Helping a brother

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Back at the lair. Donnie, Raph and Mikey felt bad for Leo cause splinter grounded him for life.

Donnie: maybe Leo was telling the truth. Maybe the mountain does need him.

Raph: as much as that sounds stupid. I'm with you.

Mikey: me too! We can't have our leader and brother depressed.

The three brothers go to Leo's room where he's on his bed thinking about An Yu.

Donnie: *knocks on the door* are you okay Leo?

Leo: why should I listen to you?

Raph: bro, we want to apologise.

Leo: not enough.

Mikey: we believe mystery mountain is alive.

Leo: go on.

Raph: your our brother Leonardo. And we are not gonna let splinter lose your lover.

Donnie: so that's why we're taking you back.

Leo: *opens his door* I'm in.

Donnie: we gotta hurry before splinter breaks out of meditation.

Leo nods as they quietly walked to shell raiser.

Leo: I'm ready to be with An Yu again.

Mikey: I wanna meet her.

Donnie: I might be able to study the mountain.

Raph: I'll even be calm for once.

Donnie: alright, let's go.

Splinter: stop!

Leo: uh oh.

Splinter: don't you dare go back to that mountain! I forbid it!

Raph: you can't do this to our brother!

Mikey: he's the best leader we have!

Donnie: and we're talking him to An Yu!

Splinter: the girl? No you will not!

They kept arguing until Leo got angry that he couldn't hold it anymore.

Leo: I have had enough! All I want is to see An Yu but I can't because you keep fighting! At least I have a girlfriend that isn't a kraang or dead! Just! Leave! Me! ALONE!!!💢💢💢💢

All of them stood in silence and Leo felt bad for what he did.

Leo: g...guy's, I'm so sorry. It just came out. I didn't mean it.

Mikey: it's okay Leo. You got it all out.

Donnie: and April is part kraang. So it's half true.

Raph: and If we left you alone, we wouldn't help you.

Leo: usually you get angry at me, but you didn't. Why?

Donnie: we know how you feel Leo. We're always with you.

Leo: I just... never wanted to say anything insulting back at the mountain. I wasn't trying to hurt you guys, I just wanted to protect her.

Splinter: I see. So you wanted to protect her from us?

Leo: I just wanted to be with someone who I'm love with. Since karai is our sister.

Splinter: I am sorry Leo. I thought she was a bad influence on you. But I was a bad influence on her, I am coming with you to apologise to her.

Leo: I guess that's okay.

Donnie: let's go to mystery mountain and reclaim our friendship.

Donnie puts the shell raiser in gear and drives to tarabiscoville.

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