Chapter two- Sunny

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I’m screwed.

Stupid Knox, with her stupid earphones and her stupid musical phone and…. Wait a minute… she’s using her phone! My eyes twinkled with mischief as I got an idea. I could hear the sound of Kesha’s robotic voice blasting from the purple splatter earphones she got from the time we went to CVS and there was a special sale on them.

I pulled out my own phone and typed in Knox’s number, then I texted:

Sunny: Knox, stop being a biscuit in the chicken house.

I heard Kesha’s singing replaced with Knox’s ringtone. She frowned and looked down at her screen. When she read it she smiled and texted back:

-Knox has entered the conversation-

Knox: Sorry hun, no can do, the FBI told me if I stopped, they would behead me.

Sunny: I knw, thts why I’m asking you to.

Knox: luv u 2

Sunny: Now about that poem…

-Knox has left this conversation-

I sighed, so much for being there for a friend. I started to think of a poem.

Roses are red

Oranges are orange


Stupid English language! It has nothing to rhyme with orange. I mean, how does poor orange feel with no one to rhyme with? Maybe one day, oranges will kill everyone who speaks English! Then, they would team up with purple because purple doesn’t rhyme with anything either! Then. The. APOCALYPSE!!!

Whoa, getting a little ahead there Sunny.

I looked back at Knox with hopeful eyes, but she was just looking out the window. I sighed again. She’s such a poo, maybe I should just ask Melody. The bus suddenly jerked to a stop, pulling me out of my evil plan to steal-er-improve on Melody’s poem. Why did Ms. Gelc have to assign a poem? Why not a nice poster, or an essay?! I can’t do poems! I closed my eyes and imagined myself in a dark room, with a chain saw, and Ms. Gelc standing in a corner. I smiled, ah, happy thoughts.

“Sunny, hate to stop your daydreaming, but we have to go to school whether you like it or not,” Knox said while shaking/slapping me.

“Ow! Ok-ow! Ow!!! OOOOWWWW!”

I stood up and glared at Knox. She laughed, stupid Knox. I ran off the bus yelling “Catch me if you can!” Leaving poor Knoxy paralyzed with surprise.

Cue evil laugh here.

I was laughing so hard I didn’t notice me practically barreling into a certain shortish, raven haired girl.

“Whoa there, blindo!” Melody squeaked as I rammed into her full force. I moaned as I massaged my now sore elbow.

“It’s not my fault, you were in the way.” I said accusingly. Melody half laughed half scowled, “Oy Sunny, what am I going to do with you?” I smiled back, “Give me caaaandy?”

“Hahahahaha… on your life.”

“You can always kill me, THEN give me candy.”

Melody stopped, signaling that she gave up the little word scuffle we were having. I cheered a little in my brain. Then I started cheering out loud.

“I win! I win! I win! CAAANNDDDYYYY!!!!!” I laughed with my eyes closed. Biggest. Mistake. Ever. I opened my eyes thinking that I would see Knox’s ‘Why me’ expression and Melody’s ‘Christ almighty’ face, but when I opened my eyes, they were both gone. I looked around where were they? Where was everyone? Oh, crap, did the bell ring?! I glanced in the direction of the doors, they were closed.


This always happens to me! Why didn’t Knox and Melody tell me the bell rang? Ah hell, my homeroom teacher is going to have my head for dinner and save the rest for dessert if I get late again. It’s not like I have an excuse either, the bus is never late. Well, except for that time I thought I saw a turtle on the road in fourth grade. Knox tried to convince me I was wrong, and the bus driver wouldn’t stop, so I wrestled him to the ground, crashed the bus, and looked for the turtle. I never found it, but they still sent us to school! I tried to explain that crashing in a vehicle was an extremely traumatizing experience and that we should have at least no school for a week. They wouldn’t listen! From that day onward, Knox started sitting on the window side of the bus and Foose Croony became our new bus driver. I groaned as I snapped back to reality and rang the doorbell to the school.

“Ah! My number one late customer Sunny! What was it this time? Aliens? Your dog took your homework? Leprechauns?” the secretary, Mr.Veplan, exclaimed.

I smiled and shook my head, “Nope, The candy cane king transported me to the island of rabid crocodiles where I had to fight the queen crocodile for the secret on how to make a good sherbet. You had better be grateful, without me, no one would have a good ice cream, and no sherbet would be safe.”

Mr. Veplan laughed, “Well, it would be ungracious of me not to give my ice cream savior a pass to homeroom now wouldn’t it?”

I nodded wisely,“That it would be.”

Mr. Veplan laughed again and handed me a pass. I looked over it and nodded, “May the Candy cane king watch over you Mr. V.”

He saluted, “And you too Ms. Risila.”

I saluted back and turned to bolt to homeroom.

            “Well, looks like Sunny has decided to bless us with her presence! Tell me, why do you think that we are so important that you have actually decided to be here in the flesh?”

I huffed as my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Braxton, went on and on about how it was so good that I was actually here and how she was honored to actually see me. Even though I was mad, I laughed and bowed, “The pleasure is all mine ma’am.” She frowned at my smiling face. I know that people get steamed when you play along with their insults. It’s one of my many specialties. Mrs. Baxter shifted uncomfortably and continued with her work. “Yeah, just keep working and look pretty, that’s all you have to do” I thought. I pulled out my phone and started my early morning text session. Knox and Melody saw me and nodded with secret smiles playing on their faces. OK, so I can trust them sometimes, and maybe they’re not total halfwits. Who am I kidding? I’m the half-wit! I mentally eye-rolled at myself, but shrugged it off. It’s text time, not moan in self-pity time! I punched in my friends numbers and started typing.

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