Chapter 4

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I drew some fan art to go along with the fic <3

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I drew some fan art to go along with the fic <3

I wake the next morning with a throat as dry as the desert and my brain pounding incessantly against my skull. The sunlight is too bright and moving makes me feel nauseous, but I force myself up anyway and shower, washing away some of the hangover, but part stubbornly remains, and follows me as I get dressed and head down to see who's awake. Luckily, Brock's made breakfast, and must have anticipated me coming down for it, because he's already left some out on a plate for me.

"Morning," he says, still wearing his apron. I pull myself up onto one of the barstools around the kitchen island and grab the fork, wondering if I can even stomach eating anything right now.

"Morning," I groan. "Where is everyone?"

"Not sure. I saw Gary and Goh earlier, and May came for her breakfast of course, but I haven't seen the others." He takes the seat beside me. "How are you feeling?"


He laughs, and I roll my eyes at him, reluctantly shovelling some of the bacon and eggs into my mouth. "What's the plan today?"

"Final preparations for Gary and Misty I'd guess. For us, whatever we want. Ah, actually, May was talking about a fair that's in town. I don't think we have a choice."

"A fair?"

"You know, rides, ferris wheel, food stalls?"

"I know what a fair is," I sigh. "I guess we're going to a fair then."

"Are we?"

I turn as Goh enters, his hair tied back, his hands stuck in the pocket of his hoodie. He looks tired, and unimpressed. I press my lips together, holding back all the sarcastic retorts I think of.

"Yep, tonight," Brock answers, standing up and starting to clear away his mess. Goh leans against the doorway and I look away, hating the way my chest clenches when I look at him.

"Is everybody going?" Goh asks, because I know he wouldn't come if it was just Brock and I. I'm not sure he'd even come if we all went but Gary.

"Probably." Brock's washing the dishes now, facing away from us both. I feel Goh's eyes on my back. A long silence follows, each passing second adding to the growing awkwardness.

"Ash," Goh says. My stomach flips at my name as my heart sinks deeper into my chest. I turn to face him but don't speak. His arms are crossed. "Dawn was asking for you."

Oh. "Where is she?" I ask, my voice sounding smaller.

"In the gym, helping Misty."

"Okay. Thanks." I stand and start to walk out, holding my breath as I pass him. Every time I look at him, I still can't believe that after eight years, I'm actually here with him. It shocks me that I can still feel the rift widening between us; that there's still space for it to grow. Worst of all, I hate that I still care. Most people don't care about someone they haven't had contact with for eight years, right?

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