Question 148

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GachaClubDefender5: This question is from Rekuta1! *Reading the question* Have any of you ever pranked someone and it got backfire on you?

Wally: *-_-* The way I live back then in the past with my family problem from my father. Nope & I DON'T do prank. 

SRJ: Yeah, I DON'T prank either. Not even in the past from what my family have to go through from losing my mom.

Lily: With everything that was going on with the Faunas & White Fang including my family... I NEVER would think of doing prank. 

Sam: Same here. Thinking with the MAX IQ on machinery I would even prank? Yeah, no.

Ashley: ... Well, hehe that I can tell you. I did help with my Big Brother prank on our older sister, Saphron. I may have distracted her while my big brother was switching Shampoo with Hair Color dye Pink with the label of Shampoo.

Wally: Seriously? Hair Color dye prank?

Ashley: I mean, it was very priceless when Saphron hair was pink & we was laughing so hard. But that when big brother didn't cover his track from Saphron KNOWING our many sisters so much & find something that big brother would do all the time. *O_O* It end up with me & big brother having green hair for a month. Blonde really are natural to the Arc Family. I mean like you all seen my whole family photo.

Lily/SRJ: *Nod* Yeah.

Sam: Fair point.

Wally: I'm still on how your father did so much time with your mother to have many babies with alot being girl & 1 being boy. I never knew your mother have the strength & will like none other to give birth.

-Words Result: 302-

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