Chapter 13.

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Lily POV

School was now more of practical than classroom work which I was fine with. The last time I saw Kieran was on Monday. He wasn't around when I came around for the royal lesson yesterday but he did make up for it.

Mom was so happy I had come around on Monday and she hasn't stop gushing about how fun it was and the vacation planned for us.

Today was our lunch date, so I can get to know more about him and I was happy he had even suggested it.

Folding my clothes that just came out of laundry, my phone pinged.

I looked at it to see Kieran had added me to some kind of chatting window or something like that but when I saw his user name I started laughing.

Me: Kieran K. Everette? were you worried I'd confuse you with all the other Kierans in my contacts list?

I knew Kieran was likely to ignore that message. It was a fifty fifty chance that he'd actually respond.

Surprisingly he did.

Kieran K. Everette: it asked for my name. That's what I entered.

I laughed out loud, thankfully it was only me in the apartment.

Me: You are so literal.

Kieran: Yes.

Me: did you change your name? Just because I said something about it.

Kieran: maybe.

For some reason that pinged around my heart. I didn't take his sensitivity into account nearly often enough when I was bulldozing through aspects of his personality I actually found really great.

Me: I like that you're so literal. I never have to question what you mean when you say something.

Kieran: you'll be very lonely in that group of one.

Me: I didn't join so I could hang out with throngs of Kieran K. Everette admirers. I'm your girlfriend, not a groupie.

The chat window stayed oddly blank for the longest time. So long, that I started to wonder if I should apologize for something or clarify that I'd been messing around.

Kieran: And as my girlfriend, you're in the position to know that I have very few admirers.

Me: Because you spend all your time filling out paperworks instead of communication with real people.

Kieran : Because the list of those who like literal people is very short.

Me: you say stuff like that all the time. I like you. You act as if there is something wrong with me because I don't see you as difficult.

Kieran: you don't?

Me: Duh.

The pause was longer this time and I waited to see what he might come back with.

Kieran: I guess, since it wasn't hard to ask you to be my girlfriend.

Me: I would have expected you tried harder.

Kieran: I'll see you later. An alpha just visited.

Me: okay.

And the chat window went down. I continued folding my laundry.

This was the longest Kieran and I ever talked, more likely over a phone.

"Chica, dress up. We are going for a movie"

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