Chapter 26 - Alice

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You can read all of Forgetting Arlo and Liberty. You can also read ahead of my new stories Destined and The King's Lost Queen plus many more stories. You will always be supporting me. To find out more, please click on this link:

Word count:  1585

"If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"  — Brave, 2012

"If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"  — Brave, 2012

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A message had been sent. From Soul Finder. And I didn't open it.

After shutting my phone off due to the notification, I watched crappy TV until Anna returned home. She stumbled into her flat with two paper bags full of groceries.

Following her into the kitchen, I watched her take out a bunch of baking food.

Noticing what my eyes were on, she grinned brightly. "I'm going to make you a chocolate cake!" She announced, clapping giddily.

Her happiness was so contagious, I couldn't help but smile too.

My worries about the message were pushed to the side again and I used her as a means to feel less bad. Was that the healthiest thing to do? Probably not but here we are.

"Well, I definitely can't say no to that. Do you mind if I help you?" I asked, rolling up my sleeves. Baking would take my mind off things.

"Of course. We're going to be making it from scratch because I hate the thought of cheating my way through it." She explained, grabbing the materials needed.

Anna threw on a playlist and began playing a mash of pop music that I knew. Dancing in a silly manner, we prepared the mixture, occasionally messing around. At one point, Anna thought it would be funny to throw a handful of flour at me. Screeching in horror, I paused what I was doing and stared at her in disbelief.

"You did not just throw flour at me," I deadpanned, shocked that she had but also finding it hilarious.

Shrugging her shoulders, she sent me an innocent look. "I might have."

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"You definitely did. You're the only other person in the room. And since I can confidently say I didn't chuck flour at myself, it means it was you." I said, shaking my head vigorously in hopes of getting it out. I was going to have to wash my hair again.

"The opportunity was there and it seemed so appealing," She defended, raising her arms up in mock surrender. Underneath her pseudo apology, I could practically see her cackling.

Alright, Anna. Two can play that game.

Distracting her by lecturing her about how long it would take me to get the flour out of my hair, my hand slyly reached for the bag and grabbed a handful.

"—and now it's going to be all over your shower." I finished, hiding my hand behind my back. "But I guess there is one way I can get payback."

Cocking her head to the side, I knew she was catching onto what I meant. "You do?"

Nodding my head, I stepped closer and when she wasn't ready, I threw at her, giggling in delight.

"Perfect." I beamed, smiling evilly at her reaction. Anna remained motionless, her eyes staring at her wrecked clothes.

"Oh, you so asked for it," She warned, grabbing more flour. I lunged for it too but I was too late. She had already thrown another lot at me.

Back and forth we went, squealing and laughing horrendously. I ducked under the counter as she ran towards me, laughing maniacally.

To anyone outside of this bubble, they would think we were mad.

I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun. It felt nice to let loose and act like a child.

"What on earth is going on?!" A high-pitched voice demanded from the other end of the room, shrieking like a banshee.

Freezing in my spot, I slowly lifted my head towards the culprit and internally winced at the sight of Yelena's furious face.

Actually, furious was an understatement of how she was feeling.

"I—" I tried to speak but was interrupted by Yelena.

"You know what, I don't even care. I'm too tired for this." She grumbled, shaking her head. Tiptoeing towards the coffee machine, she poured herself a drink, yawning.

"She's probably just woken up," Anna mouthed to me when Yelena had her back to us. Coughing to hide my laugh, I nodded my head in understanding.

After making her caffeinated drink, Yelena rushed out of the kitchen, slamming her door shut loudly.

Turning back to Anna, we both exchange a look and burst into a fit of giggles.

"Oh, god. Her face. Priceless. I wish I took a picture," Anna said through her giggles, wiping a fake tear from her eye.

Dragging my attention to the counter, I looked at the messy bowl. "So, about that chocolate cake..."


MY week flew by after that. I spent most of my time with Anna, avoiding my problems. Namely the message.

I wasn't ready to deal with it just yet. Maybe I'd open it on the weekend.

Since the horrible and traumatic fiasco with Ara, I had not seen her. Not even once. Nor had I bumped into Liam. Silently, I was thanking the gods for giving me that much.

I had snuck back into my flat with Anna to grab the rest of my belongings, leaving the things that were too big or heavy to carry. Now, poor Anna's living room was a complete mess. It had basically turned into my bedroom.

When Saturday rolled over, I planned to catch up on some of my work, including starting that dreaded assignment. Anna had volunteered to be a tour guide for the English department so from ten until two, she was showing guests around. I knew she was extremely excited to do this.

After she left that morning, I showered and decided to do some spring cleaning before I started my assignment. I needed to go over my review again for the millionth time plus I needed to start my new one.

This day was going to be awfully long and painful.

It was around half one that I felt a strange sensation stirring in my heart. Initially, I tried to ignore it but to no avail. It got to the point where I struggled to concentrate on my work.

Angry by this new development, I snatched the keys to Anna's apartment along with my phone and a coat and marched outside.

As usual, it was a beautiful day today. The weather had forecast a few more nice days like this before the cold hit.

Sticking my Airpods into my ears, I played one of my favorite songs of all time. Yellow by Coldplay. Albeit, it was a sad song but I loved the emotions it evoked in me. It also distracted me from the bizarre tug in my chest. 

Humming along quietly to the song, I wandered along the busy streets, receiving a few smiles from the older generation.

I stopped at the local convenience store. For a brief moment, I debated going inside.

Why not? I am feeling quite hungry. Perhaps I can treat Anna to some cookies. I know she adores the white chocolate chip ones.

Nipping into the store, I scanned the aisle with a spring in my step. Suddenly, I felt in a positive mood. Like a really positive mood.

Why on earth was I feeling like this? I knew it wasn't from my soul mates because that was a fleeting moment. This was coming from me.

Perhaps I was starting to move on. Either way, I didn't delve into this for long. Paying for the cookies and some other snacks—I was hoping I could tempt Anna into a movie marathon tonight—I headed back to her flat.

It felt like nothing would be able to disturb my great mood.

As I strolled back, I checked the time. It turned out that my walk lasted longer than I expected. It was already half two meaning Anna would be back. The campus was ten minutes away from her flat and since she was excited to get back, I knew she would be home by the time I arrived.

Sticking the key in the door, I turned the handle and entered.

"Hey, Anna! I'm back with a surprise!" I yelled out to her, throwing my shoes off.

First, I checked the lounge since it was the closest room. When I didn't find her then, I assumed she was in the kitchen.

Oddly, it felt very quiet. In the pit of my stomach, I felt something...big was about to happen.

"Anna?" I called again, hesitantly walking towards the kitchen. For some reason, my heart was hammering in my chest.

Opening the door, I froze like a statue.

Sitting in the kitchen was Anna with seven men around her.

Slowly, I dragged my eyes to the person closest to me. His beautiful face was already on me, examining my face. As soon as we locked eyes, everything clicked.

Oh. My. God.

It finally happened! I have been waiting so long to write this! And now, the real fun begins. 

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