The whole ride home no one said a word. I never even found out the score of the game. I was too shaken up to even remember my seatbelt much less talk. My little brother had to reach over and buckle me in.
Dad was apologetic about having to leave me right after I was injured, but his work was calling, so he had to leave us alone at our new home. But he didn't drop us off without first making my brothers promise to take good care of me and call him of anything goes wrong. Normally Dad isn't very overprotective like that, but I guess after Mom he doesn't want to lose another family member. We all feel that in a sense.
Right now Peter and I are walking up the steep stairs to our apartment above the cafe. Jason had to go to work while we got the day off because of the big game which is one of the perks of a small town.
The brown doorknob is closed behind me, and suddenly, we are alone. Alone with our thought of what just happened. Alone with him having been ignoring me this past week. Alone with the suffocating silence which is louder than any shouts and yells.
The blue walls of this prison seem to push farther and farther in.
Peter finally looks at me his eyes seeming to look right through me.
I gulp under his unflinching gaze but meet his blue eyes with my own hazel ones just the same.
My big brother suddenly opens his arms in a silent peace offering. As I walk forward towards his outstretched arms, I feel as if I'm not only closing the physical distance between us but all the distance he built up between us in the past week.
Warm strong arms engulf me as I melt into the very person who just a few hours ago wanted nothing to do with me.
Peter's embrace is string but careful not to squeeze my ribs. One hand in holding the back of my head silently stroking my hair while the other is wrapped gently around my waist. Mine are thrown around his back holding on for dear life.
His hug tells me more than words ever could. We're ok again. The ache in my heart tells me just how much I missed my Petey.
With a soft kiss on my forehead, my big brother pulls away. The lack of warmth he leaves behind causes a quick shiver to run through my body which is all Peter needs to snap out of his trance and spring into action.
"How could I not notice that you're cold. They do have the air conditioning cranked up in here. I'll go get you a blanket. Pick out a movie you want to watch. I was thinking about having a movie night to make you feel better after that incident. And you need to rest those ribs", he states before running off to find the aforementioned blanket leaving me all alone in the small room. Now that my brother and I have made up, it feels too big once he's left. I have to convince myself that he's just gone to get a snuggable piece of warmth for me not to leave again. I just got him back, and I'm not losing him again.
"I asked for no mayo! This has mayo!"
"I need more Coke!"
"Check, please"
The Monday night rush hour of the cafe is in full swing as three different customers yell for my attention. In the very short time I've been in the food industry I have learned that one should always take care of the angry, irritated customers first before they chase all of the other more patient customers away and never come back. So, sticking to my theory, I rush over to the frustrated looking man in about his mid fifties complaining about Old Tom accidentally putting mayo on his BLT. His dark blue eyes are crinkled in irritation which is not a good look for his balding head.
"Sorry, sir. Would you like me to bring you a new BLT without mayo?", I kindly ask the disgruntled old man seated all alone in front of me. No wonder he's so maltempered. The poor guy seems lonely.
"Are you slow in the brain, girl? Of course I want another sandwich! Do it right this time."
His insult stings, but I shoulder it and keep going faking a smile like a good little employ.
"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir", I voice in my thick Southern drawl before scurrying off to give Old Tom the order and go serve all the other customers who are starting to get impatient themselves.
The night rush finally ends in a couple hours. It seems the whole town decided to spend their Monday night at the Four Seasons Cafe. Perhaps they were all here because of the promotion where all kids eat free on Mondays when with a parental unit. But that promotion means more applesauce stains, loud, obnoxious crying, trying to find extra high chairs, and adorable, angelic faces staring up from almost every table.
After almost a week at this job, I still haven't gotten used to the way it tires me out. Sighing, I wipe my hands on my orange apron wiping away the grease and stains of the night only to transfer it to the bright cloth. I sling the apron up on the metal hook in the kitchen labeled 'Gwen' and trudge back upstairs to the rooms that I've just begun to acknowledge as my home.
Darkness is all that greets me when I get upstairs. Even when I turn the bright fluorescent bulbs on, the shadows still seem to leap out from every corner taunting my courage at being home alone in this still unfamiliar place. Jason is out somewhere with his new friends since he has the night off, and Peter is still at work leaving just me in our little bungalow.
I am beyond exhausted every single muscle in my body screaming at me to rest as my ribs yell at me give them a break, but I have loads of homework to do, and sleep always comes after homework. I can sleep when I'm dead.
After hunting down my backpack I settle down for a long night of parabolas and progressive laws.
After about ten minutes, I am totally engrossed in my schoolwork. It has sucked me in leaving the outside world behind.
RING RING RING, my phone next to me persists until I finally pick it up.
"Hello?", I question not recognizing the number.
"Is this Jason's sister?", a scared, cracking voice on the other end of the line barely makes out.
"Yes...I'm Gwennie. Why?", I answer as a thousand different scenarios race through my head vying for my attention each one worse than the last.
"It's Jason. Something's really wrong."
Hi lovely readers!
Sorry, this chapter is short and unedited. Please forgive me for the rough writing. I hope you will just hang in there with me please because it will get better.
Don't forget to comment and vote! It would mean the world to me!
Have an awesome day/night wherever you are!

Teen FictionLife as fifteen-year-old Gwendolyn Harding knows it comes to an abrupt stop after her dad catches his wife cheating on him. He uproots Gwen and her two brothers, bringing them to the small town of Harpersville, Kansas. To make matters even worse, th...