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Chapter 46

Roman walked in the compound with his brothers body before guards could come Leviticus kneeled down pulling his brother's signature jewlery from him gently.

Tears escaped Leviticus' eyes looking down at the corpse of his brother. He removed the blade from his hang pushing it up through the base of his skull separating him before he woke ravenous with a hanging head.

Leviticus placed his hand in his baby brothers head remembering better times. He wiped his eyes and nose when he heard the elevator open. Take him to the morgue have the tech prepare him for resurrection services. Tell him prepare my brothers body in a Christian fashion. Spirit walked up looking down at Roman he fell to his knees crying.

Spirit raised up collecting himself. The other henchmen they grew up with in the same crew wiped thier eyes. It was rare this many of them that came up together made it this far through this virus.

Silence swept the hall. If I killed my own brother for his treachery what will I do to you? The henchman remained quiet knowing he meant what he said. Don't cross me you'd be better off killing yourself before I get to you.

A guard ran to Leviticus. My King the pilot said get to the roof and bring weapons. Leviticus ran to the armory he unlocked his personal fridge drinking lamb's blood.

He realized his connection to Psalm and Sheba ended. How's my wife? He asked the guard. Fine my king the answer the Queen commanded him to say. Leviticus grabbed weapon's taking the elevator to the roof. His young guard ostaring at him. Why are you staring? The young guard took out his phone may I my king?

For what? Our enemies to see when they visit the compound and see the landing page for the united states. You do that computer work? Yes sir. Okay well you're our head of computers and getting us up and running again. You get a three bedroom house in the quadrant walls and access to everything in the compound first choice at private barter sessions.

We have that? Private barter sessions? Yes the best merchants offer the Royals item's first then our employees then the servant's  then goes to the street. Married? Yes my king I have a husband. Is he a battle Zomm? Yes sir. Leviticus smiled good see if he wants to be to be a second Lutenient I just lost one.

Sorry for your loss my King. Leviticus looked at him with his blood and mud stained face I'm not.

They arrived at the roof leviticus walked through the rain hopping in the helicopter with two guard's.

I saw something the pilot took Leviticus over the docks do you see it? Leviticus looked down under murky water's.

Yeah I fucking see it BAZOOKA. The guard looked at him shocked don't make me ask again boy. He handed him the missile packed gun.

Fly as soon as I get the shot! Leviticus pointed shooting the push back hit the wall in the helicopter.

The missile went below the water the pilot smiled when the submarine went up in smoke. RE-CIRCLE!

THE RED LANDS. The copter hovered the redlands he pointed the gun at a beautiful mansion blowing up the house men and soldiers ran from it that were not his own. Shocked the soldier asked how did you know?

They cleared the walkway to the front door exposing themselves. Leviticus kept his eyes sharp STOP! he blew up three more houses and when Zombies ran from them he used his vintage Mack 10 machine gun to clean what was left.

Russians! He screamed to the pilot who smiled at his killing techniques. Why are you staring at me look out the left side for signs of squatters now! Yes my King.


Spirit walked the compound with Bear. Sheba was on the loose and no one knew where she was but they knew when she wasn't contained to not stare her down and not to antagonize her.

Spirit heard her growling a few
floors above him. He also knew the guarss had orders not to kill her. They were given tranquilizer guns for that very purpose. Levitucs threaten who ever killed Sheba or bear died with them.

Spirit looked up staying off the floor Sheba was but when he hears her growling again he took the steps up three floors bear on his heels. He opened the door to Sheba standing on Czar, she was shot but it went through her dead exposed body. Spirit saw the exit hole in her side. The bullet didn't phase her.

Bear growled he took off running down the hall. Spirit walked up to Czar what the fuck are you doing here?

I came for my daughter thats all I want is to take her and go. You think you can creep in here and just walk out with all the trouble you've caused?

Spirit stepped on hia wrist checking his pockets and body while Sheba had his other hand pinned with her massive paw.

