CHAPTER 1 "noclipped,,

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Mondays are boring, thats common knowledge if you go to school, but this monday was different...

Let me start from the beginning.

One day I was woken up by my alarm as usual since it was school.

"Welp, this will be the most boring day of school this week.,, I said to myself.
I get ready for school, and once im there i see rim, tibozo and valr.
(Valr was not a spelling mistake btw)

Rim says as she hugs me.
"Hello Micbraincell-🔪🔫,, i hear vale say.
"Hi-.,, said tibozo.

After a while of talking the well rang.
"Welp, cya after class tibo.,, I said as we head to class.

^After class^

We headed outside after the bell rang, we headed to recess.
"Looks like we're the first class to be outside.,, rim said, since no one else was there yet.
We waited for tibozo's class to come out, and after about 2 minutes of waiting, they finnaly came.

We decided to head to the benches, but they were all full already.
"Looks like we cant sit today-,, vale said.
"We can go to a wall and just talk there.,, said tibo.

I thought that was a good idea so we did, and right as I was about to lean against a wall, i fell through it instead.
This is a short chapter but there will be longer ones + this is the intro chapter so not much to talk abt anyway.
Also this is a project I'm working on on my own so that means no one else is helping me make this, not cus they dont want to but cus I chose to.

where am I? (the backrooms)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt