Episode 13Sahz
For the past three weeks I've been enjoying every second with the girl of my dreams. When I saw her for the very first time I just knew she would be my wife. It wasn't just her beauty it was the feeling I got in her presence. So after years of being apart we finally rekindled.
It's been sex, fun and more fun. We've been out restaurant hoping, bar hoping, we went to a few exhibits. We created this piece together when we were high. Came out dope and I sold it for 6 figures. I made the check out to my baby of course and I got us a suite that I planned on surprising her with this weekend. Thing is she hasn't hit me since yesterday. Normally she'll text me right back but nothing. I even called her a few times and no answer. It's like we have these amazing moments then she just disappears. I know she probably trying to make shit work with him but I don't understand why I'm not able to get a shot if he hasn't put a ring on it. She's not married so she's single in my eyes but that's just my thoughts.
It's like we had a love that was different we didn't give a fuck who cared and who didn't. We was free just like we've been the last few weeks. I'm worried about her.. I know she fighting through grief and tons of emotion but with me she's calm. I keep her mind off those things because they don't matter anymore. The only thing that truly matters is her two feet on this earth, her health,her life and her legacy.
All I want is to be apart of the journey and help baby bloom into the flower I know she is...
"You in here listening to sad boy music?" My brother asked. A random ass Chris brown song was playing and he calls it sad boy music. Annoying.
"You know I hate when you walk in my room like that. Wassup?"
"Ight I'm trying to find the girl in the blue dress that was at the party that night. I can't get shorty out my mind"
"Nigga, you know she been here with me. You seen her leave out my room that night, Don't play with me"
"Wait so that girl that was here in that sexy ass blue dress you fucked her?" He said as if I couldn't.
"Damn why you coming like that Sharif?"
"Because she was supposed to be mine. I saw her first" He was dead serious.
"She was mine before relax, been mine" I chuckled
"Hold up shawty from back when we moved to Cuba?"
"Oh shit yo I thought you would never see her again. What was that like because I don't remember her looking like that" he rubbed his hands together.
"Yeah she got thick as fuck but honestly the sex just happened. Sounds crazy but we was drunk and in the moment. Damn I'm missing her but she dodging my calls"
"You tell her about your hey Arnold Bellee shrine?"
"You got jokes.. and no nigga. You better not either"
"Haha I'm just saying you really kept saying she was your wife. Goofy as hell" he shook his head.
"She got a boyfriend so can we dead the shit"
"A boyfriend? Didn't you just fuck her last week?"
"What you clocking what I do?"
"Why you lying? You obviously been fucking her a while. Y'all loud as fuck. I just didn't think it was her"
"Stay out my business. It happened and it's done.. she clearly doesn't want to hear from me so ima chill on hitting her phone and we can dead this fucking convo"
"Lies" he laughed "the girl of your dreams you're going to leave her alone? You got hella jokes"
"This why I don't talk to you about shit bruh."
"Blah blah, cry me a river nigga. You fucked a girl who wasn't yours and now you have to watch her beg for that nigga back. I'm fucking dead" he laughed
"I'm about to fuck you up"
"Bellee you like daddy dick baby" he mockedI hit him straight in his mouth. Cut my knuckles and cracked his tooth. We were about to scrap when I heard a car horn outside my house going the fuck off...
"Your saving grace nigga" I said to my brother as I grabbed my gun tucking it.
Beeeeeep Beeeeeep! I head the horn again. Now I'm hot.
"What the fuck" I walked outside and some guy jumped out the car speed walking towards me.
"You the nigga that fuck my girl!?" He said
"What you about to do grip me up like you do her? Bum ass nigga.. fuck off my lawn before I make sure she mine forever" I pulled my gun. He crazy coming to my fucking house.
"Nigga you ain't saying shit" he pulled out his. "So wassup because I been shot before! go ahead I bet I make it before you do!"
"Wassup then nigga!?"
"Hold up Hold up!" Another guy came from nowhere and my brother stepped outside.
