"Walking in the woods again?" I asked, smiling. I totally got over the whole Mr. Tanner thing. Now I stared at Damon.
"Skipping school again?"
"Yea, that's how I like to kick off the school year"
I got a laugh in return, Damon smiled at me like always "Keep our secret Gilbert?"
I chuckled because yes I did keep his secret and he called me Gilbert "Yea, don't worry I'm good at keeping secrets" I brought my hand to my mouth, fingers bended lightly against my lips. while I swayed my head back and forth.
I continued walking past him, I walked past him a little and turned my head back to see him looking at me.
I then continued walking, facing forward till I got to the tree line over by my house. I walked up the steps and got ready for tonights bon fire party at the falls. But before that I wrote in my diary.
Dear Diary,
Wouldn't it be strange to meet someone in the woods? I would say yes but, I actually met someone I may like (as a friend) . He doesn't know much about me at all. But yet I feel so comfrable. I feel like I could trust him with my life.
-Letty Gilbert
It was dark and the music blared from the stereos over by me, I drank the cheap bear people provided and I gotta admit it was hitting me.
I walked in the woods. Maybe I'll see Damon I thought. But a struggle could be heard and I took action and my younger brother saying sometjing.
"Hey, leave her alone" Jeremy says protectfully. I see him hold a beer bottle. Right then he takes a swig like he didn't give a care in the world.
'You know, you're starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert."Tyler says, showing himself. I walk right over.
"Just go, Tyler, get the hell away from me" Vicki says, standing by Jeremy. I reach the three.
"Wow. Vicki donovan says no. That's a first." Tyler says, he stumbles off.but now without a death glare towards me.
"I didn't need your help." Vicki says once Tylers gone, I stand behind them and Jeremy hasn't seen me yet.
"It seems like you did." He says, holding his hands in a WTF gesture.
"He was just drunk."
"I'm drunk. Am I throwing myself at you?"
"No, you're worse. You want to talk to me, get to know me, see into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you're done with me."
"Is that what you think?"
"That's what I know." Vicki says, and.marches off farther into the woods. Jeremy turns around spoting me.
"What the hell do you want?" He says angry. He hardly even looks at me.
"I heard all the commotion" I said, staring at my younger brother who hated me with a passion.
"Letty, don't start caring now" Jeremy says, leaving me and heading in the same direction as Vicki.
"Jeremy!" I yell after the 15 year old, Hes far and I began to run.
"I don't wanna hear it!"
Jeremy then falls to the ground, I run up to him and see who is beneth him. A unmoving figure beneath him.
"Vicki! oh my god" He looks at her again "Its Vicki!"
"Oh my god"
"No" He picks her up bridal style and we carry her to the opening. I look around to see Matt looking at us.
"Somebody help!" I screan, Jeremy's right behind me with Vicki still. A familuar blonde comes up to us.
"Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?" Matt says, we set Vicki on a table.
"Someone call an ambulance!" I yell, Elena comes forward but.I don't see Stefan near.
"Everyone back up, and give her some space!" Tyler yells, pushing people back. I glance at my ex boyfriend angerly.
"Its her neck. Something bit her and shes losing alot of blood" I say, my breathing heavy.
"Here take this" Some guy hands me a shirt, I took it without hesitation. I put it on her wound. That sttange enough looks like a bit on her neck.
"Vicki, Vicki, Vicki! Com'on. Open your eyes, look at me!" Matt yells at his unmoving sister that lays on the table.
I see Matt get inside the ambulance with Vicki, they then drive off and I see my littke brother drinking a beer alone.
"You ok? I called Jenna, she's on her way. Those people in uniforms, last time I checked, they're the police"
Jeremy still drank from the bottle, ignoring me. That's what I really need right now, not. Jeremy needs someone to talk to, and he doesn't think I care enough to be worthy of that.
"People are going to stop giving you breaks, Jer. They just don't care anymore. They don't remember that our parents are dead, because they've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on. You should try, too." I say, this actually gets too Jeremys head and he looks at me.
"I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary. Is that--Is that supposed to be you moving on?" He says, taking yet another drink of beer turning away.
"Mom and dad wouldn't have wanted this." I say, and see Jenna's little car pull up.
Later I begin to write in my diary for the third time today.
Dear Diary,
I atleast said "I'm Fine" thrity-six times today, and didn't mean it one bit. I went to the bon fire, and.the worst thing happened to Jeremy and he won't let me reach out to him, Why? I've tried ao hard. I couldn't have been more wrong. I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it, pretend like it would all be ok. I had a plan. I wanted to change who I was. Create a life as someone new, someone without the past. Without the pain. Someone alive.But it's not that easy. The bad things stay with you. They follow you. You can't escape them, as much as you want to. All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it. I need it.
-Letty Gilbert,

The Letty Diaries (TVD FanFic)
Fanfiction"What you don`t know can hurt you" Letty Gilbert always thinks, but vampires just had to intrude her live , her sister Elena, and brother Jeremys. When Damon and Stefan come to Mystic Falls, so do a lot more vampires. Even an Original bad ass vamp...