange for the Dragonborn's to never set foot on Valyria ever again.

But how did the Dragonborn's achieve their power? Who can be Dragonborn? Where do they live?

It began when a little girl no older than the age of eight watched as a dragon shook the ground as it fell, slowly dying. A rush of wind suddenly came towards her as it took its last breath. The girl collapsed on the floor in pain as it happened. Some say she took its very soul. Others say they saw colors surrounding her as it happened. But one thing was for certain she had scales grow on the right side of her arm. It wasn't till in her teenage years when she found out about her power.

She and her younger brother were attacked by thieves in the middle of traveling. She didn't know how but when she saw them hurting her brother something rose from her throat. She forced out a fiery scream burning everyone but her brother into skinned corpses.

From then the house grew into nobility and power. The people around them calling them the Dragonborn's. That is how their house's name came to be.

The Dragonborn's have always lived in a country somewhat the size of Dorne and not too far away from Westeros, named Summerset. After more of them gained power the family overthrew the rulers, taking the land as their own. The family then built what was known as the lesser sister to Valyria.

On the question of who can be Dragonborn. It seems only certain females have the power. If there have been any male Dragonborn's it has never been recorded.

Since the destruction of Valyria the two families had a minor change to their treaty. Dragonborn's would be allowed in Westeros but only if the king allows them to.

Now read about the future Dragonborn and her story, as well as her children's, during Fire and Blood.

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