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(A/N: Sorry kinda a short chapter)

Izuku's P.O.V

I woke up cuddling Todoroki's chest fully naked, as I started to turn deep red after I remembered what had happened between us. I slowly brushed my sent gland as I quietly winced in pain, realized that me and Todoroki were now officially mates. I slowly climbed out of my alphas embrace and realized he was still inside of me. I slowly pulled him out, and I winced in pain as his large length exited my hole.

After that I slowly got up and put some house clothes on, and went down stairs to make breakfast.

Shoto's P.O.V
I woke up and izu was gone. I started yelling for him as I raced downstairs to look for him. Then I found him in the kitchen cooking breakfast, whilst he had his headphones on listening to music.

I slowly crept up on him and hugged him from behind, making him jump and accidentally punch me in the nose. "OMG TODROKI I'M SO SORRY I-I-I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOU!" Izu yelled frantically as he started to cry. "No no baby your okay, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" I ask looking at him with a kind look. "I'm alright my legs are kinda sore." Izu said as he slightly started to blush."Hmmmm, I wonder why?"I said sarcastically." You. Your the reason"Izu said turning back around to serve up our dishes.

"Thank you for making food it's really good." I said talking a spoon full of our breakfast. "No problem Todo."izu said smiling softly staring and his handsome new mate.

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