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Abhinav's pov:

How can she say that? How can she ask me to leave her?

Feeling every freaking loss of words and emotions, I continued to stare at her face which now has stopped talking.

"You know what, let's go. I don't want to have any conversation with you now." Saying this I walked off towards my side of the seat, when midway I realised something.

Walking back to her, I tightly grabbed her elbow and looked straight into her eyes. Now, her eyes held a fear that was in turn a pain for me but, she has to understand few things.

"You know what, I so want to walk away from you right now and forget your words. But, Mumma always taught me one thing.

If you have a right on the other person and you feel that you can show that, then never ever leave without pointing out his mistake.

And for your information, you are my god damned wife and only I have my right over you. So, I'll correct you whenever you are wrong and I'll reprimand you whenever you make mistakes."

Feeling her wiggling in my grip and trying to move out of it, it was making me more irritated than I already was. Out of anger, I left my grip on her elbow and pulled her towards me by her waist. Her eyes went as wide as possible at my action and I could feel her shaking with fear. Not that I was happy with whatever I was doing but, she has to know few things.

"When I got married to you, I felt conflicted. I wasn't understanding my own thoughts. But, the moment we started spending time with each other, I understood that I cannot run away from you. You are the very truth if my life and as fast as I accept it, we'll be happier.

I thought I'd have to make efforts with my heart to add this new entry in it. But, soon I realised that it already made a huge space for you in my life. My happiness knew no bounds when I realised that I am all ready to give a chance to this marriage, this relationship.

I feel more connected to you than anyone I ever met. I love the feel of having you in my arms and your touch, your embrace, but it kills me to remember what you said. I get lost in your eyes, happy to drown, yet I now realised that I must breathe. There comes a point in all natural relationships where they must progress or implode, where the status quotient becomes a torture, the medicine becomes a toxin. I didn't know that you were feeling that point. That you aren't happy with me.

And, now I think that I know your reasons; I respect and understand them, support you. I won't walk away because I promised I'd always stay, but my coping with this can't ever be guaranteed. You said that I should leave you, but, I want to understand you, fulfil gaps in your life, that you need me in the long term, that you'd runaway with me if you could.

I need your honesty Nisha; I think I deserve the truth. Tell me, what wrong did I do to you to make you chose those words.

You may feel that I am making a big issue of this small thing but, I'm an emotional person Nisha and just to let you know that I get hurt pretty easily. So, I think that it's justified for me to demand answers."

Expecting her to answer me I was taken a back when she choose to be quiet. Her quietness seem like her arrogance to me.

"I want my answers, Nisha." Saying this, I tightened my grip on her waist only for her to stiffen again in my arms.

"I want to go home." To say that I was shocked by her words would be an understatement because, I expected anything but this answer from her. Her eyes that minute by minute were gaining moisture had started to glisten with tears. Yet, she didn't bother to blink.

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