At one point, while they were in the room, Can asked Sanem: "Love?"
"Mh..." replied Sanem.
"You didn't go up to the terrace, did you?" he asked her confident of her answer.
"No, Can. Why?" she asked her in turn. She had come back much more lucid after eating. And her voice was less laboured.
"Nothing. So... While I was in the waiting room waiting for you I admit I turned into a kind of Sherlock Holmes."
Sanem smiled. "In what way?" he asked.
"I just tried to put together the clues I had seen, that's all." He was careful to point out.
"What were you doing in the garden, do you remember?" he asked her.
"Yes, it came back to me while before. I was preparing a surprise for you. I wanted to make it up to you for how I had behaved on the phone. I remember that I wanted to prepare a romantic dinner there in the garden or something. I also remember that in addition to the flowers... I prepared blankets to lay on the lawn, pillows and I think even candles. And instead of making it up to you, I made you worry even more. And now we are here." Sanem summed up, lowering her head.
"You couldn't have known this would happen. Don't torment yourself." he replied.
"Does our family know?" she asked, raising her head sharply.
"No one knows." replied Can. "Except Bulut. But I begged him to keep his mouth shut. I didn't want you to have any more outside worries. Or to be treated like a sick person." he finished the sentence, smiling.
"My mother would have definitely done that." Sanem replied assuredly.
"That's one of the reasons I didn't say anything. Everyone would have catapulted in here and you wouldn't have been quiet." admitted Can.
Sanem managed to raise his hand to caress his face.
"You did well. Thank you." she said, looking him straight in the eye. "What would I do without you?" he added.
"What would I do without you?" asked Can rhetorically. "I was so afraid... of losing you." he admitted with difficulty.
At that point it was Sanem who consoled him.
"But it didn't happen. I have my Evil King always ready to save me. Don't torment yourself." she said, repeating his exact words.
They both smiled. They stood in silence looking into each other's eyes. Hand in hand, giving each other strength.
Suddenly that enchantment was interrupted by the arrival of the doctor.
"Oh, Mrs Divit. I see you have recovered. I'm glad." the doctor replied cordially.
"Thank you doctor." she replied.
"I am Dr Levent." he introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you. Sanem Divit." she replied trying to smile.
"I know, I already had a chance to talk to your husband." he replied casting a glance towards him.
"And... Doctor have the results of the last examination arrived?" asked Can anxiously.
"Yes... but I want to see the patient personally first." replied Dr. Levent.
"Of course. Please." said Sanem moving the small table from the front. Can helped her.
Mr Levent checked the medical records, and then moved on to the examination.
"Mrs Sanem, I need to ask you a few routine questions. Your husband mentioned something, but I would like to hear it in your own words. How have you been feeling lately?" he asked.
"Very tired, sometimes aching. I take long, deep sleeps. I have mood swings. Appetite in abundance in some cases and in others not at all. Headaches. And... the other day I had a sugar crash, or at least I think it was that." replied Sanem lucidly.
"Hmm..." said the doctor. "Have you experienced nausea?"
"Yes sometimes it happened. I think..." began Sanem. "I think it was because of the intense scent of the daisy in my hand that I got dizzy and blacked out."
"Madam, we found that you were dehydrated and fasting. How so?" the direct doctor asked her.
"Um... at lunch I had prepared a nice salad. But at some point I cut myself, and the sight of blood made me violently nauseous, so I never ate it again." she said, casting a glance at Can and then lowering her head in embarrassment.
Her husband remained silent.
"Did you threw up?" asked the doctor.
"Yes." she replied.
"Had this happened to you before?" he asked.
"Before today, no. I only felt nauseous." replied Sanem.
"I understand." said Dr. Levent.
"Doctor, what do you think it is?" asked Can worriedly, watching the doctor's expression.
"I think, in a woman at the beginning of her state, it's more than normal. It's in line with the results." replied Dr. Levent.
"What do you mean by a woman in her state, doctor?" asked Can immediately alarmed, preceding Sanem.
"I mean that for a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy like Mrs Sanem, it's quite normal." replied Doctor Levent lightly.
"Pregnancy?!" exclaimed Can and Sanem in unison.
"Yes, why? Didn't you know? Mrs Sanem is two weeks pregnant. The blood tests speak for themselves. The concentration levels of beta hcg hormone leave no room for doubt. Congratulations gentlemen! You will soon become parents." the doctor announced smilingly.
"I'm pregnant??!" exclaimed Sanem smiling with tears in her eyes.
"Are you pregnant?" repeated Can looking at the astonished doctor. Then he looked at Sanem and brought a hand to his mouth.
"Really?" asked Sanem to the doctor.
"Really, ma'am. Really! Congratulations. I thought you knew given the obvious symptoms." he replied puzzled.
Sanem instinctively brought a hand to his stomach.
Can was still shocked. He was energetic, snappy and couldn't sit still. He stood up from the chair. "Uhm, doctor but so this is all because of that?"
"Yes, these are clearly the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy. The first trimester is the most difficult. You have to be very patient."
"We will have it. We'll get it, doctor!" said Can elated.
"But what must she do?" he then asked looking at his wife.
"Now Mrs Sanem must listen to her body. She must rest and not fatigue. She must eat and get her strength back for the sake of her baby." replied the doctor seriously.
"I will do that." she said still shaken by the good news.
"More details will be provided by her gynaecologist." added Levent.
"OK, thank you doctor." replied Sanem.
"Doctor, but the head? And the fall... it didn't create any damage, did it?" asked Can.