The Party try to convince Steve and Eddie to set aside their differences now that they can't avoid each other but the two boys prove stubborn. But maybe there's something else going on beyond petty rivalries and old high school hierarchies.
A strang...
Robin = bobbers Jonathan = heresjohnny Nancy = Nancy Drew 🔍 Steve = Hairrington/Mama Steve Dustin = TinTin 🔦 Mike = McWheelin Lucas = Skywalker Max = MadMax Will = Will the Wise 🧙♂️ El = Hopscotch Eddie = Ed-die (DM)
The Babysitters Club 🍼 [Tuesday, 15:06]
bobbers: do you think it would affect sales if i kms during my shift?
heresjohnny: probably
Nancy Drew 🔍: Seems plausible.
Hairrington: Robin you can't leave me at Family Video alone
bobbers: dont be stupid, dingus. it would be a suicide pact
Hairrington: Well in that case.....
heresjohnny: dont you have to pick the kids up?
Nancy Drew 🔍: Yeah, you can't do that to your children, Steve.
Hairrington: They can cycle I've still got 2 an half hours of mind numbing customer service to go
bobbers: i think youve made the right decision steve-o
heresjohnny: so he finally admits that they're his children
Hairrington: I'm a broken man I know a losing battle when I see one
bobbers: the multiple concussions would suggest you don't actually recognize a losing battle when you see one
Nancy Drew 🔍: She's got a point, Steve.
heresjohnny: ^^^
Hairrington: I hate you all
[Tuesday, 15:29] TinTin 🔦 created Mama Steve TinTin 🔦 added McWheelin, Will the Wise 🧙♂️, Skywalker, MadMax, Hopscotch & Hairrington to Mama Steve
TinTin 🔦: steve can we get food after you pick us up?
Hairrington: I'm already driving you shitheads around I'm not feeding you too Hairrington: Also what the fuck
Hairrington changed the chat name to 6 nuggets
McWheelin: absolutely not
Skywalker: don't worry I got this
Skywalker changed the chat name to Mama Steve + 6 nuggets
MadMax: thats better but just one more thing
MadMax changed Hairringtonnickname to Mama Steve
Will the Wise 🧙♂️: order has been restored
Hopscotch: I like it.
Mama Steve: I hate you guys..... Mama Steve: Just for that youre cycling home
TinTin 🔦: hey!
McWheelin: that's not fair! I had nothing to do with it
Skywalker: oh come on man! Eddie can't take us he's got practise
Mama Steve: Oh I see so I'm the last resort is that it?
MadMax: ohhhh you guys fucked up 😂
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McWheelin: shut up Max
MadMax: make me wheeler
Skywalker: oh shit!
TinTin 🔦: oh god. guys stop!
Skywalker: uh steve you may have to pick max up from detention too
Will the Wise 🧙♂️: oh no 😂
Mama Steve: For fuck sakes what's going on?
Skywalker: they were throwing things across math class at each other but now max has mike in a headlock
Will the Wise 🧙♂️: oooh 🍿👀👀
Mama Steve: Oh for.... Mama Steve: Are you two kidding me? Stop fucking around or no one's getting any more rides to the arcade ever Mama Steve: I'm supposed to be working not babysitting your asses
TinTin 🔦: shit!
TinTin 🔦: okay I pulled them apart no need to bring out the big guns steve
Mama Steve: You're definitely not getting diner food now
TinTin 🔦: fuck.
Skywalker: urrrrgh
McWheelin: This is your fault Max
MadMax: fucking is not!
Mama Steve: Okay I'm leaving now you better pay attention in class
Skywalker: whoops?
Will the Wise 🧙♂️: can't believe we missed the fight, stupid cali 😒
Hopscotch: Just a couple more weeks until we're back Will.
Will the Wise 🧙♂️: counting down the days
MadMax: couldn't come soon enough
Skywalker: I'm starting to forget your faces
TinTin 🔦: we're going to need a visual stat
Hopscotch: bluebyers.jpeg
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McWheelin: the gods have blessed us 🙌
TinTin 🔦: us mere mortals are unworthy
Skywalker: All hail the Byers-Hopper duo!!
MadMax: Byers-Hopper supremacy!!!
Will the Wise 🧙♂️: thank you, thank you *bows* you're too kind
Hopscotch: Now you must return the favor. We have missed you guys. 😭