A Stormy Night and a Sick Love

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Mizuki's POV

It was raining heavily the next day and Ena was still asleep when I woke up. I didn't know what to do but it was 7:30 in the morning and I had to wake Ena at some point for school.

Minutes later after I prepared food for Ena, I went in my room to wake her up.
"Morning Ena!" I said happily
Ena woke up drowsily as she forgot it was a school day.
"Morning Mizuki." Ena said with a smile.
I swore her smile was in a new way she had never used with me and I blushed badly.
I smiled at her and told her to get ready as I already prepared food for her.
She nodded and walked off. I put on my uniform and waited by the door.
"I wonder how bad the storm is" I wondered.
I opened the door and saw it pouring. Then i realized that it wasn't the worst part. I didn't have an umbrella and I couldn't cover Ena from the rain.

Third person POV
An suddenly called Mizuki
"Ne~ school's cancelled because of the downpour." An said.
"Ehhh~?! Really?!" Mizuki responded in shock.
"Yea, you think we can go to school in this weather?? Unless you want to go~" An teased
"No! I just didn't know." Mizuki responded.
"Hai hai~ calm down" An said
"Fine. But thanks for telling me An~!" Mizuki said happily
"Mhm!" An responded
The 2 hung up and Ena came in.
"Ne~ Mizuki, who was on the phone?" Ena asked
"Oh! It was An, she said we don't have school because of the downpour outside." They responded.
"Oh ok." Ena said

Mizuki's POV again
I realized after a bit that food was running low on anything healthy so I told Ena I was heading out to the market nearby.
"Ok Mizuki, be careful." She said in a bit of worry.
"I'll be ok!" I said smiling at her.
I made sure I took a jacket with a hoodie so I don't get soaked. Little did I know, when I was on my way. A car happened to whizzed by me and splashed water all over me.
"What the hell..." I thought.
As i was soaked I was really cold as well. I decided to quickly go to the market and fetch whatever I needed and go back home.

15 minutes later
I was returning my way from the market when I started to feel weak and my head hurt. I didn't mind as it was minor...till i got back.
"Mizuki?! Your completely soaked!! What happened!" Ena asked me in shock.
I didn't know how to respond because I knew i didn't look ok.
"Hehe~... i got splashed with water from a car driving by." I said
"Driving?! They seem to be driving in a fast speed to get water all over you!!" Ena said in annoyance so I decided to tell her.
"Hai hai~ a car whizzed pass me and it splashed a lot of water on me, but Im o-" I couldn't finish when I coughed.

Ena's POV
Ugh. They can be stubborn at times.
"Mizuki are you sure your ok?" I asked worried
"Ofc!" They responded in delight
Ugh.. i thought
"Fine. But go get yourself dried up" I said fed up of their behavior.

Third person POV
Mizuki dried themself up and went out when they noticed Ena wasnt in the room and saw her drawing in their room. They didnt mind but the more they moved they felt like their head was pounding in pain and they felt weaker and weaker to the point they couldnt move as much. They were coughing but tried to not make it obvious when they started to grow pale, and coincidentally Ena walked in.

Ena's POV
"Mizuki?!" I yelled.
"Are you ok?!" I asked them hysterically
They didnt respond...
I checked Mizuki's forehead and felt that it was burning.
"Mizuki...has a fever?!" I thought to myself.
I got Mizuki leaning on my shoulder and I took them to their room.

I got a piece of cloth and wet it. After I dried the cloth a bit I put it on Mizuki's forehead.
"i dont know what to do now." I sighed.
Suddenly Mizuki's phone rang.
"H'm? Oh Shiraishi-san??" I wondered
I answered the call and asked what she needed.
"H'm?? Shinonome-san?? Where's Mizuki?" She asked
"Uhh they're sick." I answered
"Huh?? What happened?" She asked again
"Some car sped past them, splashing them with water all over and they werent dressed properly" i answered.
"Do you need help?? I'll come over!" She offered
"Um i dont mind. Im a bit lonely too if you want to talk" i said
"Ok!! Coming over!" An said excitedly and hung up.

Moments later i heard the doorbell ring and went to answer the door half expecting Shiraishi but it was Akito.
"What do you want Akito" I said annoyed.
"I just want to say, if you want to come home, why not leave the failure." He said in a rude tone when someone cut in.
"A failure? Says the one who dislikes studying. Mizuki may not go to school often but at least they have better grades than you. Im glad I put effort into studies now but you still wont. Hmph typical" someone said behind him.
It was Shiraishi-san with Azusawa-san. She had heard everything Akito said about Mizuki and was quite mad.
"smh whatever" Akito said and stormed off.
"Hmph. Gomen Shiraishi-san. He can be stupid" i said.
"Dajobu! He is stupid im used to it." She responded smiling
"Come in" i said.
Shiraishi-san went in and straight to Mizuki's room.
"Eh- Mizuki's burning" She said.
"Mhm" i responded
"D-did you give them medicine yet Shinonome-san?" Azusawa-san asked
"Mm...not yet" I answered
"I went to get the medicine, its in the cupboard Shinonome-san!" Shiraishi-san said and handed the medicine to me.
"Ah, arigatō ne Shiraishi-san" I replied with a smile.

Hours later
"Ne Shinonome-san, Kohane and I are going to leave. If you need anything you can call me!" she said smiling about to leave.
"Alright, thank you for coming" i responded.
Shiraishi-san left and I didnt know what to do after that. I noticed Mizuki's fever was going down and they just needed proper rest, i assumed that once they woke up they'd feel better. It was late to I decided to go to sleep.

(The next morning)

Third person POV
Ena groaned a bit and woke up only to notice she was in Mizuki's arms and had no clue how she got there. When she was fully awake she only heard one thing that made her smile from Mizuki.
"Thank you for taking care of me Ena.."

To be continued: A Few Weeks Before The End Of School Until...

(Idk what Im doing. And yes if your wondering in this story Mizuki and Ena were on their last day of high school till they graduate. Like i said idk what I'm doing but I'm sticking with it bye for now)
Total words: 1199

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