chapter 3

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As usual I was woken up unpleasantly.

'April get is Saturday' I heard my granny shouting. ugh.. i hate Saturdays. It's is the day grandma cleans her house and I obviously had to help. Not that I didn't want to , but I was so not in a mood to today...okay I never was, never will be but...whatever. I hated them since i was little but it was something i always had to do when i was at my granny's house.

'Coming' i shouted back a little annoyed.

I brushed my teeth and went down.

'good morning' she said smiling. she was quite a charming lady. she had beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. I have seen some of her teenage pictures and I cant deny, she was hot.

'good morning grandma' I said. ' I made you pancakes and the strawberries and whipped cream are on the table honey' she told me.

'thank you grandma' i squealed. i just love pancakes.

'Honey, since its your first weekend here i decided to give you only your room to clean' she said.

' I love you granny' I said, hugging her. I was really happy. today was gonna be great i thought. Well at least better than I thought it would be. My room in itself was almost as messy as most of the house, and that was saying something.

I finished eating my breakfast and just then i received a call. it was from my best friend! Arielle!!.

she is the best person i have ever met. she was crazy, funny, kind, smart, intelligent and outwardly gorgeous. She had this kind of...I dunno...power...or something like that,that made you happy being around. She was so happy and cheerful all the time, whenever she was around the mood would get so much...happier. she had beautiful blue eyes, black messy but awesome hair, and flawless skin and almost every guy has a crush on her at college. (ariella's pic is at the top of the page).

I had met her 10 years ago. At school, she had sat next to me and we clicked instantly. we have been friends since then. Later some two years later we met simon and Leo. those two were the class clowns. And since arielle and me were also kinda funny we also got along. Then we met Megan. She has blonde hair and green eyes And is downright beautiful.

The boys lived in the flat above ours since our flat was too small for them to fit in. But they practically lived with us anyway.

oh sorry back to the phone call.

'helloo' i said so exited to hear my best friend after a week. Wow I think that's the longest we were apart.

'Hiya' she responded sounding as exited as I was. 'I've missed ya girl.' She said. I could almost see her pout. Yeah she makes expressions on the phone even though she knows the person she is talking to can't see her. It's hilarious to see her make expressions while talking on the phone...I dunno why. But every time she's on the phone, especially with her boyfriend me and Megan always watch her.

'You have no freakin idea of how much I have missed you. You at least have Megan, Leo and simon.' I whinned.

'You must have someone to talk to.'

Yeah. She was right. I had Jace and Zayn malik. In the past week me and zayn had become quite close. We would hang out at the park and also text or call each other if we got boared. I had easily gotten over the fact that I had met this super hot celebrity in the park. Yeah sarcasm involved. I don't usually fall for hot guys that easily. Just because their hot. Okay zayn was not just hot he could sing, and he was nice but, he was also nothing more than my friend. Right? Ok I might as well admit that I actually did have a tiny crush on him, but you can't blame me. But I'm gonna try to stop having that crush on him he was zayn malik after all, I couldn't get him and I dnot want to break my heart. Oh my gosh. If he knew that I ever thought of him being more than a friend he would be disgusted. As I was saying I don't judge people on the basis of looks. I like people for their personality. okay. So now maybe you think I'm lame. I mean reads books, likes guys for personality, and does not fall easily for hot guys, but I can't help it that's just me. But zayn was different...he actually made me get this weird sensation in my stomach the first time I saw him...when he picked up my book for me...but it's because he's him....I guess....yeah whatever... So now he thinks I'm his friend and I'd better be. I don't even deserve to like him like that. I can have a lot of will power when it comes to this stuff, But it doesn't seem to work on Zayn at all.

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