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Waking to the sound of birds chirping in the trees boarding the road across from Jennie’s property, I scrub a hand down my face and groan from my body protesting to me sleeping in an upright position all night.

I shouldn’t have stayed, but I was so fucking desperate for a glimpse of her again.

Seeing her through the window pane wrapped in nothing but a towel was a torture all its own.

Why do you put yourself on display like that?

For me to see you, that’s why.

Starting the car, I eye the dash clock that reads seven am.

She will be leaving for school soon.

Moving the car down the street, I exit and walk to the closest tree, hiding my form behind it while I wait for her.

She doesn’t keep me waiting long.

You shouldn’t walk alone in such a dangerous world, Jennie.

Energy zaps through my body being so close to her. My footfalls mimic hers, and I ache to move closer, reach out and stroke her hair.

She’s wearing baggy jeans that hide her true figure from my eyes.

No coat, instead wearing an oversized sweater.

Hair loose, swaying wild and free, skimming just above her ass.

Mist creeps across the grass like spirits visiting to warn her of my presence as we come to a park.

She needs a car.

Her head is bowed down low, her hands shoved into the pockets of her sweater.

Her strides are unhurried.

Not a care in the world or acknowledgment of the dangers around her.

I easily track her footsteps with my own, waiting for her to realize I’m there, behind her, watching, following.

Teasing my restraint.

I slip behind a tree when her head lifts, her movements slow.

The beat of my own heart thuds with adrenaline when I hear her succulent voice call out, “Hello?”

She knows.

One second…two…three.

Her footsteps pick up pace, and it exhilarates me.

I begin to trace her movements once more, bringing my hood further down my face to keep me shrouded.

Steam pours from my lips as I quicken my steps and she hears them.

Imagining the pounding of her heartbeat and fear soaking into her pores, threatening her existence, makes me exceptionally hard.

She moves with haste now, her hands no longer in her pocket, instead fisted at her sides.

I sense her movements as she suddenly turns abruptly, stealing my breath.

Panic is evident in her feline eyes and parted mouth.

What I wouldn’t give to grasp her face and take those lips into a punishing kiss.

In time, my little bird.

Instead I slip across the road moving past her without making eye contact.

As if I was never following her in the first place, just going in the same direction.

Paranoia, Jennie. Nothing more.

I sense her eyes on my back as she watches me pass.

I can almost taste her breath coming out so fast, fear chasing the air from her lungs.


You’re fucking perfect.

I STALK HER | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now