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For this chapter I'm going to kind of bring it back to how everybody knows Brandi. So it'll be kind of a throw back. Hope you like it lovelys (:

I laid in bed just looking up at my ceiling. My phone kept buzzing from last night texts from the party last night. My alarm went off as I lazily slid the alarm off my phone. I could not remember one thing from that party last night other than me staying with Jessica all night.

I rolled off my bed heading to by bathroom stripping my clothes. I let the water run down my back as I washed off the alcohol and sweat from dancing and drinking. I got out drying off my body then hair. I slid on high waisted shorts and loose crop top. I blew dry my hair then straightening my long black hair. I finished up with putting on make up before I heard Becca horn blaring.

I ran down the stairs sliding on my black converse running out the door locking my house. I got in Beccas car heading to school with her. "That party was crazy last night." I heard her say as we pulled up. I couldn't talk with the headache I had "Do you have ibuprofen?" I asked rubbing my head looking over at becca. "No but I think D has some." we walked up to the hell hole they call a college.

"Hey there's Danielle right there. Hey Danielle! " Becca yelled waving at her. I saw her turn around waving back" Hey guys. What's up? " she asked looking at us both smiling. I loved that I knew Danielle she was the mother figure for us all. It was kind of crazy how much she could help us all with anything. But we all knew that she needed a break sometime when she hit the ground. That's what is so great about our group. We all helped each other when things got to much to handle.

"I just need some aspirin." I smiled up at her. "Here. Good thing I brought some. Need some water?" she pulled out two pills then a bottle of her water. I took the pills downing them with the water "Thanks Danielle." Becca looked at her phone as she walked away I'm guessing going to class. "Want to go to the library? I think Jess and the guys are there." Dani asked walking in the direction of the library on the campus.

I just nodded following her as we made our way on campus. We opened the doors hearing students and teachers talking. I walked past all the books before heading up the stairs to our normal spot. There sat the guys and Jess. I held in a laugh seeing Ashton check out Danielle. God he needed to ask her out already. I saw Jessicas brother Michael sitting next to Liam and Zayn. God I never agreed with Zayn. He got everything he ever wanted and still got in trouble.

I walked over sitting next to Jessica and Michael "Hey guys." Hey Brandi! Any classes today? " I heard Mikey ask. I looked down blushing I kicked myself mentally. He was the player who slept around but he was the sweetest. " Oh.. ugh no. " I breathed out never realizing that I was holding my breath. I looked down playing with my fingers" Hey baby. " my eyes snapped up hearing that British accent what the fuck was he doing here.

I looked at everybody as Dani and Jess looked confused at me then at Louis" Ugh hey Louis. What.. what are you doing here? " I asked confused as why he was here. " I just wanted to see how you were doing from the party last night." he asked smirking as he took a seat next to me. I glanced around seeing Danielle and Jessica with annoyed glances at him. We all used to be friends till Louis started getting into gangs and breaking my heart.

"I'm good but you should leave. You know we're over right. " I whispered just to him. I never realized Michael was listening as everybody went to talking to each other. " Well that's not what you showed last night if I remember. " I gasped feeling him rub my leg higher and higher till he was at my zipper. I slid his hand off looking at him "Louis we are over and I was drunk just fucking leave." I growled sending daggers her way. He got up looking pissed at me. His normal blue eyes were now a dark grey "Whatever you were just an easy piece of ass anyway." he smirked knowing that would hurt.

I felt the table move as tears slid down my cheeks. I looked up seeing Danielle, Jessica, and Michael all stand up. Ashton and Calum held the girls back from snapping. They looked like they were fuming. "Get out of here you piece of shit." Jessica growled trying to get out of Calums grip. He was whispering something in her ear trying to calm her down. "No I just want to talk I won't hurt him. I promise." he let go of her as she lunged at Louis punching him in the face.

"Shit! " Cal yelled grabbing jess again as Mikey intervened." Leave Tomlinson now. " he said looking at him. Louis wiped the blood from his lip as he left us. I just watched as everybody relaxed. " Jess.. How is your hand? " I spoke softly wiping the tears away as I saw Jessicas hand red from the hit." Well it's not broken. "she giggled smiling her big smile. " Damn that was an adrenaline rush. " I saw the guys shake there head as we all stood up meeting becca outside. " What happened to your hand? " becca asked confused at us all and our appearance.

" She punched Louis. " Luke laughed wrapping his arm around Becca shoulders. We headed to our cars about to say goodbye" Hey Brandi want to go to the beach? Michael asked looking up hopefully "Yeah. That'd be fun." I walked with Michael to his car. Sliding into his camarro and taking off to the beach. We sat there silently till we hit the beach. I got out taking off my shoes as we walked in the sand. "So Brandi I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend."

We were now sitting on the beach watching the sunset. I looked over shocked. Did Michael Gordon Clifford the hottest guy at our school just asked me to be his girlfriend. I sat there quietly quite nervous of what to answer. I know we have hung out. Out of school we hung out at parties or at our houses. But I never knew he liked me. I looked over seeing the hope fade away in his eyes as I haven't answered him "Yeah Mikey." I bit my lip smiling before leaning over kissing him.

3 months later

Mikey and I were still dating and we were coming back from our annual camping trip with everybody. Tomorrow was the annual Hemmings barbecue at there house. I headed home showering and changing into comfortable clothes till the girls got here.

I pulled out some crackers sitting on the couch as I heard Jess and Becca arguing about something as they walked inside "Will you two shit heads just shutup!" Danielle yelled walking into the family room "Well hello to you too." I laughed pausing the music videos. "What are you two arguing about anyway?" "Jessica wanted to dye Danielle hair a different color. So we were arguing what color. I thought it'd be cool if she went like a pastel." "But I said like Saras hair with the multicolor." I looked from both of them to Danielle.

"Hang on we need Mikey. " I grabbed my phone calling Michael" Hey baby... Yeah can you come over with all your hair dye.... Yeah D wants to dye her hair.... Yeah I know... Yes I heard there argument... Yes babe I know... God damn it Michael just bring it over.... Love you to now bye. " I couldn't stop laughing as I got off the phone." He is coming over. "

We just relaxed till I saw Michael walk in with a duffle bag of I'm guessing his hair dye" Alright what are we doing to your long hair? " Us girls just looked at Dani as we waited." Let's go with colorful but you guys are adding color to." "Ha funny no Brandi, Becca, and you can dye your hair. I'll help." Michael did Danielle hair as jess and Becca did mine. They were adding blue streaks in mine.

Mikey had to bleach Danielles hair before he could do any color to it. We sat there patiently as I played with my awesome blue streaks while Michael did his work putting awesome colors in D hair. Jessica worked on Becca next adding pink to hers. As Danielle just sat there waiting to wash her hair out. Becca and Danielle went to wash out there hair as they came back. There hair was now blow dried and styled. "Woah dani. You look bad ass." jess and I said looking at her hair.

We gushed over our hair as mikey left going and hanging out with the guys for the rest of the night before the barbecue. We all crashed down in my basement on the king sized bed cuddled up to each other while frozen played in the back.

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