Chapter 3

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I don't know how long we all stand there for. Their eyes looking forever into mine. With the amount of emotions passing through theirs, it almost knocks me off my feet. They move like a unit; Sage gives me a smile before disappearing along with the rest of her group. Finally I can breathe.

That one moment follows me for the rest of my day. Through my English class to my last, Art class. I walk through the doors and immediately Sage starts to wave her hand towards me and the open chair next to her. Does this mean we are friends?

I take my spot next to her, giving her a closed lip smile. The teacher begins her speech, but I drown it out as Sage begins to whisper to me.

"I didn't know you liked art."

"You don't know me." I don't mean to be cold; the words just seem to lash off my tongue before I can stop them.

"You are right." She giggles a little bit; out of awkwardness maybe or because it was the truth.

"I saw you in class earlier. What were you drawing?"

"Just some doodles. I draw what I dream." I say with more ease than before.

"That's really cool. Can I see any of them?" She's just trying to be friendly; I get that. But still, I heist. Growing up in an environment like mine, I'm guarded. Trust is foreign.

"I would prefer not to. It's private."

"That's okay. I get it, but it looked really beautiful. What was it? A castle?"

"Since you like questions, why were you and your little friends staring at me earlier?" My snap takes her back; she takes in a breath. It almost looks like she choked on her words, "you were staring at my scars. Why?" Again, I try to be nice, but with the walls built so high, it's hard to be sweet and docile. Sage doesn't deserve my tongue-lashing nor my blunt rude words; but I'm just trying to stay sane and safe.

It takes her a few seconds. I could almost see the thoughts passing by her eyes as she thought them. A fake smile inched its way onto her face.

"I was just pointing you out to my friends. I was telling them that I thought you were cool and we were gonna invite you to hang out sometime."

"Oh." Lie. She's hiding something.

"After I told them about you, they wanted to meet you." She slowly trails off, getting quieter as she goes along.

"Sorry. I'm just not the best when it comes to people."

I can feel that crack in the wall as I open up to her. Be nice Evie.

"It's no problem. I understand where you're coming from."

"And sorry for snapping. I can be stand off ish."

"Again, it's no worries. Coming into a new school with new people, it can make anyone a bit guarded." I offered her a smile in return and she does the same. It calms the nerves swelling in my stomach, yet still so many questions.

"I'm self conscious about my scars."

"How did you get them, if I might ask?" I pause.

I don't know how to answer that question to people. Not that many people ask anyways as I know no one, especially with crippling social anxiety. I don't even know the answer. It was like one day, the scars were just there. I don't remember much of my childhood, yet I know that these didn't just appear out of thin air. That would be crazy. You already are crazy Eve.

"Don't know." I shrug as I pick up my pencil.

I flip through my notebook, back to the picture of the dark castle. I continue to shade in the towers, but Sage won't drop it as her beating eyes never leave my skull.

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