035- I guess I'm not fully over y/n...

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Me and Phil stood looking at each other for 20 seconds. The room around us went muffled. The background was blurred as my vision was only focused on him. I didn't really know what to say. Logan- well y/n it looks like you've met my cousin Phil. You're both the same age so I expect you both to get along.
Logan snapped us out of our trance as he wrapped his arms around both us, bringing us closer to each other. Phil pushes Logan's arm off his as he storms upstairs.
Y/N- wait Phil....
Phil looked at me, but gave me a dirty look and turned away from me. I don't think me and Phil will ever be back to normal. Why did i not reply to his message after the international break? Maybe this whole situation would be different.
Y/N- Logan whose house is this? It's so nice
Logan- Oh it's Phil's mum and dads house, so my aunties.
I remember Phil telling me that he isn't very close with his mum and dad. I don't think he actually told them about me and him. I mean we only properly dated for like 3 or 4 days. Me and Logan walk over to the bar and start doing shots. Last time I drank was night me and Phil broke up. Anytime I saw people drinking, I always got bad deja vu, but I felt like I had to drink tonight as all Logan's family was drinking and I didn't want to be the odd one out. Phils parents had hired a DJ and a barista aswell. Tunes were blasting as I went over to the bar to have my 5th pornstar martini. Logan's sister joined me and ordered us both shots
??- hey y/n you ready
Y/n- wait I don't even know your name
??- it's grace
Y/n- okay grace I'm ready
Grace- here's to you and Logan.... 3 2 1
We both downed our shot and pulled a funny face after, that shit was strong. Suddenly the DJ started playing "Mr brightside". I looked over to Logan and ran over to him, pulling him to the dance floor- it was our favourite song. We jumped and sang our hearts out. The dance floor was basically full. Me and Logan start slow dancing. We wrapped our arms around each other and looked into each others eyes. This moment was magical. Logan's turned me and now I was facing the stairs. Out of no where, my eyes draw to Phil walking out oh his room and standing at the top of the stairs looking down at the open plan living room. We make direct eye contact for about 10 seconds. I slowly pull away from Logan as Phil turns his back to me and walks back into his room with tears in his eyes.
Y/n- Logan I'm tired, where are we sleeping tonight?
Logan- We've got a room upstairs, do you want to go to bed now?
Y/n- yes please.
We say goodnight to everyone and then we head upstairs. As we are entering our room, I hear Phil singing his heart out to traitor by Olivia Rodrigo. It sounded like he was crying, but I was too drunk to care. I grabbed some pyjamas that were provided in the room, got changed in the bathroom and got into bed.
Logan- i think my all family like you
Y/n- errrr yeah I think they all like me too. Goodnight Logan
Logan- goodnight babe
We kissed as we both fell asleep

I was walking back to my room after getting a drink from downstairs. I didn't really want to be be involved with the party to be honest, I don't drink ever and all my family talk to me about is football, which is pretty boring. I grabbed a coke and headed towards the stairs. I suddenly bumped into someone. It was y/n... we stood there in silence for what felt like forever. Logan suddenly came over and started talking rubbish, he was clearly drunk so I pushed his arm of me and went up the stairs, making sure to give y/n a dirty look before entering my room. I'm not why I looked her like that. I think it was the fact that she was loved up with my cousin, who i absolutely hate. It does feel weird seeing y/n, i don't know, I just feel like we haven't had closure on our chapter. I'm a firm believer in right person, wrong time, and that's what she was. Destiny drove our paths towards each other, but fate drove them away. I start to get abit hungry, so I decided to go get some food. I walked out of my room to hear "Mr Brightside" blasting. I looked down to the living room from the top of the staircase to see y/n and Logan slowing dancing. Out of no where, me and y/n made direct eye contact for about 10 second. I felt tears building up in my eyes, so i decided to break the eye contact. I saw y/n release herself off Logan, before turning away and running into my room and jumping onto my bed. I started blasting Olivia Rodrigo "traitor". I guess I'm not fully over y/n... I sing a couple more sing before I get changed into some shorts and fall asleep.

