The Content Bulldozer

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  Once there was a bulldozer named Grinder. He, along with his team, built amazing structures, such as skyscrapers and airports. He thoroughly enjoyed his work, which his coworkers hated, and he was often teased for liking it.

One day their strict boss, a semi-truck named Highway, decided to loosen up a little bit and let all the trucks have a vacation. Everyone took the offer, except Grinder, who wanted to continue working. Because of this, Highway hired a new team of trucks to work alongside him. The new trucks were lazy, and they slowly drove to the construction zone, leaving Grinder waiting hours for them to arrive.

When they finally got there, they immediately fell asleep. Grinder asked "who will get the concrete and steel?" The flatbed of the crew, who would usually be the one to do it, mumbled his reply, "not I." "Then I will", replied Grinder, and he did.

Next, someone needed to lay the foundation, so Grinder asked "who will lay the foundation?" The cement mixer, who usually would be the one to do this, instantly retorted, "not me." So Grinder did.

The next thing that needed to happen was to put in the support beams. Grinder was getting rather annoyed at this point, but he still asked, "who will put in the support beams?" The crane, who would usually be the one to do this, laughed, "you think I will do it?" "not I." So Grinder did.

The most important thing to do was make the roof, so Grinder shouted, "Who will put the roof on?" The crane, who was very annoyed that he was being asked to do something twice, replied, "definitely not me." So Grinder did.

The last thing that needed to be done was to paint it, so Grinder yelled, "Who will paint it?" The paint truck, who would usually be the one to do it, replied, "no way." So Grinder did.

When the build was finally complete, Highway, who had overseen the entire build, hired someone to direct it. They had built a garage! The flatbed, cement truck, crane, and paint truck tried to go in, but the manager stopped them and yelled, "I will not allow any trucks as lazy as you four to enter this garage!" So they left. When Grinder came, however, the manager let him through and told him, "I saw how hard you worked, I will gladly make any car in the spot you want move." Although that was not necessary, for Grinder was content with whichever spot he got.

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