"What the fuck is this?" Sarif said pulling out his Glock too. We may fight but niggas got us fucked up pulling up on some dumb shit.
"Everybody chill ! We leaving, just stay away from Bellee Nigga. Swiss let's go" he tapped his shoulder
"Nah I'm ready to kill this nigga yo!" Her bitch ass boyfriend said. I hate this nigga, he ain't it for her.
"You ain't killing shit" my brother said
"Neither are you Nigga" the guy said "now all y'all calm the fuck down before I really have to turn this bitch up. We leaving y'all go about your business. You stay away from Bellee. Simple. Nigga let's go" he said to "Swiss" again.
I watched as they both pulled off.
"Nigga I told you leave the bitch be along time ago. You should have left that shit in the past and now the bitch bringing problems to our doorstep!"
"I can't Nigga!! I fucking love her and I refuse to let her continue with that nigga of all people. Fuck both of them"
"Bruh you really not about to leave this girl alone"
"Nah Ima chill right now because they shit not gone work. He a fucking mess and he gone fuck it up. Watch. She'll come to me."
"Shit.. if you say so.. you fucked my tooth by the way"
"Smchtt, nigga buy a new one. I'm rich" I said as we walked back in the house.I then got a text from Carmen. My step dad's girl. Supposedly they poly but I never believed that shit. My mother married a monster then expected us to be like him. I don't speak to the nigga, see him nor will I ever work with him. He makes me sick.
Carmen: Where you at?
Carmen: your father wants you to meet him at the warehouse
You can tell him to fuck off and that's the message
She then called me...
"Sahz don't treat your step father that way he means well"
"Sure he does, why you still with him?"
"He's not so bad once you get to know him. Just come and talk to him. I'll be there too"
"Smcht.. about what?"
"It's about your mother"
"What? What about my mother?"
"I don't know he didn't say"
"I'm on my way"
"Good see you soon" she hung up.
"Where you going?" My brother asked
"Meeting shit head about mom"
"What about mom?"
" I don't know have you talked to her today?"
"Nah I haven't seen or spoken to her in a few days"
"I'll be back ima find out what's going on" I said.
"Ight cool." My brother replied.I got in my car and drove to the warehouse. Only his car was there. When I walked in his weird ass was sitting at a table by himself.
"What's wrong with my mom?" I immediately questioned
"Nothing she's good, you're the problem" he said putting his gun on the table. "Have a seat"
"Nah I'm good and if you thought you ready to check me. You got shit fucked up"
"Sahz sit your ass down or I'll let one of my men have his way then kill her when he done. I'm talking about Bellee."
"Pffff... relax" I said then sat down.
"We have much to discuss.. but first" he said then suddenly a bag was placed over my head and tightened.
"Fuck!!" I tried breaking free but two men held me down as one kept tightening the bag.I tried to breathe but I couldn't...
"Look at you" he looked at me but my vision was so blurry. "Leave the Bellee girl where she's at. I'm sick of her being this close to our family, she cost me my son so keep seeing her and shit will get real uncomfortable for you. Oh and next time I'll make sure you not breathing" he said and then his guy removed the bag.
I struggled to catch my breath.
"Sahz, we can work together you know.. you have to stop seeing the bad in me and maybe I'll let up on you. Betray me and I promise I'll kill Bellee while you watch. You hear?"
"Good" he smacked the back of my head and left.I swear on my life ima kill him.
"Yo you lost your fucking mind!?" I said to Swiss after we pulled into Xi parking lot. Bellee car was in the driveway.
He got out pissed and started pacing. Nigga was hot and I ain't never seen him like this.
"Why would you stop me from ending that nigga huh?" He said with his gun in his hand.
Before this Swiss hit me and told me what happened with him and Bellee. He sent me an address and refused to answer my calls. Of course I flew to the shit just in time. Swiss was about to kill him and I knew it but this the last thing Swiss need. He smart and if he get caught up in this that's his life. I won't be able to get him out of everything.
