Enchanted Origami

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Adam was given an old and expired enchantment book during her old days of the ender watchers, Feeling like it was now useless the Ex leader decided to give it to her adoptive grandson.

Adam went to his house and started ripping out the pages and proceeded to turn them into little ducks and birds, Sora entered the room only to have a paper bird sticking itself on her hair. 

Adam: Sora look

Adam said as he showed her his origami bird, but he didn't expect it to glow and start floating. Adam just looked in amazement before it suddenly went violent and blasted his whole house along with its other comrades that came to life.

Sora: *unfazed* you do realize that a spell book or enchantment book is still a spell book or an enchantment book right?

Sora opens her mouth and looks up allowing an enchantment paper bird to land inside her mouth to which she closes it shut and eats it.


Adam screamed as he starts to rummage through his chest before finding a few glass bottles, Adam then manages to catch some while the rest continue their rampage and set fire to one of his plants. he then gestures to Sora to help to which she raises her hand and motions her finger to draw invisible circles signifying she was casting a spell. the birds were later captured in bubbles to which they rolled around in the air.  

in the end Adam thanked Sora and Sora casts a docile spell on them to make them harmless as the birds now fly around Adam's house.

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