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Robin = bobbers Jonathan = heresjohnny Nancy = Nancy Drew 🔍 Steve = Hairrington/Mama Steve Dustin = TinTin 🔦 Mike = McWheelin Lucas = Skywalker Max = MadMax Will = Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️ El = Hopscotch Eddie = Ed-die (DM)

The Babysitters Club 🍼
[Tuesday, 15:06]

bobbers: do you think it would affect sales if i kms during my shift?

heresjohnny: probably

Nancy Drew 🔍: Seems plausible.

Hairrington: Robin you can't leave me at Family Video alone

bobbers: dont be stupid, dingus. it would be a suicide pact

Hairrington: Well in that case.....

heresjohnny: dont you have to pick the kids up?

Nancy Drew 🔍: Yeah, you can't do that to your children, Steve.

Hairrington: They can cycle I've still got 2 an half hours of mind numbing customer service to go

bobbers: i think youve made the right decision steve-o

heresjohnny: so he finally admits that they're his children

Hairrington: I'm a broken man I know a losing battle when I see one

bobbers: the multiple concussions would suggest you don't actually recognize a losing battle when you see one

Nancy Drew 🔍: She's got a point, Steve.

heresjohnny: ^^^

Hairrington: I hate you all

[Tuesday, 15:29]
TinTin 🔦 created Mama Steve
TinTin 🔦 added McWheelin, Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️, Skywalker, MadMax, Hopscotch & Hairrington to Mama Steve

TinTin 🔦: steve can we get food after you pick us up?

Hairrington: I'm already driving you shitheads around I'm not feeding you too
Hairrington: Also what the fuck

Hairrington changed the chat name to 6 nuggets

McWheelin: absolutely not

Skywalker: don't worry I got this

Skywalker changed the chat name to Mama Steve + 6 nuggets

MadMax: thats better but just one more thing

MadMax changed Hairrington nickname to Mama Steve

Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️: order has been restored

Hopscotch: I like it.

Mama Steve: I hate you guys.....
Mama Steve: Just for that youre cycling home

TinTin 🔦: hey!

McWheelin: that's not fair! I had nothing to do with it

Skywalker: oh come on man! Eddie can't take us he's got practise

Mama Steve: Oh I see so I'm the last resort is that it?

MadMax: ohhhh you guys fucked up 😂

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McWheelin: shut up Max

MadMax: make me wheeler

Skywalker: oh shit!

TinTin 🔦: oh god. guys stop!

Skywalker: uh steve you may have to pick max up from detention too

Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️: oh no 😂

Mama Steve: For fuck sakes what's going on?

Skywalker: they were throwing things across math class at each other but now max has mike in a headlock

Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️: oooh 🍿👀👀

Mama Steve: Oh for....
Mama Steve: Are you two kidding me? Stop fucking around or no one's getting any more rides to the arcade ever
Mama Steve: I'm supposed to be working not babysitting your asses

TinTin 🔦: shit!

TinTin 🔦: okay I pulled them apart no need to bring out the big guns steve

Mama Steve: You're definitely not getting diner food now

TinTin 🔦: fuck.

Skywalker: urrrrgh

McWheelin: This is your fault Max

MadMax: fucking is not!

Mama Steve: Okay I'm leaving now you better pay attention in class

Skywalker: whoops?

Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️: can't believe we missed the fight, stupid cali 😒

Hopscotch: Just a couple more weeks until we're back Will.

Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️: counting down the days

MadMax: couldn't come soon enough

Skywalker: I'm starting to forget your faces

TinTin 🔦: we're going to need a visual stat

Hopscotch: bluebyers.jpeg

McWheelin: the gods have blessed us 🙌

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McWheelin: the gods have blessed us 🙌

TinTin 🔦: us mere mortals are unworthy

Skywalker: All hail the Byers-Hopper duo!!

MadMax: Byers-Hopper supremacy!!!

Will the Wise 🧙‍♂️: thank you, thank you *bows* you're too kind

Hopscotch: Now you must return the favor. We have missed you guys. 😭

MadMax: ask and ye shall receive queen

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