First day

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Louis POV:


Six fucking thirty, that's what time I had to wake up this morning, I usually skip first period and wake up at eight but this year is different.

This year Harry's going to be going to the same school as me, and he's forcing me to wake up early so he's not late.

So here I am getting ready, I'm dressed in black loose fitting jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt over my uniform shirt with black converse.

I quickly grab my old school bag and other things I need for the day and head down stairs.

I stop by the kitchen to grab a bite of something but stop when I see my mother making eggs and toast.

"Lou sit down and have breakfast baby" She said looking up at me with pleading eyes, we hadn't really spoken much during the summer, she was still mad at me for failing my grade but I didn't mind, that meant she'd be off my back.

"I have to go I don't want to be late" I said and walked past the kitchen not stopping when she calls after me.

I huff and roll my eyes, once I get to my car i plug my phone in the aux cord and leave it there for Harry to put his music after I pick him up.

Once I roll into his drive way I beep my wheel to let him know I'm here and get out of my car and walk to the passenger side getting ready to open it for Harry.

I see the door open and a head of curls pop out, my mood immediately lifts and I'm not as grumpy.

Harry was dressed in a black skirt and a navy blue sweater vest that was on top of his uniform, on his feet were the shiny black loafers that I bought him a few weeks ago when I took him shopping.

When he spotted me waiting he ran up to me and jumped into my arms.

"Hi baby" I say and kiss the top of his head.

"Hi Lou, are you ready for school" he said with a huge grin, if any one else had asked me that I would've smacked them and asked them if they were ok mentally because it's school we're talking about, but this was Harry of course he would be happy for school.

"Yes are you ready for school"

"Yeah but I'm a little nervous, what if I make no friends" he pouts his lips.

"I'll walk you to class and you can sit with me at lunch if you'd like" I had no friends as well anyway, they had all graduated and left for college.

"Yes Lou that would be nice" Harry said and looked down so I wouldn't see his flustered face.

I took his hand in mine and walked him to the passenger side of the car and waited till he got in and put his seatbelt on.


Once we got to school we walked up to the office where there was a long line of kids waiting to get there times table for the school year.

Harry held my hand tight as he looked around nervously and rocked back and forth.

I huffed when I realized the line wasn't moving.

The person in front of us turned around and smiled at us.

"The line is super long, I've been waiting for 15 minutes already" he stated talking to us and I wanted to punch him in the face, why was he talking to us and what did he want.

"It's not good to talk to strangers you know" I say and a small frown forms on his face.

"I'm sorry" he says the frown still on his face, I open my mouth to tell him to shove off but Harry smacks my head and gives me a angry look, really he just looked like a grumpy kitten but I wasn't going to tell him that.

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