| Fifteen |

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In a few days of being back to my hometown, word spread. Everybody knew Theodora Adler—the known social, athletic star has returned to Port Jeff. The writing part was personal growing up and no one knew much about it until my book was on the shelves in bookstores.

When I mean social, I mean that the girls and I were a neutral group. We had our quiet moments in class but our wild nights at parties. I was an all round athlete in the halls but a secret writer at home. I was talkative at lunch but a cryer in my bedroom. I created a façade—something to cover the depression I was struggling with.

Each girl had a different characteristic in high school. We all dressed differently but still made sure we were in the same trending routine as the others. We would scowl the popular girls but still befriend them in class. Jules had the brains and Clarry had the awards. Vivi was quiet but knew how to have a good time. Em followed us all and Rubies was the jokester. Penny was the leader because her Father was in the board of education.

As for me...I was the story teller. Everywhere we went, I was able to twist and turn every little story to make it entertaining. Whatever we did, I shared it to other groups because my voice, my face, and my confidence was gravitating. Sometimes it confused me on what was real or not. Then it terrified me on whether I'm currently living in a illusion.

On social media, people from my high school direct message me about getting coffee, having dinner or curious questions about Rubies death. I respond to none and leave others on read. They would never reach out to me before I was famous—why now?

I receive a new message and it's Penny in the group chat. I lean back in the chair and notice that Em changed the group chat name to the six winx crew. How morbid can she actually be to not say a word but change the name I created?

Penny: Shoutout to Theo and Jules theory. I think we have the first destination from Rubies.

As I'm reading her message, a new one pops up and it's a photo. I blow it up and it's a photo of our high school.

Clarry: What time are we meeting?

Penny: Two o'clock?

Vivi: Good with me

Jules: Perfect!

I begin typing until a new message pops up again.

Em: Busy today...maybe next time

Clarry: Just come late, like you always do

Em: Haha...

Vivi: Don't be a wimp, Em. We all are in this together

Me: I'll be there


When I arrive into the student lot, it's semi empty because school has come to an end. The handful of cars parked are for after school extra-curriculums. I'm the first one in the group who arrives, so, with no hesitation I walk into the building.

To no surprise, nothing has changed. The front desk is empty when I arrive so I make my way down a hallway. Some students are walking—dressed in their practice uniforms and others are hovering around lockers and spewing their final gossip for the day.

It's odd walking among the halls in my mid-twenties. I haven't visited at all since I didn't have much of a favorite teacher to go back to. Especially with the numerous school shootings happening all across America, visitation hours have thinned.

Last time I came was a year after I graduated. It was the middle of winter and I met up with an old English teacher of mine. When I pass her class, the door is locked and the lights are out. I sigh in defeat before cutting down towards the gymnasium.

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