Chapter 13

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The thrum outside the palace reverberates in my ribcage. My heart hammers, drowned by the thundering roar of the Concave people beyond the doors. I'm a mere tree, awaiting the pulse of lightning to char me. Ruben drops my arm and studies my face.

"You are afraid."

I scoff. "You're not? Stage fright is a thing, you know."

He presses his lips together, a thousand thoughts no doubt bouncing through that head. "They are about to hate you, fear you, or envy you, Elle."

"Because you are such a snatch, right?" I roll my eyes.

He reaches out and tucks a loosened strand of hair behind my ear. My lungs deflate. His lips tug into a smile and heat scorches through me.

A herald opens the door, and the rumble grows in decibels tenfold, roaring in my ears. I fall into step after Ruben, schooling my face into a pleasant smile. Erasing all signs of the girl who killed the Tranq; of the girl who tried to kill the prince.

The wind blows icily, swirling the skirt of my gown around me as we waltz into the centre of the marble stage. An enormous courtyard spills into the field behind the palace, packed with what appears to be every Concave in the kingdom. Thousands of eyes pinned on me. They shift and sway like a forest enraged by a storm.

King Talin slumps on another of his thrones. Dressed in navy flecked with gold today, his sinister grin raises the hair on my arms. His snake-like eyes rake over my body, and I can almost feel them like fingers running down my spine. I shiver. But I shove a smile onto my face, desperately hiding the terror quaking within me.

For once, I am grateful for Ruben's presence. However, with each step closer to the throne, his trembles intensify. Like a child about to receive discipline from their schoolteacher for poor behaviour. His eyes grow distant as if he's picturing himself as a small boy, shaking at the sight of his mighty father. I wonder if the king loves his son.

We stop in the centre of the stage. King Talin rises like a cobra sizing up its prey before the strike. The crowd drops silent all at once. So silent I can hear Ruben's ragged breathing and the distant sighing of trees in the morning breeze. Talin slithers forward. We bow before him. He nods smugly, holding my gaze.

"Kingdom of the Floodgates, welcome," King Talin bellows to the crowd. His voice bounces off the castle walls and carries over the throngs in the wind. "May the Gods bless us. Ruaris, Goddess of the Day, certainly has with the abundance of sunshine recently. Perfect for the farmlands."

The wind whistles and I feel an inch tall.

"Today, I have an announcement for our kingdom." He gestures his meaty hand to us. "The prince, my son, has declared his engagement to Lady Elle Fallon of the Convex Sector. A historic marriage will take place in the summer. A pairing which will unify both sides of the river!"

They meet his words with a rumble. Whispers and bickering from the Concave people, unimpressed, hateful glares thrown my way.

"She's a Convex!"

"This isn't fair! His Highness should wed a lady of the Concave Sector."

"Not worthy of my prince."

"Silence!" the King growls. The cacophony drops at once other than the odd squeak of fright and my breath catches in my throat. "I am your King. How dare any of you question my decisions?"

I almost laugh at the front row of Concaves, dressed in bright-coloured tunics, nodding furiously.

"This is a joyous time," the king continues, clasping his hands behind his back as he prowls across the stage, casting dark, penetrating stares at his subjects. There is not a sliver of joy on his face. "It will be full of festivities, and balls. We will be happy for my son, your prince. As per the tradition for the heir in this kingdom, his name will be announced to the public on the day of the wedding."

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