(27) ♠︎Sleeping or Studying?♦︎

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3rd Person POV:

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3rd Person POV:

In a dark alley:

"The Hero Killer: Stain." A deep voice spoke, interrupting the eerie silence that filled the dark room, only illuminated by monitors.

"I didn't think he'd get caught. But everything else went pretty much as expected." The voice continued. "Now that he's viral, those who are to wreak havoc, all who simply sympathize with him, seek out for the League of Villains, as we satisfy their urges. Tomura Shigaraki will be put in a position, where he must unify many new recruits."

Then another voice spoke.

"I believe things would move much faster, if you were to talk to them yourself, old master."
The first person started to chuckle deeply.
"Then you have better hurry and fix my body, doctor."

"If only we got our hands on a super-regeneration quirk five years ago. Now that all your wounds are healed, it can't really do anything to help you."

The "doctor" stated, then looked at a monitor which showed the face of a man with long pastel blue hair.

"So he's to unite the Leaugue of Villains. I wonder if the child I wonder if the child could pull it off. How much has he really grown."

"He'll do well. Even if I have to work him to the bone. It's the only way he'll be able to take my place. He was born with a twisted mind, needed to become the next me. I hope you're celebrating while you can, All Might. 'Cause very soon... This temporary peace, will come to a violent end." The faceless man smiled.

"What will you do with Kusuo?"

"Oh, him? I'm considering taking him back.
Afterall, we wouldn't want him to end up like her. He has potential. We just have to draw out his sadistic, psychotic mindset, and remind him how good it feels to cause chaos, and ruin countless lives. Maybe he could even surpass his mother. He'll be one of our top priorities for now."

"Therefore, we must have him back on our side. Even if it means eliminating ANYONE in the process..."

Kusuo's POV:

The bell rang, signalling that school's over.

"Alright. That's all for class today. There is only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right?"

Dadzawa spoke, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. He straightened the papers on the podium as he talked.

"Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element."There's also the practical portion to worry about." He said, walking out the room. "Goodluck." He said before he closed the door.

""YOU/I BARELY EVEN TOOK NOTES THIS SEMESTER!"' Kaminari and Ashido exclaimed at the same time. Ashido cackled as Kaminari
started to complain.

Mina Ashido: 20th place

|| The Destructive Hero: Kusuo Aizawa||Where stories live. Discover now