(Y/N) White is the younger sister of Apple White, son of Winter White. Apple was the one with a destiny, making (Y/N) feel like she didn't have a purpose. So when she started at Ever After High, (Y/N) decided to experiment by taking both Rebel and R...
The students of Ever After High were getting ready for the day. But today was no ordinary day. Today was the birthday of the twin children of Snow White. In honor of their birthday, the school was holding a bake-off. Both the royal twins were planning to look their fairest today, but both had different plans for the day.
Apple was excited for the baking competition mostly. And being showered in praise by his school-mates. (Y/N) was also excited for the baking competition, because honestly, who didn't like cake on their birthday?
But the princess had other plans for afterwards. Raven had promised a surprise for later when the festivities have calmed down a little bit. While they both revealed their relationship to the whole school during True Hearts Day, the royal-rebel couple still liked to keep their relationship private. Mostly because Apple was still somewhat against their dating.
(Y/N) couldn't care less though. Who was her brother to tell her what to do? She certainly wasn't going to let him run her life. Apple wasn't king yet.
*with Raven and Apple*
"Is there anything more perfectly charming then my birthday?" Raven rolled his eyes at his roommate.
"Um, my birthday? And it's not just your birthday, it's (Y/N)'s too," Raven said. Apple laughed.
"Don't be such a kidder. Does the entire school spellibrate your birthday with a Royal Cake Baking Contest?" the royal boy exclaimed.
'If your sister had it her way, they probably would' Raven thought.
"It's not just the royals in the baking contest this year. I'm going to make you and (Y/N) the most hexcelent apple crumb cake," Raven said, walking back to his side of the room to change.
(A/N: We love a man who bakes. Like seriously, I'm hoping my future boyfriend will be willing to bake with me, even if I can be a bit controlling in the kitchen *pauses before looking up recipies for apple crumb cake*)
"You mean poison apple crumb cake. You wouldn't be the son of the Evil King if you DIDN'T try to poison me," Apple responded hopefully.
"Don't you remember Legacy Day? I'm writing my own destiny now. Besides, trying to poison you results in poisoning your sister as well, aka my girlfriend. Anyway, my cake is just going to have sugar and cinnamon. And a little bit of love for (Y/N)," Raven winked before disappering behind his walled section of the room. Apple pouted in response.
(A/N: Raven was honestly too cute in this scene. And seriously Apple, why do you want to be poisoned on your birthday? You're weird)
*with (Y/N), Briar, and Ashlyn*
(Y/N) POV:
"You excited for the bake-off, (Y/N)?" Ashlynn asked as we got ready for the day.
"Mm-hm. Raven said he was going to participate so I'm super excited to see what he ends up baking," I replied. I stepped out from behind my divider to reveal my outfit for the day.
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"Look at you girlfriend. Trying to look special for a certain rebel?" Briar asked teasingly. I blushed in reply.
"We'll take that as a yes. Does Raven have anything special planned for your birthday?" Ashlynn asked as she put her shoes on.
"He says he has a surprise for me. I can't help but wonder what it might be though," I muttered as I brushed out my hair.
"I'm sure it'll be super sweet. Oh, before I forget..." Ashlynn trailed off before grabbing a wrapped box from under her bed and placing it in my lap. I opened it up to see a new pair of shoes that were red with small black bows on the tops of them.
(A/N: It's Ashlynn y'all. We knew they were going to be shoes)
"Ashlynn, these are so cute! I can't wait to wear them," I exclaimed. I switched out my current shoes with the new ones. Fit like a glove.
"Oh, here's mine!" Briar exclaimed, shoving a gift bag into my hands. I dug into the tissue to find a new pair of headphones. My previous pair recently disappeared. I suspected Kitty...
"I know I tend to snore, and it gets on your nerves when you're trying to read or do homework, so I got you a pair of noise canceling ones. Guaranteed to even block out a dragon's roar," Briar stated proudly before falling back on her bed, out cold. Ashlynn and I giggled at it.
"We better finish getting ready. Don't want to be late for the bake-off," Ashlynn and I finished our hair and makeup, then got to work on waking up Briar before we all left our dorm.
It was finally time for the bake-off. I got a little tired of the constant 'Happy Birthday's' being said to me so I eventually found a secluded area and tried out my new headphones. Briar was right, couldn't hear a thing. My brother had to literally shake me to get my attention to tell me it was time to judge the cakes.
All of the cakes looked really good so far. Each one was making my mouth water. Until we got to Darcy's cake.... I'm not eating a cake with her face on it. That can be all Apple's. And finally, we got to Raven.
"And now we have Raven's cake," Apple sounded almost disappointed. Does he really think Raven would want to poison him on our birthday? My brother can be so weird sometimes.
As Apple and I got ready to taste it, Blondie came over saying she was our official taste tester. I'm thinking she just wanted to eat the cake. Can't blame her though, the cake looks really good.
My thought process of cake got interrupted by Blondie suddenly turning into... a phoenix? What the hex?
"Apple, (Y/N), I swear I-"
"You did try to poison me!" Apple interrupted Raven by embracing him. I looked at my boyfriend in confusion who just shrugged.
"Hey, I'm the one who- uh I mean, yes. Way to go Raven you bad evil boy," Briar tried to cover her slip-up. Unsuccessfully.
"Briar?" Raven asked, annoyed she messed with his cake.
"Oops, gotta fly," Briar shoved some cake in her mouth, expecting to turn into a bird. She became a turtle instead. We all just watched as she slowly tried to get away. I'll talk with her later. Right now, cake time!
"Why do I need to be blindfolded again?" I asked after tripping over a root for like the tenth time. Raven chuckled.
"I keep telling you, it's a surprise," he continued to guide me, not well though since I nearly fell over this time before Raven caught me.