Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!
—————————————————————Happy weeks eroded into blissful months of pleasant peace.
As Ixora prepared to celebrate her first year of life, her father left the castle one afternoon to supposedly gather some necessary supplies.
While Harriet cared for their baby in her husband's private chambers, Severus wandered not into the village's apothecary, but instead into one of magical Britain's finest jewelry shops.
The engagement ring he had chosen for Harriet was simple, timeless, and understated.
Knowing his wife was the mother of a young, curious baby, he had shied away from the many rows of gaudy rings for sale which boasted sharp prongs and dangerous edges.
No, Harriet's ring suited her, or at least, Severus thought.
The jewelry piece consisted of a plain, gold band with a unique, smooth diamond at its middle.
The diamond's center had been beautifully inlaid with a ruby carved into the shape of a roaring lion.
As Severus stood at the counter and placed the small sack of Galleons down to pay for the ring, the clerk nodded at him and spoke, "I hope your lady love enjoys it, sir."
Severus waited patiently while the clerk counted the money, packaged the ring, and pushed it across the counter towards him as he nodded, "......I'm certain she will."
He left the shop with his purchase hidden amongst the trailing layers of his black robes as an arrogant smirk formed on his lips.
For the duration of his walk back to the castle, Severus imagined the look that would be on Harriet's face once he presented the ring to her.
Mr. and Mrs. Snape's return to intimacy had been slow at first, but once Ixora had been in the world long enough for her mother to heal, they had fallen back into each other's arms.
Harriet had been self-conscious about her body, though Severus had quickly taught her to feel anything but.
They had both discovered the midwife had spoken truthfully, bearing a child would cause permanent changes in Harriet......permanent changes that Severus loved.
What Harriet saw as overfull breasts, silvery lines of stretch marks, and extra flesh on her hips and thighs, Severus viewed as beguiling.
She did have to admit that it felt good to be so desired by her alpha.
To combat the happy disruption from their previously established closeness, Harriet and Severus usually enjoyed a bath together in the evenings, as soon as Ixora had been tucked into her cot.
The night he purchased his darling's ring, Severus slyly laid the velvet box within reach beside the tub.
As they enjoyed their bath, Harriet chatted about their day, completely unsuspecting of what was to come.
"Professor Sprout said the greenhouse may need more Butterfly-Wing Tonic for the spring too......" Harriet went on, "I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but she stopped by while you were out."
Severus gazed at Harriet in silent adoration while she spoke.
The weight of her plump breasts made him want to lean forward and steal what remained of his child's sustenance.
The marks that lined Harriet's soft abdomen served as a physical reminder she had borne his daughter.
Harriet had been slender all her life, but the small amount of added softness on her most delicious bits had given Severus something lucious to hold onto during-
"........Sev?" She interrupted his musings as she gasped in consternation, "Are you listening?"
Although she pretended to be annoyed, she couldn't help but delight in her alpha's hungry gaze.
"Forgive me, my love......." Severus whispered as his black stare bore into her, "Your beauty distracted me."
"Sev........." Harriet blushed while a wide grin spread across her face.
"I very much appreciate your willingness to continue aiding me at Hogwarts." Severus stoically nodded as he went on, "..........Though I'm afraid a more pressing issue than the ones you've described this evening lingers on my this moment."
Harriet blinked as she stared at Severus in confusion.
"Sorry.......?" She asked, "Did something happen while I put Ixora down for a nap? I keep a close watch on things for you, Sev."
"I'm not referring to any matters at the castle." He confirmed in his low drawl.
Harriet frowned as she watched him turn himself in the tub to reach down to the floor and retrieve the ring box.
As his torso twisted back into place while he faced her, the water sloshed around them both.
The look of surprise on Harriet's face was evident as Severus dried his hands with a wandless spell and opened the velvet box he held in his palm to reveal the ruby and diamond ring.
Harriet's mouth fell open as her emerald eyes widened.
"Harriet Snape....." He began as his black stare softened, "You asked me to marry you......A decision which I hatefully resented you for while you showed me only love and kindness in return.......In the time that's elapsed since our marriage, you've taught me what it be loved.....and for that.....I will be....forever grateful to you......You and our daughter have become my world.....You are my sun and my moon.....My heart and my soul.......If I were to ever pass a day on this wretched planet without you by my side again, it would be a day for which I would rather lie in my own grave.....I am yours and you are mine........Considering that, I am asking you our home.....with your body on mine while our little one sleeps down the hallway.......Will you marry me?"
"Oh, Sev........." Harriet breathed.
"........Please?" Severus frowned.
"Of course, I'll marry you!" She laughed as she held out her left hand.
Severus took the ring out of the box and laid the dampened velvet onto the bathroom floor before he slipped the engagement ring onto his darling's finger.
Harriet's new ring rested perfectly next to her gold wedding band on her fourth finger.
She gasped quietly as she admired the love token Severus had given her before her emerald eyes moved to meet his black gaze.
He leaned forward until their lips met in a deep kiss as he gripped her waist and she cupped his face in her hands.
His question had come later than Harriet had hoped, but the timing of his inquiry didn't dampen her joy that Severus Snape had finally proposed to her.
It wasn't entirely uncommon in the British wizarding world for a couple forced together under the Ministry's law to hold a vow renewal ceremony once their apprehension or disdain towards one another had blossomed into love.
During the next summer, on the anniversary of their legal wedding, Severus and Harriet hosted a grand celebration to which they invited all those they held dear, including the entirety of Hogwarts' staff.