❝But what can I do when it's you I have the sweet tooth for?❞
As much as Kim Namjoon was smitten with Shin Youngmi, the latter was equally oblivious of the fact. Basically, his ceaseless patience was to blame, which also end...
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if you ask me what do i find the most difficult when it comes to writing, it'd definitely be coming up with these acknowledgment/ goodbye chapters. i can't believe we've arrived at one for sweet tooth as well. it just doesn't feel real😩 i mean, ofc i've been waiting for the book to finish since ages (it took me the longest to wrap it up) yet now that the moment has finally come, i can't help but feel a bit nostalgic.
when i had first started out with 'sweet tooth', i didn't expect it to turn out better than how i had originally planned it. ofc, i'm no one to praise my own self, but for once, spending time on this book has made me feel good about my writing and my own self. i consider myself extremely fortunate not to hit writer's block yet (like, ever) but ig most of it is also bcs i already prepare notes of what i'm about to present months before the very work even gets introduced to y'all hehe🤡 for eg, i had had my next 3 books completely planned out in june itself😸😭
it was 'sweet tooth' only that taught me that it is actually you writing for yourself that should matter at the end of the day. for sure, i've whined about lack of readers every now and then, but it remains just a wish that can be checked at times now. i'm not desperate for it anymore. that's my character development in this book haha🤪
some of the readers were frustrated with how joon would not stop himself getting humiliated by youngmi despite it happening in almost every chapter, but that's what the purpose of this book was. the title, 'sweet tooth' resonates with his character. the fact that you can't refrain from gorging on sweets in spite of being aware that it's bad for you, makes you have a sweet tooth. and namu had a sweet tooth for youngmi, he had made it clear in the initial chapter as well as through this actions in the following ones as well.
some felt annoyed bcs of youngmi as well, and i get y'all. she's a complicated character, can't be understood at once. but she does things suppressing her instincts, and that shouldn't be something to be judged so quickly (y'all got to know why she did so in the later explanations, right?). not everyone is like an open book, and an effort should be made towards breaking their shell instead of just discarding them as someone whose reticence bugs you. (blame murakami's norwegian wood for this dramatic narration😤)
nora was my fav character from this book. but are we all on the same page? hehe. what do you opine of her? i just had to insert an irresistible girl crush😍😭 (well, at least she was for me). she was simple, not so hard to fathom. we all know i'm leaving out one thing about her tho ( *coughs* last line of the epilogue*). but we're all just gonna shut up about it and resume to admire her, okay? hehehe
ewan eWAN EWAN. the absolute villain. the one character that everybody disliked from the get-go lmao. makes him the exemplary antagonist, doesn't it? i don't have much to say about him bcs i didn't add much depth to him as much as i did with the main ones, but still, pls don't hate him too much :(( without him, the book wouldn't be what it is today😔
anyway, i'd like to thank Tae_Candy_1996 and moony_selene for being the mvps <333 now ofc readers are important, bcs if it hadn't been for you two, i wouldn't have been able to continue it as much enthusiastically as i do it today. thank you so much for there every week for me, and showering your love upon it. i wish i could thank you in novel ways but as i've briefed beforehand, my mind goes numb when it comes to closing notes😭
tani, i miss you a lot, and your persistent excitement regarding sweet tooth's next updates. i'll never forget your kindness <33
thank you to all the future readers as well, who are reading this text and didn't abandon the book midway (which usually happens to be the case with my works). y'all own my heart😌
bringing this to an end with a little self promo: the phoenix complex (a jhs fanfic) is already out on my profile and will be updated every week starting from the next one. looking back on how my writing journey has been so far, it has some solid potential, so i hope i'll be able to see some of you there as well. it's genre is underdog, so expect lots of drama, romance (duh), thrill and a tad mystery therein. you won't be left disappointed <3
even tho no one really asks any question regarding the plot or the process i went thru to come up with the book, i'll still open a query window nonetheless. you can drop them in the inline comment!❤️
also, do you think 'sweet tooth' will be able to to continue its predecessors' legacy and earn some wp features? ig time will tell that, innit? see y'all, someplace else, some other time!♾️