First Day

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Note:-Don't forget to Read Author's note at end.

After few Days, Now it's time for to step in the Real Journey of being Archaeology student. Uma and Radha got ready and went to University. There was totally crowded environment. After all it's their first day of academic year.

Radha and Uma went to Arts department and searching for their class. In hurry moment Radha and Uma collided with a person.

Radha:- Sorry..sorry..I

Uma:- Hey, Why you are saying sorry, it's his mistake.

In opposite there is a Boy with white shirt and black jacket. Same age of Radha and Uma.

Person:- Hoo hello, I'm coming in my way you both are coming opposite to me. It's your mistake.

Uma:- You did a mistake,and reverse accusing us.

Person:- Meee ...?

Uma:- Yeesss ..!

Radha:- Stop it! (Irritatedly)

The person and Uma looked at Radha.

Radha:- First of all, We three are in hurry. So it's not anyone mistake.

Uma & Person:- hmmm... You're right.

Uma looked at him and gave him angry look. The person looked at her and made a confused face.

Person:- Now, What did I do..?

Uma:- Say sorry..!

Person:- Meeeee..?

Uma:- Yes you .!

Person:- But Y ? Y should I ask you excuse.?

Uma:- You blamed us and talked with us in rude manner.

Person:- Mee ..? What about you then.. did you talk with me in a sweet manner.

Uma:- You ..

Radha stomped her feet and said irritatedly.

Radha:- ENOUGH ! why you guys are getting serious in this silly thing.

Uma & Person looked at her then each other turned their faces.

Radha:- Uma are you not getting late now?

Uma:- Ohh shit ! I forgot sorry sorry..!
Come lets go.

Radha:- hmm .

And Radha turned to the person.

Radha:- We are sorry. We are in hurry so, we didn't paid attention.

Person:- Hey, it's need to be sorry, but yah I'm sorry too...same situation here.

Uma:- Y you're saying sorry... ( to Radha)

Radha:- He also did know..

Uma:- Hmm ( while giving him a irritating looks)

Person chuckled.

Person:- By the way, are you looking for which class.

Uma and Radha:- Archeology.

Person laughed.

Both girls gave confused look.

Person:- I'm sorry, don't get me wrong. Actually we three are looking for same class , that's why I laughed. Sorry again.

Uma and Radha look at eachother and they too laughed.

Person:- Actually our class in first floor Room no :- 3


Uma:- Thank god. We got it.

Radha:- Thank you.

Person gave a gentle smile.

Person:- By the way Can I know my friends names..?

Uma:- Friends?

Radha:- Hii, I'm Radha....Radha Priya.

Person:- Nice name.

Radha smiles

Person looked at Uma , expecting her to answer.

Radha signalled her to say.

Uma looked at the person then Radha.

Uma:- Uma...Uma maheshwari.

Person:- Nice to meet you both.

Uma:- Don't you tell your name?

Person Smiled and Introduced himself. By moving his one hand in his hair stylishly.

Person:-haaah... Hello my friends, This is  Rahul.

Uma and Radha laughed at him, the way he introduced himself as a hero.

Uma:- pedda hero la introduction istunadu. ( He introduced himself as a hero.)

( Uma said this in a taunting way)

Radha eyes grew big. And she elbowed Uma

Radha (whispering):- Uma, He will listen what you are saying.

Uma:- Idiot, think.. he Don't know telugu.

Rahul:- Hero la unna kabatte, Hero la cheppa. ( Well I'm looks like hero, so that's why I said in my hero manner.)

Radha and Uma eyes grew big.

Rahul laughed at their frightened faces.

Rahul:- Cool... Cool... I'm not taking any thing personal. I'm just joking.

Uma:- Did you know telugu...?

Rahul:- Ofcourse my friend. I spent my childhood in Andhrapradesh.

Radha:- Sorry, please don't mind.. she is just joking.

Rahul:- Hey , no need to be sorry. I know, (in dramatic manner):-actually it's difficult to recognise as a telugu boy because I looks like Bollywood hero. What guys will do..? It's okay, it's okay.

Radha and Uma laughed. Rahul too.

Rahul :- Well my mom from Andhra Pradesh and Dad from Uttarpradesh.

Uma:- Hohoo love it's happened. ( Excitedly).

Rahul:- haaaa... It's long story my friend.

Radha:- we will talk later, It's getting late. ( Showing her watch).

Uma and Rahul:- hoo..come come let's go.

The trio went to first floor., Entered in to their class. It's totally new environment, new faces, new faculties, everything was new.

Radha and Uma sat on second bench, while Rahul settled in third bench in other row.

Radha and Uma talking and a girl voice interuppted .

Girl:- Can I sit here, please.

Radha and Uma gave a warm smile. And nodded in yes.

The girl smiled and adjusted herself in the same bench.

Radha:- Hi.., I'm Radha.

Girl:- hii, I'm Bhagyashree.

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