First Look

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Chapter one hundred eighteen: "First Look"

"We only got an hour!" Mom exclaimed to Aunt Laborè in a panic while I am just sitting down in front of the vanity so my body could take a small rest
Being pregnant and standing up for too long is not a good combo, especially since the due date is right around the corner

Mom and Aunt Laborè were in a bind since one of the people who were supposed to play the orchestra when I walk down the aisle and during the wedding reception are late

Sophia was asking anybody if they know how to play an instrument so she can form at least a small group of people to play

"Mom" I spoke up which broke off their small panic for a moment in front of me

"Yes, sweetie?"

I smiled at them "Don't worry, things are going to be ok"
It's normal for a mother to be stressed since this is the first wedding of one of her daughters

The doors were opened and in came Brie and Ella to whisper to Aunt Laborè something, she pulled both of my sisters and mother out to talk about but I'm not sure since I was a bit far when they whispered it to her ear

So I was left alone in the room

A few years ago when being left alone in a room scared me a lot, now, not so much. Well it's because our baby is accompanying me so it doesn't seem all that scary
Cloud and I decided to not know the baby's gender when we went for my check-ups. The baby is growing healthy inside me which was good

A soft knock was heard on the door

"Come in," I said and the person outside the door hasn't come in yet, I furrowed my brows in confusion
Who on earth?

"Uh, I said it's alright to come in" I repeated myself just in case because maybe the person might not hear me properly

The door slowly opened and it was Cloud who stepped in with a blindfold with his brothers guiding him to stand in front of me. A laugh escaped from my lips "What the heck are you guys doing?"

"We heard from Ava that the first look is meaningful before the ceremony, away from the eyes of other people" Dustin grabbed Cloud by the shoulder to make sure he was facing me

Cloud shrugged "I have no idea that we were gonna do this"

"Well now you do," Benjamin said before they all walked out together leaving blindfolded Cloud before me

The blindfold was only a makeshift one from a silk mocha-colored fabric

Carefully, I stood up and cupped his face "I can feel a handsome face hiding behind this blinfold~" I sang a little which made him chuckle. Once he felt my hands gently cupping his face, he nuzzled at my left hand and kissed the palm

Cloud then removed his blindfold and slowly opened his eyes, his mouth was left slightly open as his eyes were very wide like he is amazed. I could feel his forest green eyes dart at every part of me like he is still not finished admiring

His eyes stopped at the huge baby bump and then up to my face like realization sets in "Everything I wished for is coming true" he smiled in relief and happiness

Then he started holding my hand, and those hands then moved to my arms. He started caressing the baby bump then to my face
It's almost as if he was checking if I'm real

While he was holding me, I started to notice his eyes water so I called out his name "Cloud?"

He stopped immediately and then looked me in the eyes "I'm just making sure that I'm not dreaming, if it was a dream maybe it's best I don't wake up anymore"

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