I slowly open my eyes to an unfamiliar setting. After about 2 minutes, I finally can remember where I am. Christ, I must have drank so much last night... I hope I didn't embarrass myself. I can hear noise from the kitchen, so I pull myself out of bed and head downstairs quietly, trying not to wake up Logan. I stood at the top of the staircase glancing down at the kitchen trying to see who was in there. My eyes hadn't adjusted to the bright lights yet, so I went down the stairs to see who it was. I got closer to the kitchen. I froze in my tracks. It was Phil cooking up breakfast. He saw me and smiled. He didn't say anything though. I was building up the confidence to say something to him, before he shouted that breakfast was ready. Most of his family come downstairs to join us. We all sit round the rather large table as Phil plates up.
Logan- morning gorgeous, are you okay
Y/n- morning handsome, I'm good how are you
Logan- I'm great now I'm with you, I am also starving I can't wait for this.
Phil serves everyone's food and he sits down.
Phils mum- so y/n how did you and Logan meet?
Before I could answer I look over at Phil, he's on his phone before his face drops. Tears form in his eyes.
Phil- I'm going to eat upstairs I errr need to sort something out.
Phil quickly gets up from the tables and goes upstairs with his full english.
Me and Logan tell his family about how we met and they all say this is the happiest they have ever seen Logan. I smiled, but i was genuinely worried about Phil. We finished our food and left the table.
Logan- babe I'm just gonna head to asda, do you want to stay here and do you want anything
Y/n- yeah I'll stay here and no I don't want anything. Cya later be safe
Logan left the house, so I decided to go and try talk to Phil...

I woke up early and decided to make everyone breakfast. As I was making the full english breakfasts, I noticed y/n sit at the kitchen island. I smiled and carried on cooking. I could tell she was trying to speak to me, but she looked like she couldn't. After setting the table, I shouted to everyone that breakfast was ready. Everyone sat at the table as I started to plate up everyone food and serve them. I finally sat down and looked at my phone for the first time. I scrolled on Instagram to see an article posted by the sun. It was my girlfriend abbie kissing another lad. My heart immediately sank. I can't do this again.... I quickly excused myself from the table and ran to my room with my food. I slammed the door behind me and just let it all out. I didn't know what to do with myself. I walked over to my bathroom and pulled out my razor, not knowing whether I should waste the months of rehab. Fuck it, I started carving myself, it's been too long I forgot how relieving it was. After about 3 minutes, I started bleeding a lot, so i cleaning it all up and jumped into bed. Suddenly there is a knock at my door....

Y/n- Phil it's me, please can we just talk
Phil- yeah sure it's open.
I walked in and sat at the end of his bed
Y/n- Have you been crying Phil? What's up? Whats happened?
Phil- I saw a picture of abbie kissing another lad on instagram. Why does this always happen?
Y/n- oh Phil, you're too precious for this dangerous world.
Phil sighs, as I notice his arms bleeding. I pull is arm towards me and slowly pull his hoodie sleeve up.
Y/n- Phil, what the fuck is this! I thought you stopped doing this.
Phil- I did y/n but I had no other way of easing the pain. It's been a hard couple of days for me. My cousin is with my ex and I got cheated on...
I quietly cleaned up phils arms and put a bandage on it as he screamed in agony.
Y/n- now Phil, you better not do this again, okay?
Phil- why do you suddenly care about me?
Y/n- I've always cared about you and I always will Phil.
He looks down and smirks which gives you butterflies.
Phil- y/n i do want to ask you something, Have you told Logan and our past or are you just trying to forget about us?
Y/n- Phil don't be stupid, I could never forget about us. I could never forget about those hot summer nights, mid July, when you and I were forever wild.
Phil- the crazy days, city lights, the way you played with my like a child...
Y/n- I miss it....
Phil- you know y/n I feel like our chapter never ended properly and I don't think it should.
Y/n- what do you mean Phil?
Phil- wait I mean y/n is that i still love yo—
Suddenly Logan bursts into the room.
Logan- y/n I've been waiting in the car for 5 minutes, get your belongings we are leaving.
He pulled me off Phils bed. I looked back at Phil and mouthed "I hope your okay, message me if you need me". Ugh I wish Phil wasn't interrupted by Logan, I wanted to know what he meant when he said he doesn't want our chapter to end.
Me and Logan packed all our belongings into our car, said goodbye to his family and set off back home. I suddenly got an Instagram notification...

*@PhilFoden has sent you a message*

God, I wish i thought this through- Phil Foden, Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now