13: Company Pride Taken

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The next morning, the weather had not improved, and true to their word Matthew and Thomas bundled themselves into a coach in the early hours. As their journey began, wheels rumbling over the rocky drive, Thomas watched the Humphrey home fade from view with a pensive frown.

In their absence, the household drew closer still to a semblance of normalcy. With heartfelt thanks and not a little persuasion, Aunt Jemima was convinced to return home for a few days and rest. Bart accompanied her, set on checking that the weather had not caused any damage on the estate, and Simon was similarly caught up in his responsibilities. Without a governess, Phil joined him and was far more help than hinderance.

Beth and David had also chosen to remain for a few days, both to spend time with their family and assist with Isabela as much as they could. Mostly they could be found in the sitting room, curled together on a settee with a book between them, or strolling through the gardens when the rains eased. Once, they were even found in the servants' quarters, emerging from the room David had first occupied when he was recuperating with them. If David's hair was mussed, or Beth's dress slightly askew, the servants knew better than to comment on it, even as the couple blushed and hurried back to the sitting room.

Vincent was oblivious to all of this; his days had one very specific, very delicate, focus.

Two days after Matthew and Thomas had departed, Beth found him sitting in the library with a book forgotten in his lap. He had been thinking.

Beth took the seat opposite him, her smile genuine but firm as she set her hands in her lap.

"Vincent, I-" She cut off as he winced, dipping his head at the woven basket by his feet, half hidden by a table. It took her a moment to recognise it as a makeshift bassinet, and even longer in the dim afternoon light to recognise the quick rise and fall of Isabela's chest. Beth's mouth was slightly agape, half shocked, half amused, as she quickly rose and seated herself closer to her bother.

"I didn't realise you had company," she commented softly, leaning forward to smile down at the sleeping child.

These days, Vincent always had company. Isabela did not want to be parted from him, but he could not spend all his time in the nursery, and he could not constantly have her in his arms. In compromise, he, Matilda, and his Aunt Jemima had strung together a bed for the child that he could easily move from room to room. The moment he could contrive to safely put her on horseback with him was the moment he resumed his daily rides. He had not voiced this aloud however, as he was concerned someone might misconstrue it as a joke.

Beth didn't seem concerned by his silence, her gaze lingering on Isabela's soft features. "She looks so young," she murmured, "and so much littler than she should."

Vincent had a similar concern. By their aunt's estimation, Isabela was perhaps six or seven months old. By that age, she'd said, the babe should be sitting and playing, and doing her best to crawl. Mostly, Isabela slept. Vincent was doing his best not to be worried, but even then he felt himself frown. Although, he reasoned, if he'd been through all she had, perhaps he would want to do little more than sleep or eat as well!

Still, he nodded his agreement with his sister's thoughts.

With a small, huffed sigh, Beth drew her attention off the child's face and met Vincent's gaze evenly. "Have you given much though to what happens next?"

Vincent blinked. Before he could ask her to be more specific, Beth continued.

"Now that you know her mother has passed, what will happen to Isabela? From what you've described, the other women aren't in a position to care for her suitably."

Ah. It had been one of the things he was considering. The sooner Isabela found a permanent home, the better for all of them. She needed someone to encourage her to crawl, and teach her to talk, and bring out smiles and laughter. She needed someone to love her as much as Gabriela had.

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