(A/N: Sorry kinda a short chapter)
Izuku's P.O.V
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I woke up cuddling Todoroki's chest fully naked, as I started to turn deep red after I remembered what had happened between us. I slowly brushed my sent gland as I quietly winced in pain, realized that me and Todoroki were now officially mates. I slowly climbed out of my alphas embrace and realized he was still inside of me. I slowly pulled him out, and I winced in pain as his large length exited my hole.
After that I slowly got up and put some house clothes on, and went down stairs to make breakfast.
Shoto's P.O.V
I woke up and izu was gone. I started yelling for him as I raced downstairs to look for him. Then I found him in the kitchen cooking breakfast, whilst he had his headphones on listening to music.I slowly crept up on him and hugged him from behind, making him jump and accidentally punch me in the nose. "OMG TODROKI I'M SO SORRY I-I-I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOU!" Izu yelled frantically as he started to cry. "No no baby your okay, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" I ask looking at him with a kind look. "I'm alright my legs are kinda sore." Izu said as he slightly started to blush."Hmmmm, I wonder why?"I said sarcastically." You. Your the reason"Izu said turning back around to serve up our dishes.
"Thank you for making food it's really good." I said talking a spoon full of our breakfast. "No problem Todo."izu said smiling softly staring and his handsome new mate.