"Because it's not worth it, she cheated it hurts I get it but you gotta calm down bro"
"I'm trying but the more I think about it the more I want him DEAD!!!"
"Swiss bro look where she at tho" I pointed to Bellee's car. "She not there she here Nigga. She fucked up but you been in her same shoes, put yourself back there and figure this shit out"
"Bruh she really fucked someone else Yoo!!" He broke down.I grabbed him and told him shit was gone be good but I can't promise him that. Back when he fucked up with Lia he did everything to fix it but she left him. Now he gotta make the same decision. It's not up to us to figure that shit out. Plus I'm in too heavy with Kingston to carry the burden of their troubles. They gotta fix this shit..
"It's hard I know... I know.. trust me you know I know. But you also know that she wouldn't be here with Xi if she gave a fuck about that other nigga. Ight"
"Yeah" he wiped his face but then Bellee came outside.
"Nah... Nah I can't" he shook his head and walked towards his car.
"Swiss yo just talk to her" I said
"Jakai stop acting like that and bring your ass in here and talk to Bellee. Right fucking now!" My baby pregnant ass came from nowhere. "Right now Jakai!" Xi said.He walked in the house right past Bellee and Xi. She really got my nigga tore up yo.
"Jakai come here" Xi said as she followed him to the living room.
"Bruh just leave me alone" he saidBellee just stood behind Xi. Tears coming from her eyes. Damn I felt bad because I know how much she's lost if she loses Swiss, I may worry about her mental.
"Let me just speak with him a moment you two" Xi said.
"Ight babe, I gotta go anyway. Keep me updated"
"I will"I left out and Bellee followed, Maisy was in the car the whole time and hadn't said a word.
"Project" Bellee called out to me.
"Why did you kill my mother?" She questioned
"He told you?"
"Yeah.... I just don't understand why you would do this to me"
"I swear on my life Bellee if I could, I would take it back.. I'm sorry I took her from you and I can't change that but the reason I did it was for that beautiful woman I call mine in there... I hate how this played out and I wish it was different"
"I really don't know if I can ever forgive you" she said. I could tell she was hurting the way her lips quivered.
"I understand, I'm truly sorry"
"Do you think Jakai still loves me? You're his best friend.. tell me the truth did I lose him?"
"I don't know but I do know Xi will calm him down so y'all can talk.. shit not perfect nothing ever is so work through it best you can"
"Mhmm" she said and walked into the house.I got in the car because Maisy was waving hard as fuck to get my attention.
"I know you hate having me around I get it but I'm tired of being left in the car when all the action is out there." She jokingly said
"Shit that don't involve you, you don't need to get out every where I go"
"Ugh well Feed me at least I'm starving"
"You can order something when we get back to the apartment."
"Huhhh- you're so annoying I rather be back with Kingston" she said
"Go ahead"
"You know I was joking but you so damn uptight."
"You lucky I don't lose your ass somewhere the way you played me. I wasn't going to address it because I didn't feel like giving you that much energy but fuck you Maisy. Real shit"
"I did what I was told that's what I'm programmed to do"
"Don't trip I'm about to reprogram that ass"
"Tuh, and how do you expect to do that huh?"
"Yo ass gone see"
"Oooul I'm so scared" she laughed " you don't even fuck me so how do you expect me to listen to you? I'm not." She laughed
"That's what you want?" I chuckled
"If you agree I'll give you some tea on Kingston right now"
"Agree to what?"
"Fuck me duh"
"Smcht... Ight tell me" I said but I'm not touching her ass. Ima play her like she played me.
"That boy that your friend was waving his gun at. He's Kingstons step son.. and he hates Kingston. Fun fact" she smiled "so whip it out, I want it now"
"Mhmm.. pull over"
"Hold up you bugging"
"You agreed..now pull over and do what you said or I'll tell Kingston you're planning to kill him , you and your brother reck..."