9 Safety Always Comes First

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Xiao Ming's words were followed by a row of hearts in the chat. Some of the viewers also sent some more messages, promising that they would definitely take him up on the offer and that they were happy he was trying to help them so much.

Qian Huang would have loved to read all of them and really had trouble suppressing his laughter. Unfortunately, it would really feel conceited if he brought this up in the live stream. Thus, he could only give Xiao Ming a very general summary of the chat's content: "It seems like everyone is satisfied with that suggestion."

Xiao Ming smiled, not guessing at all that Qian Huang was underselling what was going on in the chat.

The viewers couldn't help but hurl some abuse at Qian Huang, cursing him for not conveying their words the right way. They suddenly understood how Nin Sha was feeling all the time. Why had they laughed at him before?

Si Jin who usually never paid attention to what the others were saying also didn't feel comfortable with this. He had been among the ones who said that he would give it a try and send updates so naturally felt that Qian Huang not reading his message out loud was this guy trying to sabotage him. Thus, he took to the chat to express his resentment.

Nin Sha: [Xiao Ming, I am afraid you need a new assistant. Actually, I'm quite qualified for this job.]

This message managed to bring the other viewers back from the bout of unhappiness that they had felt for a short time when their encouragement for Xiao Ming had been sold short. It was naturally followed by yet another row of laughter.

Little Butterfly: [Nin Sha, it seems you believe you can do every job in the world as long as it gets you to taste Xiao Ming's dishes. If it's like this, I'm also a very qualified assistant! I have thirty years of experience in the job even though I'm only twenty-three. Believe me, it's all the truth! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))]

Flying Bicycle: [I've only recently joined after the press conference for 'Golden Spoon' but I already noticed that this Nin Sha is quite shameless. He's always advertising himself. Has it always been like this? (ಠ.ಠ)]

Food Enthusiast: [If there were daily live streams, it would be a daily occurrence 눈_눈]

Some of the others couldn't help but chime in, telling the new ones all about the things Nin Sha usually did.

Si Jin stared at the screen, waiting for Qian Huang to read out his message but he was once again disappointed. Feeling vexed, he started to press a few buttons to send over gifts. He'd like to see just how long Qian Huang could stay silent!

Meanwhile, Xiao Ming was continuing with the preparation of the dishes. "Alright, everyone, we have finished our soup so far. Now, we're going to get to today's special dish. We will likely need to hurry with this a bit since we need to make sure that the yams will be out of the steamer in a few minutes but it should be enough time.

"Now, Qian Huang actually didn't include the ingredients for this in yesterday's Weibo post because this was an addition I made on a whim today. Sorry about that!" He gave an awkward smile, really looking apologetic toward the viewers. "Let me explain: When Li Shui and I went to the market today to get our groceries, auntie Zhang who is providing us with most of our fresh ingredients gifted us some cucumbers. She's proud to see some people from her city be in the same show as Mister Yu.

"You have to know, she's as much of a fan as I am. I think she is even a little envious that I get to meet him. She would definitely like to do so herself. Anyway, I was wondering what to do with this and remembered that a cucumber salad might be a little interesting for today's topic." He picked up the cucumber and turned it in his hands.

"So far, we've talked about cutting the vegetables to get them into pretty shapes that will not only make the dishes taste better but also make them look more aesthetically pleasing. Now, the cucumber salad is a little different. I'm sure all of you have had some already and you probably remember that they are normally not even-sized. Instead, it actually looks a bit like it was never cut at all."

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