Bear came back Spirit looked behind him Fake Syria was in his teeth bear dragging her unconcious body.

NO! Czar yelled crying. Spirit cuffed Czar and went to check on his daughter she's alive just not conscious bear knocked her out.

Get up, move Sheba. He took both of them to the psych ward padded cells. He tossed them in one each locked the doors and left Sheba on the floor to guard them. Kill anyone Sheba. She snapped at Spirit almost taking his arm. Spirit left and returned with Czar's dead guard here eat that not me.

She pounced on the body ripping the ravenous Zomm's skim from brittle bone.
Spirit went to the infirmary to check on Psalm.

Leviticus blew up 13 houses and cleared closed to 500 Russian spy Zombies. He jumped out the helicopter with his guard why not thos house?

Leviticus gave him a look as the duo walked in the house looking for signs of Zombie life. The sound of bullets rang out in the redlands drawing more Zombies.

They walked in the dining room to maps and plans, books in Russian pack it all hurry!

The two of them grabbed all of it as hoards of ravenous blood thirsty Zombies pushed in doors and broke windows struggling to feast on their flesh.

They ran to the attic Leviticus shot out the window the two climbed to the roof Zombies moaning and reaching hoping they'd fall to their deaths to become dinner.

The pilot lowered the ladder the two climbed up and were swept away to the saftey of the compound and out the clutches of a dreaded death.

Leviticus pulled a wrapped poster off his back LIGHT! The pilot obeyed turning on the light. You understand Russian my king? Levitics snared at him not answering sorry my king. He looked out gimme a once around the state of New Jersey go slow gimme a pen. Yes my king.  

Leviticus marked the map in several places it took two hours he made sure he checked every location marked on the map and at every location the Russian's set houses of infiltration in the Red Lands. 28 houses Leviticus destroyed 500 Russian Zombie nests and cleaned them when they scattered like roaches taking no prisoner's.

Gimme my flame gun! Leviticus set the ravenous Zombies on the borders and city lines in fire locking in who ever he missed. The guard tired but happy he was training with Leviticus in such a high profile situation. He watched his king clear and contain 30 perimeters in total all in a few hours.

Three Hours Prior

Psalm listen to me I'm going to do a cecerian if you push the baby will rip you and because you are Zom you won't come back together.

Do you see those needles in that pack on the upper left side Doctor? Yes Psalm. The needles are numbered administer them to me five minutes apart before you cut.

Make a three inch bikini cut under my belly cut 6 inch deep only Syria. Psalm I can't pull a baby from you on six inches.

You have to a new borns head is five inched wide with body between 3 and 4 inches wide. Six is enough space now start before I pop literally.

Don't break the water until you make the incision see that bottle? Yes Psalm fill it with amniotic fluid, drain the blood from the cord in that bottle and place the cord and placenta in that plastic bag.

Why the cord and Placenta? Psalm looked at her for me to eat for nutrients later. Syria grinned nervously it has double the vitamin's in the cord and bag animals do it, now so must we to regain our strength.

It will help me, it's disgusting I know but I'll need it Doctor.

Okay I'm on the fifth needle Pslam. Inject it in my tummy to deaden the cut area okay this is it the deadening will last a hour that's it Syria.

Syria was nervous stop shaking why are you shaking Syria. I'm afraid I never delivered a Zom baby before and Leviticus will kill me if--

He won't we know the risks Doctor have no fear. Run three more blood I.V I'm going to loose a lot of blood that will replace as I loose.

Psalm was breathing heavy contractions less then a minute apart. She opened her legs Syria popped her water bag it drained in a open pan Syria would transfer it later.

Syria made the cut under her belly six inches as she requested.

Syria felt around for the baby's head she slipped her tiny hands down the body pulling the baby from her in one easy pull.

She looked to the baby smiling as he cried Spirit! Put the baby over there in the blanket. Psalm! Psalm?!

There was no answer.

Leviticus King Of Zombie's A BLACK ZOMBIE KING POC! A Blk Qween Horror Release Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat