Day 2 - Food and Prey!

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A sweet potato. From a nearby stand. Really? Tetsuya sold himself for one sweet potato. And it wasn't even one, it was a few bites of one. Nice.

But then again it smelled heavenly. And it tasted the same. And he was kind of hungry. And it was food. And Tetsuya was just a puppy, he needed food to grow up, tall and strong, with shining, beautiful fur.

Yep, it was a nice sweet potato.

Besides, the small human apologised properly. Tetsuya wasn't cold-hearted, the humans just never learned. Still, he gave the little human to pet him.

Soon after that both humans left him alone to wander around again. Where were his humans though? They had surely noticed he was missing by now. The pup thought he could bite their shoes for punishment, so they would remember not to forget him.

But they needed their shoes to chase after the orange ball. No, Tetsuya would never ruin their fun. Maybe they will apologise in their own way on their own, without the need of a reminder.

Just then a bird landed in front of the puppy. Well, he had nothing better to do, might as well chase it around for a bit. He had to work on his hunting skills anyway, the big orange balls were not enough exercise for him.

And so Tetsuya, with a small bark, lunged forward, making a small jump. But the bird was faster and quickly flew a few meters away, landing again and staring at the pup.

"Prey!" The pup barked again, running after the flying creature.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now