Taylor and Gail have flown down early to get staff ready and they are headed to their private house at the back of the estate near the beach for privacy. They are on vacation now. Mr Howard has brought my suitcase in with my briefcase and placed it in the master suite. I have him put Tiffany at the other end of the house very far away from me. She screwed up, she was trying to use sex to get her way about our typing and working. I think it was her trying to rule the roost and any female is her target, no matter their ages. I held one of my employees baby daughters and she threw a hissy fit about it. She was very adamant about not liking children and she thought I was getting attached to little Ana. I handed Ana back to her mother and excused us and took her into my office and told her that liking children is very different than wanting my own children. I am unpacking and she whines that her room is so small compared to mine. I tell her it is the quietest room in the place since she doesn't want to hear typing while on vacation. I put Anastasia in the room next to me and Kate and Elliott next to her. Mia has the other master suite per her usual.
I think you should give me this room and take the smaller one, a gentleman would do it. He laughs at me and tells me that a gentleman would do that for a lady, I truly think we both know that you aren't a lady. I go to slap him and he just picks me up and puts me down in the hall and shuts and locks the door. I see a text saying remind me why I allowed you to come with me here again? I text him because you love me.
Are you kidding me? Love you seriously I don't love you. I give you sex and gifts and headlines. You have two choices here, you go to your room and unpack or you go get your bags and catch the first commercial flight back to Seattle. If you cause any more trouble security will put you in economy class on the first thing off this island. Now go away the rooms are already assigned, if you switch rooms I will know about it. Now go enjoy this place rather than whine about having a nice room with a view of the ocean and you can enjoy paradise, but you choose to want to sit on the throne and we are all your subjects to bend to your will and do as you wish. I am the king here baby. I think you can go home now. I hear her still typing away.
You still aren't going to give me your room or throw someone out of their room to allow me a bigger room? I see security walking towards me as I get the message I am on vacation and you are disturbing it.
Security will see that you get a seat on the flight in thirty minutes it is a cargo plane and it is waiting on you. I hear her yelling at me using all kinds of fowl language. Wait until she sees the cargo plane seating lol. Ray told me if Tiffany caused more issues that there would be cargo planes available for us to put her on. I called him and he got hold of my security and off she goes luggage and all. I unlocked my door and Mia is laughing and said Tiffany tried to bully her out if the other master suite.
After Tiffany checked my room out she demanded that I take her room and give her mine. I told her no way and shut the door on her. I am glad she is gone and we never will see her again. Right?
She is history especially after she gets off the cargo plane, Ray thought she might be a queen B and he was right. So we came up with the cargo plane to take her back home if she acted like she has plenty of other times. Ready for dinner? Let's go eat I close my door and we knock on the doors for supper.
I knock on Anastasia's door and her headphones are on and I think it was because of Tiffany and Christian's fighting. I wave at her and she takes the headphones off. Dinner time Minnie Mouse. Her headphones are like Minnie mouses ears on her head.
We all head down to eat and Christian asked if Anastasia got any work done yet? She told him she did between her highnesses screams. We get to the table and everything looks great. Security is eating with us as well, there is no point in serving two meals in and the table is big enough to let everyone eat at the same time. There are several tables in a huge dining room area. Just as we finish eating the winds start picking up and we have to get everything closed up very quickly.
The rains followed quickly after the winds and everything was closed up very tight. We couldn't get any signals on any of our devices. Anastasia said it should be okay as far as getting the book sent out this time.
I see how Kate and Anastasia seem to be working on something. I am thinking that we should try to get the generators working before we lose power in the houses. We work hard and finally finish dinner. We got everything closed up and ready for the high winds.
I can keep you warm and safe you know. He laughs.
I laugh and tell him that I think I can sleep alone with wind and rain coming hard a we lose the bar.

The Masked Writer
FanfictionThank you E L James for writing the Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and the characters we love and those we love to hate. Seattle has a new publishing house and it has a new writer. When you can't get the mountain to come to you, you go to the mountai...