Chapter 40: Mentors of the Past

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Vader knocks on the front door of a house. He can hear a commotion inside while he patiently waits until the door opens, revealing to be Dabi.

Dabi: Oh, it's you.

Vader: We have important matters to discuss. Is now a good time for my visit?

Dabi glances to his left and right to see if the coast is clear and if no hero is nearby. He looks at Vader and notices he is carrying a black duffle bag over his shoulder. Dabi opens the door for his guest and Vader steps inside. He takes a look around with Dabi escorting him.

Dabi: Make yourself at home, your the one who bought this place after all.

He dryly said. Vader brought the duffle bag off his shoulder and handed it to Dabi.

Dabi: What is- this?!

He was surprised by the heavy weight of the duffle bag. Vader's cybernetic limb and suit has its advantages for such occasions.

Vader: I was able to successfully create your support device to stabalize your quirk.

Dabi raised an eyebrow when he opened the bag to see its contents. He was surprised to see two gauntlet-like gloves inside the bag.

Vader: Keep in mind these are only prototypes. They will only be able to work for your palms. I plan for an upgrade by adding an full cooling exoskeleton suit. You'll be able to reach your quirk's full potential with no drawbacks whatsoever.

He proudly said, leaving Dabi with wide eyes.

Dabi: H-how the hell did you get your hands on these?

Vader pondered to come up with a valid answer for Dabi's question...


*K A B O O M*

Vader's maintenance chamber exploded from Mei's infamous shenanigans when it comes to "making babies." He was thrown across the room and covered in ash from the explosion. He painfully groaned when he hit the wall and fell to the floor, and laid motionless. Most of his tools and gadgets were scattered all over the place, and his droids were malfunctioning from their damages.

The reason why Vader chose her out of all people was because she helped in repairing in his suit and her high intelligence.

Mei: Another successful procedure!

She says with sparkly eyes as she lifts the device above her head. Vader weakly raises his head from the floor.

Vader: Do y-you have to always- do this?

He weakly asked the pink-haired girl.

Mei: What? You said if I help you build this, you'd allow me to look around your lab and inspect your babies! Oh I can't wait to tear them apart and see what makes them tick!

The obsessive inventor scares Vader to the core. He already has his regrets for asking Mei for help with building the gauntlets.



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End of flashback.

Vader internally shuddered from the reminder of his lab being nearly destroyed by Mei.

Vader: You are in all likelihood of better off not knowing.

Dabi shrugs his shoulders in acknowledgment as he inspects the gauntlets' design.

Vader: I shall return in a later time for young Toga when I make a breakthrough. Artificial blood is a little tricky to come by.

Speaking of Toga, Vader wonders what the yandere vampire is up to at this moment. He gets his answer when the sound of a male screaming bloody murder erupts from the basement follow by the sound of spilling liquid. He senses two individuals from below; one is in fear, pain, and suffering. The other on the other hand has an extremely enthusiastic and blood thirsty nature. Vader sighs underneath his mask knowing full well it is Toga "playing" with her victim.

Vader: Who is her unfortunate victim this time?

Dabi: Ex-con... Pedophile.

He said with a trail of disgust and venom.

Vader: Understandable. Have a pleasant day.

(Timeskip brought to you by Lord Vader and Lord Garmadon drinking with their "#1 DAD" mugs.)

Vader returned to UA shortly after his visit with Dabi and Toga. The sounds of lightsabers clashing scream across Vader's monastery when the blades of the two knights dance with one another at the courtyard. He wanted Yuri to be prepared for Darth Malgus. Although Yuri's first mission at the City Hall was a success, Vader thought this won't be enough for her. His training became harder than before, due to him not wanting his apprentice be unprepared when going up against the ancient Sith Lord.

Vader casually walked as he swing his lightsaber towards his apprentice. Yuri parried all of them as she was backing away from his stride.

Yuri leaps away from Vader and tries to hit him by throwing her lightsaber at him like a boomerang, but he foresees it and parries the spinning blade

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Yuri leaps away from Vader and tries to hit him by throwing her lightsaber at him like a boomerang, but he foresees it and parries the spinning blade.

She uses this moment to her advantage in speed with her Form IV, Ataru. She rushes at Vader by doing flips, rapid maneuvers around her master. But being the skillful master he is, Vader wards off all of her attacks.

Yuri saw her one chance and took it by kicking Vader in the abdomen, sending him back. But Vader pulled her with him with the force as she was being dragged toward him, Vader was ready to strike as if he was a baseball player waiting for the pitch.

At the last second before the hit came, Yuri was able to block Vader's strike with her lightsaber. The two crossed their blades in an attempt to overpower the other.

 The two crossed their blades in an attempt to overpower the other

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I mean, they were both cool dads in the end, so is it really that much of a joke?

1mo ago

Why from vaders part it looks like two children trying to slap play fight but with lightsabers

3mo ago

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