The Big Reveal

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Quick clarification Lloyd and Morro are like best friends. Kinda like Lloyd and Kai relation in the series . SPOILER ALERT i know Morro changed and he is working with the good side .

Kai first woke up and was thinking to himself
Kai pov
We all especially me feel sad and regret our actions towards Lloyd
Lloyd : Kai listen we need to hide the weapons elsewhere
Kai : Why tho
Lloyd : Well Kai he know the whereabouts of the weapons . We can't risk it now can we ?
*End of flashback*

Why did we do it . He was good , he was unlike his father . He always tried to show people that but we never understood that .
I look around to see the others awake .
*The other ninja wake up *

Kai : *in a weak voice *Where are we ?

Zane : We appear to be in a cage .

Cole : We already know that tin can
Jay : Wasn't that obvious

Nya : Guys stop someone's coming
Mr .E enters and puts a sleeping gas on Kai . Pythor and aspheera drag him out .

When Kai wakes up
GM is the only other person in the room
Kai : Who who are you
GM : Ahh yes good you are awake Kai
Kai : Who are you answer me and how do you know my name

GM : I am the golden master and i know everything about you and your pathetic friends .

Kai : your The overlord?

GM : No no no i work for the overlord. He was never the true golden master. The prophecy of the golden master was meant for me .
Kai : *gulp* Who who are you behind the mask . Show yourself

GM : i prefer my identity hidden Kai

Kai : *in a mocking way *Why are you scared

GM : Two things Kai , first i am not scared second if you do this again your dear sister Nya , will be hurt .

Kai : please I'll do anything just don't hurt her .. please *with tears forming *

Harumi and Morro enter

Harumi : Wow llo i mean golden master you really hate him

GM : *wispers to harumi * Harumi identity .. remeber

Harumi : oh right sorry forgot *leaves*

GM : So where were we Kai

Kai : We were kicking your butt Goldie

GM : what how did you get out !? Also what's with Goldie anyways.

Kai : oh i have my ways *smirks*

GM : really lemme guess you planted a mole didn't you

Kai : ho how ??

GM : Oh please Kai , i know especially you inside out . We were once like brothers not by blood but by bond . yet it had to be fake didn't it

Kai : whowhoo.. are you

GM : That you figure out with the rest of your friends . *Turns to mr.e * Take him

GM leaves and Kai is escorted to the cage once more
Everyone but Kai : Kai!?

Kai : Hey guys

Nya : What happened TELL ME EVERYTHING

Kai tells everything except the brother part .

Kai pov

Brothers!? Brothers !?!! What does he mean by brothers by bond . I mean the only people who consider me a brother are nya , Jay ,Cole ,Zane and *gasps to himself* Lloyd . He he took me as an elder brother . Of course it's him shit. What have we done ?!

Kai : Guys i know who the golden master is

Jay : Who ?!?!!?!?! TELL ME

Just then the door opens and gm walks in

GM : And what discussion may be happening here
Kai : remove the mask I know who you are *rough voice * Lloyd
Everyone except Kai and Lloyd : WHAT ?!?!

Lloyd : *removes mask * Yes it is true * turns to Kai * so you figured it out on your own Kai . Hmm you're a little smarter than i expected.

Jay : *gulp* Lloyd please * awkward chuckle * we're brothers *raises voice* right ?

Lloyd : No we aren't as a matter of fact *rough voice * Jay

Zane : Lloyd please it doesn't have to be like this . We are a truly sorry for what we did to you

Lloyd : Keep your sorry 's for yourself Zane , i made up my mind and that's the end of it.

Kai : * sobbing * Lloyd ple please it doesn't have to be like this . You can change please , we are brothers pl...please

Lloyd : We were Kai , grammar please
Lloyd : * touches earpiece* pythor press the red button . Let them perish to the sea

Quick Kai pov
Is Lloyd stupid . Nya is the master of water , I don't know, really .

The cage is ejected and lands in the ocean . nya uses her powers to help us get to shore.

When we reach Wu and garmadon come running and bring us on land .

Wu : Where were you

Kai explains everything but Lloyd being the golden master

Garmadon: So who is the golden master ? If not the overlord

Kai : *tries to avoid eye contact* *sniff* Lloyd

Wu and Garmadon:*shocked* .... Ll..ll.Lloyd as in Lloyd Lloyd 

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