The Patrol

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It was a great sunny day in Ninjago city . It was a holiday so no school . Everyone used the homework excuse and that if it gets late they will do a sleepover , to meet up at the warehouse .

*In the warehouse*

Kai: so who's taking patrol today

Zane: according to my calendar it Kai and Lloyd's turn. 

Lloyd : Ok sure

Jay: So uh don't we have homework

Cole: Jay you do realise it was an excuse , right we discussed to finish it in school remeber.

Jay: *awkward laughter* i forgot

Nya :*facepalms* Jay!!

Jay: oop sorry nya

Lloyd : Ok whatever Jay do your homework and the rest let's get training .

Jay : Wow Lloyd you really sound like my mom . Anyways I'm coming you  can't make me do math

Lloyd : Yea yea if you don't I'm gonna tell ur mom so i suggest doing homework , buuuut *throws homework* you can copy mine .

Jay: Thanks Lloyd you da best

------at night ----


Kai : Lloyd !! Lloyd where are you . Wait i dont think he is here ,does that mean I'm early .

Lloyd: *pops from behind* Nope i came here 10minutes ago .

Kai : awh c'mon

Lloyd : haha anyways let's go I'll take the eastern side and you take west . Meet at borg tower in about an hour. 

Kai : as you say green leader

Lloyd : ok cya

---- at borg tower----

Kai : hey Lloyd

Lloyd : hey Kai got anything

Kai: Nothing

* They run there*
Kai : Lloyd help

Lloyd : coming

*The villian pinned Kai down and is choking him*

Lloyd : *angry , his eyes turn pink and his voice is deeper and  powerful filled * LEAVE HIM ALONE

Lloyd pov

I felt anger and darkness cloud me . I didn't care Kai was a brother to me . Then i was surrounded by dark clouds and then when it stopped i didn't thank for a second even and started shooting Purple? Beams . Last I checked my element was green in colour not purple .

But whatever I shot the beam and wait why can I feel 2 extra arms.  The villain was destroyed and i helped Kai up.  The others along with Sensai Wu entered ( i called them earlier ) .

They came running and then stopped and all looked worried as if i was a villian . I was trying to be calm and then another dark cloud surrounded me and i felt drained and exhausted i lost balance only for Cole to catch me . I blacked out .

Sometime later i woke up

No pov

Jay: Sensai Lloyd' s awake .

Lloyd : *groans* what happened

Jay : what happened you were gold and then you had four arms and then * runs out of breath*

Lloyd : *remembers* oh yea i remember .

* Wu enters*

Wu: Lloyd !!

Lloyd : Sensai why were you guys freaked out and what is Jay talking about. 

Wu : that i will answer nephew but you must tell what exactly happened during the patrol

Lloyd : well * sits up strait* me and Kai went on patrol and found nothing.  We decided to meet at borg tower and then there was an explosion and me and Kai went there . Kai was pinned down by a figure , he was dark and black with a few pink stips on him .

He was choking Kai and and .... I..i..i

Jay: I..i..i what!!??

Lloyd : i was angry like very angry and then there were these dark clouds around me and then the next i remeber was shooting a beam at that figure . But ... It was purple instead of green .

Cole: Whatever the case dude you should've seen yourself

Zane : actually *shows vid of the whole event *

Lloyd : *gulp* that's me , seriously what happened.

Garmadon:*enters * ( in this garmadon is good but in his ressurected form ) that my son was oni form

Lloyd : Wait wait wait Oni form?

Wu : You don't say brother

Garmadon : Yes Wu i am positive it was an oni form .


Nya : you done Jay

Jay: *breaths * yes

*In private*

Garmadon: well Lloyd what happened to you was that you found your Oni form . You already know the tale of the Oni and Dragon right and about how father was born from both worlds

Lloyd : Yes so..?

Garmadon:oni power is destruction and is fueled by anger .

Lloyd : so you're implying that what happened to me was actually my oni side activitaing. 

Garmadon: yes and by what you said about this figure . Oni power may be the only way to destroy it .

Lloyd : I guess but I don't understand how it works

Garmadon: an oni form is found when the user experiences large amounts of anger and frustration, when the user feels it truly feels that's when they get their oni form .

*The guys from the shadows hear everything*

Jay :*wispers* Well now it's great that we have a part oni on the team.

Kai :*whispers* yea tots and  for the first time we sneaked up on Lloyd 

Lloyd : *pops from behind* Really from my view it seemed that i was sneaked up on you .

Jay : Lloyd !!

Kai : So now we're trying to sound like Harumi aren't we

Lloyd : wait how do you know she said that like i'm being Sirius Kai . IT WAS PRIVATE

Kai : oh please we got all the info bout your date

Lloyd : it was not a date *angry*

Kai : geez cool don't want an oni here

*Everyone including Lloyd laughs*


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