Chapter 1

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"I will always be strong Father, I am the image of Mother and I will embody your power to demolish these vile beings, as you taught me. Glory to Arkalys !"

The sentence that every Angel must pronounce, since the death of my Mother. Her death was a real shock for me and my Father and the people of Arkalys, sorrow and despair fell on us in the most brutal way, the war. Even though it happened years ago now, my father couldn't stop thinking about his revenge. It was not possible for him to forget Mother's tears of blood, her cry of pain, her brown hair spread on the ground, her body smeared in her own blood, Mother was no longer Queen. Her funeral was the most beautiful and also the most painful tribute, to say goodbye to her forever.

For weeks Father did not come out of his room, while I tried to heal from this horrible wound. But isn't that the price of war, losing a loved one, I can't help but think that if we had never been part of that elite line, Mother would never have been murdered by Ilfall's army. Is it really our fault? Aren't angels supposed to spread love and peace? The more time passed, the more questions remained unanswered, the only thing I knew was that with Mother's death I would have to inherit the position of Queen, my Father, the King could not rule without a Queen, he had to step down from his duties. 

Taking the position of Queen was so sudden that it was impossible to take this role for the moment. Every heir, had to pursue lessons in a special school, this school was going to teach me to manage a people, and the enemy. I knew in particular that I would end up with the son, the murderers of Ilfall. The only thing I could hear about him was that he was as beautiful as he was evil, my only goal is to ruin him. And that's what I'll do. 

Father, finally came out of his room after a long week without seeing me. I could only see his pitiful state, Father was really in love with my Mother. When he saw me, his first reaction was to tell me that we had to talk, I knew exactly what it was about, the inheritance and my admission to this school. It's not that it's not an important discussion, but I was hoping he would hug me, reassure me. I didn't know what was waiting for me and then to see in a few weeks the son of the devil, it was not insignificant. I fear him, never, never submit, it is he who will kneel to beg me to spare him when my blade will trace his body until it reaches his heart and I will take revenge in the name of my people, my Father and my Mother.  Every night, I only dream of that, to see his face of fear and to slaughter him like a vulgar insect. It is my only desire, the only thing that pushes me to live. Angels are only love, so much love that I want to see his head hanging on my sword, I will watch him every day, inert and so vulnerable. 

My body trembles with pleasure every time I think about it, the more the days go by the more his death approaches. Father was of the same opinion as me, he couldn't wait any longer, to think that we were worse than the devils.

A few weeks passed...

It was finally the big day, to say I wasn't anxious would be a lie, despite my anxiety I shuddered at the thought of seeing this hideous person whose family was responsible for Father's pain and mine. I looked at my reflection, and I was ready to commit the worst sin to achieve my goal, it went against my values, but my desire for revenge was stronger.

Father, Mother you will be avenged, the head and their mercy will belong to you.

It was time to go, I said my goodbyes to my Father and my city, I was not going to come back for a while. I was ready to be with angels and demons and he... Amon. Arrived in front of the big door of the school where I was registered, I took a last breath, I could not look behind me, because the future was in front of me, my revenge was in front of me behind this impressive castle. Finally inside, an Elf who was the guardian assigned me to my room, room 304, he told me that after having put on my uniform I had to go to the main hall where everyone was supposed to be.

After putting on my uniform which was a skirt and blazer I let my brown hair down and looked at myself one last time. This was the moment when I would finally see my prey, I went down the stairs and into the room where half the people were. I scanned each person but it was impossible to know who this Amon was, the director suddenly shouted for us to line up, that's what we all did, no sign of this man, my patience has limits. After a few minutes of useless speeches, the atmosphere in the room became heavier, a deathly silence settled. My eyes landed on the front door, an imposing figure was there and these eyes landed on me and for a long time we scrutinized each other. Those piercing red eyes studied my figure, a jaw as sharp as a blade, hair as black as my hatred for him, a body covered with his uniform and a black cape, showed an imposing corpulence. To say he was ugly would be more than a lie, he was very attractive and his head would fit well on my sword. After a long eye contact between him and me, I looked around and I could not but notice all the girls drooling for him, they all wanted him in their bed. Gross.

He stood right in front of me and continued to look at me he knew who I was and I knew who he was my hateful look could not betray my intentions, and he knew what I wanted to do to him.

He looked at me even more intensely and a headache suddenly came over me. A voice echoed 

"I know who you are, I know what you want, little thing... try me."

to be continued...

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