School Night

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"Adee, please tell me you're coming tonight!" Ally said into the phone as she was curling Jenna's hair.

"Yes yes! Just gotta ask! They're pretty easy, they'll let me!" Adee smirked as she twirled her hair around.

"Ok awesome! It's going to be a blast! Text me and tell me what time you'll be here! Bye!" Ally replied as she hung up the phone.

Adee twirled around in her chair. It was a Wednesday night in the Adams-Fosters household. Nobody was allowed out on school nights but Adee got a lot of things she wanted.

Adee skipped downstairs and saw Stef folding laundry.

"Mommy?" Adee asked. Her eyes were glittering.

"Yes baby girl?" Stef answered as she bent down to her youngest daughter.

Adee grinned sweetly. "Mommy, is it okay if I go to a sleepover at Ally and Jenna's house? It's gonna be epic! We're gonna do makeovers!"

Stef sighed. "Adee-"

"And then we're gonna eats lots of food! And watch scary movies!" Adee babbled.

"Adrian," Stef interrupted gently.

"Yes?" Adee replied.

"You can't go, honey," Stef told her.

Adee's sweet smile disappeared and was replaced with the angry look they all knew well. That was the start of a tantrum.

"What?" Adee demanded.

"It's a school night, baby. You know the rules. If it were the weekend I would be fine with it but-"

"They go to the same school as us! And their mom is there and we won't go to bed late, and I'll bring school clothes and my backpack with me!" Adee protested, stomping her foot.

"You cannot go, Adrian Michelle, and that is final!" Stef snapped.

Adee was speechless for a moment, before her tantrum began. "Ugh! This is so unfair! You're so damn mean!" she screeched before running out of the room.

Stef saw red, and she threw down the shirt that she was folding. Her police instincts kicked in and she started to run after her wayward daughter.

"Adrian Michelle!" Stef yelled loudly.

"Oh boy..." Adee whimpered, as she quickly hid in the coat closet.

Stef didn't see where Adee hid, and she was livid.

"Adrian, if you aren't out here in 5 seconds, you're getting the spoon," Stef warned ominously.

Adrian didn't dare move or even breathe. Stef counted off the seconds.

"Let's make that the paddle then," Stef said simply.

Adrian still didn't move. Stef nodded and went into the kitchen to cool down.

Lena came home from work and kissed her wife.

"Hey, love. Where's Adee?" Lena asked.

Stef placed her mug of coffee down on the counter and scowled.

"She asked me to go to a sleepover at the Mulberg's and I told her no because it was a school night. Then she threw a tantrum calling me mean and swearing, before running and hiding somewhere. Right now, she's earned the paddle," Stef explained angrily.

Lena was angry as well. But one little detail made her start to smirk.

"So, you didn't catch her? I thought you were the big and bad police officer," Lena joked.

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Stef gave her a firm look. "Lena, this is not funny. She's been getting away with a bit too much lately with many warnings."

"I'm sorry, love. You're right, it isn't funny. Wouldn't want your ego to be damaged anymore than it already is," Lena snickered, picking up her sweater.

"Very funny," Stef grumbled.

Lena moved to the coat closet to hang her sweater up. She opened the door, and was effectively startled by Adrian stumbling out.

"Ooof!" Adee grunted, falling on to the ground.

Lena gave her a stern look. "Young lady, you are in so much trouble."

"H-hi, Mama," Adee said sheepishly.

Lena firmly pulled Adee up and basically dragged her to Stef.

"Hi, Mommy. How are you today? Fine? Great!" Adee nervously greeted.

"Adrian!" Stef snapped. She hated when Adee did that.

"Get over here right now young lady." Stef yelled.

"No mommy. I think I'll stay right here." Adee said nervously.

"NOW," Stef boomed. Adee didn't move a muscle.

Stefs eye lit with anger. Fire.

She went into the closet Adrian was just in and took the paddle out.

"This is what you've earned." Stef pointed at her with the paddle.

Adrian didn't look. She was too distracted as she took out her phone to tell her friends she couldn't go because her moms were big meanies.

As Adrian was texting, Stef saw and took it right out of her hands.

"No phone young lady." Stef said sternly.

"UGHHHH! I'll just go there myself!" Adrian screamed.

She'd never yelled at her moms like that before.

Lena and Stef were startled.

Adrian threw her phone on the ground, crying as she ran upstairs.

Stef picked up the broken phone and shook her head.

"I'm gonna go call their mom and tell them Adee isn't allowed." Stef said.

"Do NOT go upstairs Stefanie. You're too angry!" Lena warned.

Lena could see she was fuming. She didn't want Stef to go overboard on the child.

Stef moved past Lena and went upstairs. She opened the room door, pulled Adee over her lap and began spanking her with her hand.

"Nooooo! Mommy stop!"

Stef ignored her pleas and spanked her harder. "You do not SMACK tell me to SMACK stop young lady! SMACK SMACK SMACK. I have had SMACK enough!"

Adee bawled and kicked her legs. "Mommy please you're hurting me!"

Lena ran in and grabbed Stef's arm as it raised again.

"STEF! Enough!" Lena yelled, stopping Stef from spanking Adee again.

"You need to cool down. Now," Lena growled. Stef knew it wasn't a suggestion.

Adee stood by, rubbing her backside, wailing in pain.

Stef sighed and went into their room to cool down.

"Come on love, let's finish this." Lena said calmly.

"Mommy hurt me." Adee whimpered with her puppy dog eyes.

The Fosters One Shots (Spanking, fluff)Where stories live. Discover now